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Theresa Tennyson

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Everything posted by Theresa Tennyson

  1. Ooo, you could do that now. Just need a bot named Calcifer in the fireplace. Thanks!
  2. Don't be so sure. The literal translation of what he's saying is, "As for you, if it's sushi, IT DOES NOT EXIST." At least he's saying it politely.
  3. Then keep using Lara 5.3. Nobody's "dictating" a blessed thing. If the fact that a lot of clothing makers are now rigging for LaraX is "dictating" then they also "dictated" that Slink Hourglass got a lot more support than Slink Physique Original after a while.
  4. No; if object entry is off the vehicle is returned instantly. You'll need "object entry" on and the auto-return timer set to what you think is a reasonable time.
  5. Nothing. It already has, depending on how object-entry and auto-return are set. In Satori, where I spend a lot of my time, I've stopped temporarily on roads often. My "family businesses" often have parking lots that are set for exactly what you want.
  6. Treat a "parked/anchored" vehicle as an avatar attachment. If we're making changes, increase the distance the avatar can move away from the "anchored" attachment with the tradeoff that the attachment won't be allowed to move/be moved while anchored and it can't be anchored on a parcel that doesn't allow object entry.
  7. Yes. Now read the description of "action mode" for this car: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/EXP-Super-80-Resizable-Sportscar-with-Walking-Mode/24042976
  8. Once you stand from a vehicle it stops being a vehicle and becomes an object on the land. Just as I think it's unreasonable for landowners to take extreme measures against vehicle entry, I think it would be unreasonable for a vehicle owner to request special status for their parked vehicle.
  9. Replacement for "flapdoodle." Because I used "flapdoodle with a very, very different* forum poster a few years ago so I retired it. *Like EXTRA different. Really.
  10. When did they say that? Even using the "codswallop" definition of "legal", mind you.
  11. I also didn't say they weren't illegal*. I have no authority, so my opinion as to whether or not something is allowed by those in authority is meaningless. That's a concept that a lot of people seem to have trouble with. *Actually, of course they're not "illegal", because they don't violate any real-world laws.
  12. They became a direct directive on Bellisseria less than a month after the post I quoted.
  13. https://www.lagressiere.com/legal-definition-of-should-understanding-the-legal-implications/ The legal definition of « should » in a contract implies an obligation or duty, but with some flexibility. It is not as stringent as « must » or « shall », but it still conveys a sense of expectation and responsibility.
  14. The whole situation has been repeated so many times that I skipped my "triple-dare" line, which is:
  15. What exactly did I claim? And a lot of your "refutations" were based on how people could see things that were invisible.
  16. Yep, it's about that time. Now here's where I typically post this from the same Knowledge Base article: Script Use You can use scripted objects to enhance your land ownership tools. Generally, such scripts should: Provide adequate warning to the undesired Resident. Only work within the property lines (this includes projectiles that cannot operate beyond the parcel boundaries). Not be excessive in the removal of the unwanted Resident. Pushing an avatar off the property or teleporting them home is generally acceptable; intentionally applying a script to disrupt someone's Second Life connection or online status is not allowed. Scripts or no scripts, you cannot use land ownership as a way to unfairly restrict another Second Life Resident's personal freedoms. Now someone will post, "It says 'should', not 'must." This whole argument was taking place literally days before Linden Lab removed ban lines and set up limitations on orbs in Bellisseria.
  17. As we've gone over before, there is no definition of "tresspassing" in Second Life. If you try to apply real-world laws you then wreck on issues of notice, intent, and airspace use.
  18. I'd be willing to guess that the owners of the many airports on the Mainland pay a lot more tier than you do.
  19. Not if the owner of the parking lot shoots you for stepping onto their unmarked asphalt...
  20. Speaking of "small minorities", whining or otherwise, there don't really seem to be that many Mainland owners who are trying to keep their land completely no-access either. From the forums, it appears to just be a handful of people, and most of them are in this thread already.
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