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GoSpeed Racer

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Everything posted by GoSpeed Racer

  1. So here I am, bored in quarantine and I decided to upgrade a male avatar. I got to the store, upgrade his body and get a demo bento head. Throw it all on, looks great, yay! HOWEVER, when I go to edit my shape, I am not allowed! The default shape that came with the head is No Modify! Sure, he kinda looks OK as a Kylo Ren - Klingon with fat lips mashup, but I want to tweak the shape to see how close I can get to the original look. I hop in group chat and the moderator was like, buy the head and find out yourself. I'm like, that's a big investment! It's a demo for crying out loud! It has the brand name of the product floating over my head. What am I stealing by modifying the shape? Is this common practice with all mesh head demos?
  2. Taking a break from telework with Iva. Feeling happy and bemused!
  3. I updated ABBA Svenska with a free mesh head from Genus. She now kinda resembles Sandra Bullock
  4. Reading the news feeds, the forums, and social media:
  5. Me, Iva, Rhonda, and Clover had an impromptu photo session:
  6. Alone at home, alone in SL. Waiting to hear if I was exposed to COVID-19 at work 😞
  7. My supervisor texted me and said a coworker of mine tested positive for COVID-19. My place of employment is determining who this person had contact with and will let those people know soon. Hopefully I wasn't one of them. It's been 6 days since they were in the office and I feel fine.
  8. Speaking of long lost souls returning to SL, Heath Elvehjem (Heath Vercher) returned to SL last night and held a concert:
  9. Part of making friends is just being there and interacting with everyone else. So, come to the Breakfast, the Shelter, or any place that people gather. Be known, be yourself, and the friendships will follow.
  10. I randomly came across a hair store I've never heard of before, Navy & Copper. This hair looks very nice on Kona!
  11. I arrive, You depart... Do you know the feeling when you arrive somewhere and a certain someone is always leaving without saying a word?
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