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Elena Blossom

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Everything posted by Elena Blossom

  1. I haven't seen her in months, nor our Bellisseria cat...
  2. Oh no sorry, just leaving my opinion I got another Trad, facing the river
  3. That's a great location!!! I'm totally obsessed with being close to water. It took me a long time to get my Victorian, and now I got my Trad too hehe. You're so lucky with spots, great job!!!
  4. Morning everyone!! I've been really lucky with abandons lately, this pretty spot show up just 5 min ago, It's close to the river, with quite a nice distance to the neighbours, so it's definitely a keeper to me. I probably will be releasing my "joy of steps trad" in a few hours. I will post it here in advance in case anyone is interested
  5. @Eowyn Altney, in my experience, you get those locations either by luck or by trying 4millions times
  6. Talking about steps... We got this abandon this morning; it's so weird, that I think we are keeping it for a while...
  7. @Atina0, we just grabbed an abandon in my hubby's account, and got something similar, but when getting inworld, there was nothing
  8. It could be, maybe due to our Moles taking a deserved New Years Eve break.
  9. Agreed. If you walk around the new regions that have been released, you can find some empty homes. Actually, in regions like Fraid Knot or Falcon Heights, some homes that are currently owned, still have the red lines and hovering texts. Weird Saturday
  10. @CIRIOANGELDELUZ, sobre la perfecta respuesta de Hydra, que contiene todo lo que necesitas: sólo recomendarte abrir un caso para que LL pueda reembolsarte ese dinero que se ha ido al limbo. Mi experiencia con el equipo de soporte de LL es muy buena, y la verdad es que ayudan bastante
  11. Morning Belli hunters!! Today we just have Campers and boats on the land page, it seems even the 'so many Trads being offered' have been taken too
  12. Some people just love discussion... That 's the only thing I can come up with
  13. @Lucille Babenco, it has never been easier getting a home, now all you need is a Premium account, annd you get one.
  14. We used to live in a skybox, and usually went for the Apple Fall ones. The store has both modern loft to more traditional style; you can find a couple of the models in the marketplace page, but there are a few more at the main store. I hope this helps
  15. Wow, I just came across this great thread, coming from really long ago!!! So i'm the newbie here, wishing all the lovely people here a Muy feliz Navidad. I hope you've all had an amazing time with your beloved ones
  16. My alt got 3 homes at Westlake, one of them without the home hehe , (I just had to log in again to get it) It's a nice sim, but too plane to me, I didn't get any pond, river view or flowers bank... Just regular parcels, so I guess I'll wait till tomorrow and see what happens.
  17. Merry Xmas Chloe. I hope someone as nice as you, has a wonderful night. I can't imagine how hard it must be, but I'm sure you will have those who love you around. And someone special looking after you from the Sky
  18. ¡Feliz Navidad! Gracias por el post @Hydra Acer; a ver si para el 2020, se anima este foro un poquito, que últimamente no da para mucho. Que paséis todos una Nochebuena maravillosa
  19. I'm not sure it is the same one, but it reminds me of Lilo by Truth
  20. Are you really attached to your avi? Because if you really want a fresh start, and haven't invested to much money on the former one, the easiest and most refreshing way, is to create a new avatar
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