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Keli Kyrie

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Everything posted by Keli Kyrie

  1. I try not to Jo, like I said before... but after 12 hours at the keyboard I find myself falling asleep.
  2. Perrie Juran wrote: Keli Kyrie wrote: Sleep? I don't even do that in real life. Seem I am always on this darn computer. But I do have a bed does that count for anything? Do you ever just close your eyes and daydream? My whole life is a daydream
  3. Sleep? I don't even do that in real life. Seem I am always on this darn computer. But I do have a bed does that count for anything?
  4. Angie Mornington wrote: I am not able to get notecards, landmarks or objects from group notices, I click and nothing happens. It is a bug. See JIRA VWR-22772 - click WATCH. The more watchers the sooner LL will work on it. If you haven't filed a JIRA item before read the instructions so you will know what information they need. Add your information as a comment to the existing JIRA.
  5. This offer was just what I need to get off my butt and go Premium. My one year rezday was Thursday and I have been thinking for a while that I should really, really be premium but I kept putting it off. Special sandboxes? They will still be there next Monday. Free gifts? Heck they will still be there next week. But this offer %50 ends Monday! Well what was I going to do? 50% off for three months... well it got me. Well that is all I have to say I got to run to get my free gifts play in the new premium sandboxes and find some land to build a house on! (btw I did look at the Linden Houses but I think I am going to buy land insteed.)
  6. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: well that was a shallow response. Maybe everyone is just "into their own thing."
  7. Thanks Hippie, Jacki, Dee, Canoro, and Dillon. btw it was not a tame as Dee's pictures would lead you to believe. hehe 
  8. Okay maybe it is not the most coordinated outfit in the world but it is made out of friendship and that is what is important. Today was my first rez-day and just about everything in this picture was part of the celebration. Thank you to all my wonderful friends for making the day so special.
  9. Storm Clarence wrote: Wearing my Star Fleet Command pin. Nice picture does this mean you are back to being a PICard? 
  10. Thanks It is good to know I am not going crazy hehe. Hugs
  11. Welcome back Torley, big hugs I had to do just this 2 weeks ago I wish I had know about this tip then it would have made things a lot easier. Thanks for the Video.
  12. I am having this problem on Viewer 3 (It started in V2 though) Whenever I get a group notice with an attachment whether that be a LM or note card I can't get the attachment... ever! I click on it and nothing happens. I open the group profile and find the notice and click open attachment that way... nothing happens... ever! This is driving me nuts! If I use Firestorm no problem it opens them. What am I doing wrong?
  13. Suella Ember wrote: 1N73R35t1NG! Y3P, 1 WA5 ABL3 70 R3AD 17 QU173 3A51LY. D0U5 7HA7 M3AN 1'M 5P3C1AL? Y3P 17 D035. JU57 ON3 M133P3LL1NG BU7 1 WOULDN'7 KNOW C4U53 1 C4N'7 R34D TH15!
  14. yep it is going to your email and IMs right now unless you go turn it off.
  15. Opensource Obscure wrote: Only people who have their Feed 'public' can be followed. Set your privacy settings at https://my.secondlife.com/settings/privacy Shhhhhhh don't tell them that you'll take all the fun out of it. hehe :smileytongue:
  16. Thanks Venus I posted a message on his wall. He should get an email that will lead him to it now.
  17. Oops sorry everyone I went to lunch. SLum(s) Is a name for the facebook type thingy that is part of our profiles on my.second.com the name was create by Void and it means Second Life user messaging system or SLums for short. You can find the thread on it here.
  18. Oh we have to do that? I thought it was automatic? I better get hitting buttons.
  19. Follow lets you see a person's feed without having to be their friend inworld.
  20. I just go a notice in SLums that I now have a follower! I happen to like the person that is following me so it is okay but still. What do you think are you going to follow people or do you hope they follow you? You just hit the button to follow who you like. :) 
  21. Keli Kyrie


    Venus Petrov wrote: <snip>Create a thread like this and the alts come crawling out of the woodwork. /me peers above this post It must be very funny to see this thread at Linden Lab. For they can see what IP address a post was made from and can see all the alts in this thread. :smileytongue:
  22. Keli Kyrie


    I know squashy and it never ends. After you get them, well I guess they get for themselves now that they have their own credit card, everything they need to look nice they want even more. Why don't you get me a car too, can I have my own house, and the whopper WHY DODN'T YOU BUY A BETTER COMPUTER AND GRAPHICS CARD SO WE CAN ALL GO TO PARTIES TOGETHER?
  23. Keli Kyrie


    They can be really expensive. First thing they want is to not look like an alt, so you have to buy them skin and hair. Next they want something to wear, omg can you imagine the nerve? Then they want some really nice shoes to go with the outfit you just got them, you know the $L800 kind, of coarse reminding you all the time how nice they are because you know cause you are not a noob. THEN THE BE-ALL OF BE-ALLS!!! They, omg it upsets me just to think about this.... they, they, they... say "why don't you just add a credit card to this account so you don't have to keep going back to your main to GET ME MORE LINDENS!"
  24. When I have had problems like this in the past I TP to a place like Torley Island where I know I will get good frame rates. Then I just change one item of clothes like a top or something and wait for everything to rez. Once it does I find I can change outfits again with no problems.
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