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Lara Aulder

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Everything posted by Lara Aulder

  1. I never saw this head before, is she editable?
  2. There's a way to "test" the mesh before upload without spend 10L ?
  3. I want opinions about the differences between then, please? I use firestorm, I want to switch to Catznip. And I wish to know what viewer is better for creators?
  4. I suggest you stop fooling yourself ?
  5. Sure. But it's definitely illusionous hotter than the classical bodies.
  6. Be honest always, why people are not honest to begun? Why would you pretend to be something just to please others and your alienated minds? People actually care about that yet? You don't need to "open your soul" but just be yourself. I guess...
  7. It's a mesh who looks like a human body. You buy. you attach. you're hot.
  8. Well Jenny, I can't see your messages and although your recently attitudes childish and with such a prematurely judment, I dont blame you, you're not obligate to like nothing. Just because you think i'm "this" or "that" or dont agree with me in something and I think you're "this or that" So what? Get over it. This is so last week subject. ?I dont hate you, I dont take it personal. If you're having little problems just take you're little pills. No need to tantrum. Funny you don't visit these forums often enough, and when you do you're in topics that you're not even comment just to react my posts, lol. Yes, i'm a douchebag. Unless I'm not an ordinary ass-kisser like most... ☝️ ?
  9. You welcome. I've had a similar problem when uploading for the game, I tried to reduce the quality, but still get the error. There's a lot of heavy pieces in SL, somehow they can upload without any issues. But yes, maybe this could be the problem, if your piece is big and heavy. Try to put something between 10 and 20 in Particle Distance on MD. TYPICAL CAUSES FOR THIS ISSUE SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN OBJECT NAMES Most dangerous characters are: & < ! > # $ ‘ “ RESOLUTION: Remove special characters in Object names and then export again SPECIAL CHARACTERS IN FILE NAMES Most dangerous characters are: & < ! > # $ ( * ) [ ] { } ‘ “ RESOLUTION: Remove special characters in file names (renaming the .dae file should be enough) EXTREMELY DENSE MESHES Please check if your mesh contains areas with very small triangles (edge length smaller than about 1 millimeter) RESOLUTION: Try to avoid high resolution meshes. You are doing better when you put high density into textures and normal maps (Normal maps are now supported by Second Life) ORPHANED EDGES AND VERTICES If your mesh contains edges which do not belong to any face or disconnected vertices. RESOLUTION: Remove these edges and vertices. Hint: in Edit mode Select -> Non Manifold to find candidates. You may want to disable the “boundary” option in the operator panel. DUPLICATE VERTICES If your mesh contains duplicate vertices this can cause issues. However sometimes duplicate verts are on purpose (for example when you use the split edge modifier in Blender 2.73 or older) so you need to test if this issue is caused by split edge or by accidental duplicates. RESOLUTION: Remove the duplicate vertices. Hint: in Edit mode ‘W’ -> Remove Doubles to delete the duplicates. http://blog.machinimatrix.org/blender/dae-parsing-issue/ Hope it helps to fix your problem.
  10. Do you know how to use Blender? Maybe you can try in Blender and see if the error continues. I made a google search and there's a lot of topics about that here.
  11. You can download everything for free in the video description links. That's how you're gonna get the body to Marvelous and export back to blender to make a rigged FITMESH.
  12. Try to use your own shape in Developer > Avatar > Character Tests > Appearance to XML (save and import to blender) Or maybe you're rigging in "BONES". I always rig in "Meshes" option. Try to rigg in "MESHES". (or maybe "avastar", never tried tho)
  13. Just don't use avastar to rig and thats it.
  14. You look gorgeous @Ceka Cianci. I loved this new GENUS head, so beautiful and realistic! I'm a little confused now cause I spent so much in CATWA stuff... If I was not a broken bish I'll definitely buy it already, so I'll try to save some money, I won 2k this week... I'm optimistic. Already saw a few good products available, but I just can't wait for that head dominate SL and nice brands start to create nice skins and everything for her.
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