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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. So... a furry escort service? No kink-shaming here! I just need to make sure I'll be providing the right services for my clients! 😋
  2. Also, I never got around to logging in last night. Did anyone visit the escort service and how was it did you find anything of interest?
  3. How I'm picturing everyone who doesn't have a home yet right now:
  4. Of course it would! What is a House of Ill Repute without part-time ill repute help??
  6. I was making a simple comparison of the thing I hate the most to the way some people hate gachas. It could have just as easily been mushrooms, but I'd much rather eat a mushroom than eat a Trump. Sorry that it went over your head! I'll try to dumb it down more next time!
  7. Same! But probably not the same people and probably not for the same reasons. 😜
  8. As proof that LL can never please everyone, I really wish I had known this before I upgraded to the full year, even knowing it's going to save me money in the long run. I robbed Peter to pay Paul and now I find out I didn't need to. sighs Whatevs.
  9. We need big stretch limos. Gaudy and complete tack-o-rama. The driver has to swing around and pick us all up and drive us to the house of ill repute just like they do in Las Vegas since prostituting is only legal outside city limits! Should I bring my resume??
  10. Your street is going to be VERY popular tonight!
  11. Egads! It was the first hit that came up on YouTube searching for that song and I didn't even bother watching it!
  12. I'm curious about whether it's RP or not. I wonder where this little gem can be found on Bellisseria... I'd love to take a look. Also, nudity is a-ok in public! Just don't do anything that would involve using those exposed bits.
  13. I had never heard of Gor until SL and since I don't RP I've not paid a lot of attention to it other than to write people off as broken who display any interest in it. There is a whole wave of (I really hesitate to say men here) men who are somehow getting indoctrinated into this belief that women are inferior and were put on this earth to serve men - the incels. Are there more now than there used to be, or is it just that they have tools (the internet) to find each other and prop each other up in their beliefs, giving them courage to be more vocal? I'm not sure how much of it has to do with porn because I think a person has to already have those proclivities in order to act on them. I have watched and enjoyed a lot of porn that most feminists would consider harmful to women and not a good example of anything a man should ever watch to get ideas on how women like to be treated. For most of us, we watch, we... do the thing... then we turn it off and forget about it. For those whose brain is already mis-wired, it's absolutely going to have a detrimental effect on them, but is it harming them anymore than if they hadn't watched it? I genuinely don't know the answer to that. I would almost say that rap and hip-hop music have just as negative of an effect on impressionable youngsters with the way women are spoken about, and treated as if it's just normal.
  14. Some people hate gachas more than I hate Donald Trump, and I hate him with the burning white hot passion of a billion suns.
  15. Dag nabbit! I wanted to open the first Bellisseria brothel but it wasn't going to have a sign! It was going to be all hush-hush and elegant with just a tiny red light in one window! I would absolutely report anyone advertising their place as an escort service.
  16. There's a typo in the word search puzzle... lol!
  17. My objection to it is that women deserve better porn (and there is MUCH better out there) and that whatever his name was isn't a dominant. He's a psychopathic abuser and it was presented as being erotic and thousands upon thousands of women and teenage girls read it (or watched it) and came away thinking it was sooooooooooooo dreamy and are going to get destroyed by women-hating miscreants in the name of 50 Shades of Abusive Behavior.
  18. I didn't claim anything. And what I call the homes that people have opened up for the community to use just that. Homes. Private ones. They can have open houses all the want, but it doesn't change the fact that they are private homes. Mine is open, too, for anyone who wants to come in and use any of the naughty furniture, but it's also still my private house(boat).
  19. Are you serious with this? No one has said this in any way.
  20. She said "community areas"... I'm assuming she meant Linden owned land not private sims and/or installations. And she said nothing about interacting with anyone else.
  21. Trying this on the way home tonight! 😉
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