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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. You realize this just makes us adore you even more, right? I saw this a couple of days ago, and suddenly the world makes complete sense to me. I have always hated both navy and maroon. They're like blue and red that are just trying too hard.
  2. Er... that makes two of us... lol! I wonder how old he actually is...
  3. I would guess that 95% of the time in SL, probably more, when people say "lindens", they're talking about the currency. I don't say United States of America Dollars when I say something costs $5, even though there is also the Australian dollar, the Fijian dollar, the Singapore dollar, Liberian dollar, and quite a few more and I really don't consider that "lazy-speak" as you say. And do you really always say "Oh, that dress costs 250 linden dollars" rather than "Oh, that dress costs 250 lindens"? Always? Really? No one is going to presume when someone is talking about buying lindens that they're talking about buying a person who works for Linden Lab, and if they do, they have bigger issues than use of a word that is both a name and a type of currency. This really didn't need to be a thing, and a new resident really didn't need that condescension when you knew perfectly well what he was talking about. Things like this are why the majority of SL residents don't frequent these forums...
  4. When you have to apologize for something before you do it, perhaps it's best to just not. Also, I'm fairly sure that... Nah, never mind.
  5. blushes rather fiercely He speaks the truth, though. I'd miss him terribly, especially since I can't find anything wrong with any of the scripts on my boat anymore to entice him to stop by with his great big giant pickle. (That is not a euphemism... he really does have a big pickle!)
  6. I was going to post a really trite meme here, but since I know you've had a TBI (I saw it mentioned in another thread when I first joined the forums) I'm not going to. I'm assuming (and I probably shouldn't assume anything) that perhaps this affects your ability to see certain things the way others do, and that absolutely isn't your fault. However, that doesn't excuse you from recognizing that you may be seeing things differently than others do, and perhaps taking a step back sometimes to realize and accept that sometimes what your brain is telling you may be wrong, even if you are absolutely positive that isn't the case. You know you had a TBI, and you know it affects you. I'm not a medical doctor or a psychologist so take that for whatever it's worth. I don't think you're a horrible person but I do see you taking people's words the wrong way quite often and you get angry an awful lot when no offense was meant. Anyway, take care of yourself and do whatever you feel you need to do.
  7. That was an astronomically HUGE leap you made there. It takes a lot more than being argumentative for me to thinking anyone is a horrible person.
  8. Same ol', same ol'... but I FREAKING love that the popcorn bucket says "pupcorn".
  9. There is no jumping to conclusions, Selene. I went back and re-read just to make sure I didn't miss something. There was no outline for the discussion stating that it was solely about direct income sources. The conversation grew and expanded, as conversations tend to do, to encompass where LL income is derived from. You made a presumption that everyone was on YOUR page discussing only direct income sources. That was your presumption, not anyone else's.
  10. Oh, I'm willing to bet you're quite capable at other things as well... (I know, I know... shame on me!) Also, I'm very glad that wasn't you in alt form since he got VERY persistent last night and I had to be not-so-nice to him...
  11. Please, please, please, please, please let Bellisseria be overrun with kittens. And puppies. And maybe some baby goats!
  12. Took the boat out for a little spin down the new river... can confirm that one of the bridges is extremely low. Ouch.
  13. I took what she said to mean "little people" as in anyone who isn't a land baron, not people without premium accounts...
  14. It never fails to make me laugh. Not sure what it is about it, but it's perfect. Maybe because I feel quite sure that if my little beasties could talk, it'd be a lot like that!
  15. This is exactly how I deal with supporters of the Orange Monstrosity.
  16. I've only been active on these forums now for something like a month, but one thing I have noticed here is the abundance of "oldbies". I don't mean this in a derogatory way, but I have a good idea of how long most of you have been in SL because you really, really, really like to let people know you've been here since the dawn of time. 😝 I think a lot of residents that aren't quite so ancient, or don't cling to their longevity as a status point, simply use other ways of communicating outside of the official forums, or the older blogs like Hamlet's, etc. There are huge numbers of residents with a Facebook presence, Plurk, and Flickr, of course, but also Skype, Instagram, Twitter, and Discord. Even though I'm quite enjoying my time here on the forums, my SL friends congregate elsewhere when not logged in, and sometimes even when we are logged in because Skype is more dependable for voice than SL. There are 10 zillion fashion blogs, but creators all have Flickr and FB accounts I can follow so I don't need to look at the blogs to see what's coming out, not to mention the inherent and continuous drama that goes along with the fashion bloggers. The SL-endorsed SLebrities are just really not of interest to most people in SL. Berry had a good thing going because her tutorials were really helpful and it used to be very interactive with her Meme Mondays and things like that. It was fun but then she got married, and pregnant, and super-crazy--busy as happens in RL and the more fun things were understandably too time consuming for her to keep up with. These forums, that other one that I haven't visited forever that changed (SLuniverse or something?) and, oddly, Reddit, seems to be comprised of a lot of people who hold a lot of negativity towards LL. I don't see that same level of vitriol towards them on FB or Flickr. No one that I know outside of these forums has even really noticed, much less cared, that the premium cost is going up. Most of them had no idea about Bellisseria until I told them. I think what I'm getting at is that most residents, in my experience (and I've been around a damn long time, too), don't really give a hoot about most of the things people on these forums or the blogs like Hamlet's or Drax's, care about. They log in, shop, dance, rent a parcel, take pics, decorate, have sex and go on about their day. They aren't trying to make money or run a business (outside of some clubs that aren't going to make any money, either). It's simply entertainment for them and they care more about the social fun aspects than whatever is pissing someone off on any given day here because LL has done something they don't like. They're just as engaged as the people on these forums, but in different, newer ways, I think.
  17. I took a little gander earlier today and got chided by someone's alt named "X" for NOT bothering the Moles while they were working. He assured me that the Moles weren't THAT uptight about being bothered, and, "oh, they get a paycheck? Well, I wouldn't know that because I work for myself... " It was a rather fortuitous moment for me to "crash". @Quartz Mole baby, if that was you, I'm sorry for blowing you off!
  18. Should have been a little more clear... lol! I actually do know what "gratis" means, but thank you for explaining the rest! Since I've always really just rented except for my little Linden Home, I've never really been clear about all the different options/versions of land.
  19. I'm trying to figure out how to say this in a way that doesn't sound ugly because I sincerely don't mean it that way. I am genuinely curious about why you stay in SL, or associated with SL, when it seems you dislike LL so much. Of course, it's absolutely none of my business, but I since I started using these forums a month or so ago, it just really seems like you are unhappy with every decision LL makes or has made. There must be something good that keeps you here?
  20. *I* know who they all are, but thank you for the tutorial. The SL I inhabit is full of oldbies, perverts, porn fans, and trollopistas. We know Stroker, Sylva (RIP), and Jennnnna. You're forgetting, though, about the furniture and land. Though I have no doubt far more people buy bras than a Bento MMF femdom/fetish cuckold couch with built-in Aeros/It'sNotMine compatibility, AND auto-attach props, the cost for that bra (with panties!) is probably around L$250 compared to L$7,500 for that couch, and there are still A LOT of people buying those couches. I don't know if there is any way of knowing, really, but my guess is that things with the dreaded scarlet letter attached to them account for more than 10% of the SL economy if you take land into account as well.
  21. Someone (Patch?) said that there are something like 63,000 premium accounts, so it might take a minute. However, and you can see this if you look at the SSP thread, there are hundreds and hundreds that are currently being built as fast as our darling little Moles can work. They current release rate seems to be once a month, though I expect this may speed up a little after SL16B is out of the way.
  22. It's almost as if we all find different things important... lol! I don't even know what gratis open-space region is so it's probably not something I care about or need, and ditto with the name change ability thingie. For me, I want EVEN MORE GROUP SLOTS, and a Super-Sized Bellisseria (or similar concept continent) with more LI.
  23. Well crap! I've covered it now! What if my beloved @Quartz Mole is flashing messages on it asking me out on a date and I'm missing it??? DEAR GOD, WHAT HAVE I DONE???
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