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Beth Macbain

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Everything posted by Beth Macbain

  1. The thread was only mostly dead before. Now it’s super dead! RIP in pieces.
  2. To be fair, I have seen men with their buddies in their picks. It’s rare, but I’ve seen it once or twice.
  3. You think the scales are equally balanced? Maybe this will help. Saw it on FB today. “A pic of the riots in Minneapolis, MN last night. ...ohh wait, that’s not Minneapolis. That’s San Francisco after the Giants won the WS in 2010. Black people riot when they are fed up with their lives being seen as disposable. White people riot when their team wins a ball game. So if you think I’m going to give two sh**s about some inconvenienced truckers last night, you’re wrong.“ Slightly edited to change broken windows to inconvenienced truckers. Maybe it’s different in the UK, but here there are multiple incidents every single day of black people being beaten, arrested, and/or flat out murdered for committing crimes like driving while black, sitting while black, walking while black, eating while black... I’m a middle aged white woman and have never had to fear the police. That is not the reality for every single black person in the US. Every single one. And time and time again, their fear has been shown to be completely justified. The scales are NOT balanced.
  4. Only if each partner has to pay L$10,000 per week per partner to LL.
  5. Toxic masculinity. They’re afraid people will think they caught the gay.
  6. No one can be stoned online... no, wait... people absolutely can be stoned, but they can't get stoned? Or they can get stoned but not be stoned? Anyway, no one is doing it in real life, either, as far as I know. It also reminds me that reading the Lottery in school gave me nightmares. It still freaks me out just thinking about it. I hated that story. Damn it, Dano. ...crosses Dano back off the list...
  7. You know what's mean? Posting about kissing toes in a place where anti-foot fetishists are forced to read them. Y'all are gross! 🤢 Feet are the worst.
  8. Dad did exactly the opposite. He was even a republican city council member in our tiny town when he was younger. The older he got, the more he leaned left. He had a liberal wife, and 8 liberal kids, and I guess we finally rubbed off on him. Actually, I know we did through a him watching the things we (and our friends) were going through and concern for our futures.
  9. This reminds me... I've been meaning to tell you about a FB group I've joined that you might like. It's called the Misanthrope Group for Posting Animal Stuff Because People Suck. It's as magical as it sounds with things like this:
  10. Her family calls her their feisty Polish grandma. I have always had a big soft spot for the elderly. My grandparents were insane and hilarious and awesome, and my parents both got funnier the older they got. And yes, the stories... so, so many incredible stories. People need to stop and listen. There may not be any great pearls of wisdom (or there might!) but there will certainly stories that are worth hearing and keep alive through passing them on to others.
  11. And this reminds me of taking my father to vote in his next-to-last election before he passed. He was 87 years old and had broken his hip and had surgery. The bruising on his body from that fall and that surgery were unlike anything I've ever seen before in my life. He could stand up, but couldn't walk more than a step or two. He hated the wheelchair, though, and the damn thing really wouldn't fit in my car. There is absolutely no way in hell he was going to skip voting, though. He had a walker... one of those with the wheels and the little seat you can put down and sit on with a basket underneath it so he decided we'd take that, and I could just push him. I wasn't thrilled with the idea, but I also wasn't going to deny him his right to vote. The broken hip came after it was too late to get an absentee ballot. I'd been taking him to vote for years so I knew his polling place - and this part is absolutely my fault - he told me he'd received a notice that his polling place had changed, but my dumb ass didn't believe him so I took him to his usual polling place, got him out of the car, wheeled that damn walker up a rickety ramp to get into an old church with super narrow doors that weren't really wide enough to get the walker through, and up to check in. Yep, he was right - his location had changed. I felt like a bag of dirt. Had to wheel him back to the car, get him in, drive to the correct place, get him out again, into another building, then back in the car after voting and back to his apartment. He was in so much pain. SO MUCH PAIN. His hip surgery had only been two weeks before and he had just barely begun to heal. So when I hear about people who don't bother voting, it infuriates me. If my sweet old 87 year old papa with a broken hip and horrifying pain could get out and vote, there is absolutely no excuse for anyone else not to. The next election was his final one, and we did do an absentee ballot for him then - he took great pleasure in voting for a woman to be president and not that... well, I can't say on the forums what my dad called Trump, but it wasn't nice, and I'm glad that he and my mom are both gone now so they didn't have to live through this insanity.
  12. For anyone who might need this right now. PUPPIES! I am forever glad that puppies are a thing.
  13. Also, the way the "Next Unread Topic" button is right below the "Submit Reply" button.
  14. Candy Crush. Freaking Candy Crush. I don't know why it's gotta do me like it do. I need an adult to force me to delete it from my phone.
  15. Literally no one is stoning anyone. We're choosing not to buy their crap. HUGE difference.
  16. I love voting. I mean, I really love voting - the whole experience of getting my sample ballot the night before, researching every candidate for every office from president to school board members, going to the polling place, checking in with the sweet little old ladies, getting my ballot and going into my little private box with my little golf pencil and carefully filling in all the little circles. Even though I always vote straight Democrat, I won't just fill in that one little circle. I go through each one making my choices. Handing in my ballot and feeding it through the machine, getting my sticker or bracelet (I save them all) and being thanked by the sweet little old man at the door. I love everything about the entire experience and election days are the only days I really feel like an adult because I AM VOTING. Forget Christmas, Halloween, Easter - election days are my holidays. As soon as the polls close, I've got my computer, iPad, and phone (I don't own a TV) all streaming a different news station and spend the entire night watching the results coming in. I have sent in for my absentee ballot this year and doing that has been the worst part of this damn pandemic for me on a strictly personal basis. I'll still be voting, but it just won't be the same. I do get to make my choice, though, for the person who will be opposing the truly most evil man in America (Trump is 2nd) Mitch McConnell, so that'll be fun.
  17. I saw a video this morning of this delightful 103 year old lady named Jennie who kicked COVID's butt and celebrated with a Bud Light. I'm glad this feisty lady is still around to enjoy her favorite adult beverage.
  18. And this is the reason he is signing some sort of executive order today. He tweeted that, and it's absolutely false. There has never been a verified instance of voter fraud through absentee ballots. He lied. Twitter put a notification on this tweet (and another) that the information in the tweet may be false or something to that extent (I didn't read it and won't look at his tweets). He is a big fat orange liar, and people believe his lies without doing their own research. And now he's threatening to suppress tech companies like Twitter from being able to point out that the president is a big fat orange liar. THAT is a violation of the 1st amendment that Americans hold so dear. We become China when the president makes an executive order to censor the speech of anyone - even tech companies.
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