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GoSpeed Racer

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Everything posted by GoSpeed Racer

  1. Mine I've used for pictures, mostly. Now I've immortalized them as characters in my novels.
  2. I've written one short story (unpublished; 20k words), three full length novels averaging 90k each, and am almost finished with a short story anthology of about 40k words. I have also started writing my 4th novel. I'm self published on Amazon and Smashwords. IM me if you'd like a link.
  3. It boggles my mind that I encounter people who are intimidated by me!
  4. Locked out and alone. Weekdays go by so slowly in SL
  5. I'm normally not up this late on a Sunday night. I can see I am not missing much.
  6. Busy-busy in RL, but had a chance to log in for a while and chatted with Rhonda and Clover at the Hangout.
  7. I sat in Rhonda's favorite barstool. She called it her "throne." I guess she'll have to remove me from it by some method.
  8. My oldest memories, let's see. Well, I had an account before this one so I'll go with that. I recall finding a Star Trek Museum with a Klingon starship floating nearby. Seeing a Black Widow avatar at the Ahern welcome area. Landing on the Caledon sim the very first night it arrived. Attending a live concert at a venue that had a pond/frog motif.
  9. Went to Book island with Iva and Rhonda. The host, Selena Greene read submissions by me and Iva.
  10. Bay City's 11th Anniversary party was today!
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