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Dana Dielli

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Everything posted by Dana Dielli

  1. Sorry it took so long to get back, but I'm happy to report that Zanara's observation was exactly correct. Once I got my friend to buy a freebie on marketplace herself, I am able to successfully gift her with as many purchases as I wish. So yes, the system is broken. The workaround is to ask any noob friend to go ahead and "purchase" one item on marketplace (freebies are okay for this). After that, gifting should work fine to that resident.
  2. Zanara Zenovka wrote: ... There was some evidence to suggest that if an avi had never made a purchase on the MP it had more trouble looking up their UUID (seems the MP doesn't use the same methods as the rest of us who've been having to script around this for years). ... Aha, that's something worth checking, as she's fairly new and it's quite possible she's never purchased from MP before. I will investigate that angle and have her make a small purchase and then try gifting again if this applies. Your theory would also explain why I was able to successfully gift to an "older" avie yesterday, since I know this second avie uses MP often. I'll post back with what I find. Thank you!
  3. Nathan Pollock wrote: How come so cheap? Are you saying a USD $1,000 full regions are worthless to re- sell. Given that the name transfer is $100. USD to sell. I am trying to sell my full sim for USD $790.. I paid full price for it. I hope the LL Directors and Management have not commited fraud on there members by previously providing misleading information. Nathan, welcome to the cold hard reality of estate ownership and the realty market in sl. Yes, your $1000 full estate is almost worthless on the resale market. If it's any consolation to you, so is the $1675 full estate that I purchased in 2007. I sold one other for a whopping $400, which at the time was about the best I could do. Today, I might not get even that much. I sincerely hope you prove me wrong, but I believe if you have your estate priced to sell at $790 USD, you'll be sitting on it for a long, long time. An informed buyer is just going to go elsewhere to buy an estate. I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this is my honest assessment of the issue at hand. Good luck!
  4. This has been going on for quite some time now. I thought the issue was fixed several months ago, but it appears to be back with a vengeance now. What happens is that when purchasing an item as a gift through Marketplace, the order is accepted but then just sits there and languishes, eventually timing out. At that point, a delivery-failure notice is sent to the the buyer, and no $L are charged. I've tried this several times over the last couple of days, and have verified the recipient is not set to "busy". It makes no difference whether she is online or offline, the order just times out. It seems to only be "gift orders" that are affected. Regular purchases that I make for myself are completed without problem. I found an old JIRA 3864 on the issue, but it only has a few votes. I suspect that merchants aren't even aware of the issue, since it only pertains to gifted items. Also, no money is being lost, since the buyer never gets charged when the delivery times out, so there are probably few if any complaints made to the merchant. I'd like to see this issue fixed, but I've been around here long enough to know that it's hard enough to get LL to fix problems that people are screaming about, let alone something that only inconveniences a relatively small number of users. Please vote on the JIRA 3864 , and maybe some year the issue can be resolved.
  5. I voted and am watching. I actually think you're on to something here. Region Crossings have been an issue since before I first came to SL in 2006, and in my opinion LL has shown little interest in fixing the problem. However, in this same period of several years, I have observed that when given the choice between fixing something to stabilize their platform, and adding some flashy new feature, LL will choose the new feature every time. My thoughts are that Region Crossings will never get fixed. But since Mega-Regions would be something new for SL, it's a fair bet that they will at least be given consideration.
  6. For what it's worth, friends are reporting that it seems to be only the "main" avie who cannot log in. Alts seem to be able to get in without difficulty.
  7. Spend another $50 and upgrade that 750GB HDD @ 5400 rpm, to 750GB at 7200 rpm. In my opinion, you'll be fine after that. JamieLynnPotter wrote: ok what about this one ??? BETTER?? 2.2GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 4GB 1333MHz 750GB 5400-rpm 1 Intel HD Graphics 3000 AMD Radeon HD 6750M with 1GB GDDR5 Built-in battery (7 hours) 2
  8. Peggy Paperdoll wrote: ...What I'm saying is that a parcel can be set to adult when the sim that parcel resides in is mature. I don't see why it would work differently for estate land. ... Somebody will correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I can set my sim to require "age verification required", and not necessarily have the sim flagged as "adult". Requiring age verification is just a simple matter of me not wanting kids around. While checking "adult" involves me "identifying" my sim to LL and anybody who is looking at the map, as someplace that is adult-oriented. As already posted, this identification happens at the Region level. Just setting your land to deny access to non-age-verified avatars, will not change that flag on the map to "adult". Although for all practical purposes may well have the same end result (ie: kids can't get in). That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
  9. If you've already deeded your land to your group, it shouldn't present much of problem in giving build permissions to your group members. Make sure it's actually owned by the group by going to World/About Land/General, and look down a few lines to "Owner: (Group Owned)". If it doesn't indicate the land is owned by group, then you didn't actually deed your land properly. Now, while still in that area, go into World/About Land/Options/ ... Look at "Create Objects", there should only be a checkmark next to "Group" for that option. (If "All Residents" is already selected, then remove that checkmark.) Click OK and close that window. Now, open your Group Info window and get into Group Info/Members & Roles/Roles ... Click on each role that you wish to have building permissions, and you should see a dropdown menu of all their abilities. Scroll down to "Parcel Powers" and select "Always allow 'Create Objects' ". There may be other abilities you wish to assign as well, but that one will give your members the abilty to build. That's it! Have fun!
  10. In the past couple of weeks I've also noticed my own sim being more laggy in general than I normally expect. But specifically addressing your concern about textures not rezzing, I had this very problem myself last week, and after investigation, found that my Phoenix Viewer ( had suddenly turned off "HTTP Get Textures" on it's own. (Advanced/Rendering/HTTP Get Textures) A friend confirmed the same thing had happened to her, so I'm not sure exactly what's going on. However, enabling "HTTP Get Textures" again and relogging, completely cleared the issue for both of us. Might be something you want to think of asking your customers to check when they complain. swaffette Firefly wrote: This last week ive had more complaints about textures not rezzing on my sim than i have in 7 years ...
  11. I'm assuming you're new to using a Mac? No worries, a few years ago I faced this exact issue. Try holding down Function and up-arrow at the same time. (fn & down-arrow to descend) Good luck!
  12. Fudge Donner wrote: ... but my macbook pro is running at a good 80 degrees c which is 175 F while running sl according to my fan app. ... I'm not happy about it, but I think if you do some checking, you'll find that 80C is well within normal operating range for the MBP while running graphics. My 2007 MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo routinely runs around 180F (82.2C) when I'm playing sl. For me, a cooling pad is a necessity, if only to keep from burning my legs! I agree to an extent with the previous poster who suggested it's a design failure. While I may not be qualified to second-guess Apple's engineers, I feel common sense alone would indicate that better fans would help keep things cooler and perhaps extend life expectancy of critical parts. Edited to add: I should have mentioned that by using smcFanControl, I can force both fans to 6005 rpm and try to keep things down to about 170F (76.7C), except when I'm dealing with a lot of textures, in which case I'm stuck "cooking".
  13. Claireschen Hesten wrote: the send gift option must be broken i tried sending 5 or 6 dollarbies from different stores as gifts individually over the last day or so every single one of them has failed but the marketplace did send me my money back after each failure Thank you for confirming this. This is exactly what's been happening to me, and at least I now know I'm not the only one who can't purchase anything as a gift in Marketplace. For what it's worth, I just tried purchasing as a gift once more, and once again it failed. I won't bother trying anymore, since it's just a waste of time.
  14. If I understand correctly, you're trying to texture only part of the prim, but don't know how to avoid texturing the entire thing. Put the prim in edit, go to the texture tab on the edit window, and click "Select Texture" and then click on the sides of the prim you wish to texture. Edited to add: Sorry for basically just repeating what somebody else just told you while I was slowly pecking away at the keyboard. lol
  15. I've tried several times in the last week or so to purchase items as gifts for two different avatars. In every case, the process seems to go smoothly and my order is placed, and then several hours later the transactions fail with the message: " This item wasn't delivered - No charge for undelivered items 1 item failed with the error: Second Life communications timeout" These failed transactions are with three different sellers, and with 2 different recipients. I thought it might just be a temporary glitch, but it's been happening for at least a week that I know of. I thought it might have something to do with one avatar not being payment verified, but when she logged into the website and tried it herself (paying with L$), she was able to successfully make all 3 purchases through the Marketplace. I'm just wondering if this is just the way it is, and "buying as a gift" will never work. If that's the case, I guess I wonder why they even offer that option on Marketplace. Thanks in advance for any input. Dana
  16. Lizard Howl wrote: ... We have considered developing a "blacklist" type website where Estate Owners could freely post warnings about their worst offenders. What do other Estate Owners think? Would you find value in that? Would you pay a nominal fee to use the service? ... I have owned estates since 2006, and this idea has been floated before in the form of various groups which would serve as a place to register complaints against known griefers, and alert estate owners to ban those avatars from their own sims. In every case, the system was rendered useless because of one person having a personal vendetta against another, and hyped-up or even false complaints being registered in an attempt to blacklist one individual or another. Add to this the fact that LL makes it ridiculously easy for a griefer to simply assume a new identity and go on griefing in his or her "alt" suit, while we land owners were busy banning the original trouble-maker, and it was all an exercise in futility. For me, the best protection is in frequent prim counting. I keep my one remaining estate set to group access, with building privileges only granted to defined roles. It helps, but it's not a perfect system here in Second Life. Despite the fact that an outsider should not be able to rezz a prim, I've found that "sometimes" they still can in the sky. This security breach isn't at all consistent, and I tired of filing tickets on it long ago. Now I just keep an eye open for any abuse.
  17. Hitomi Tiponi wrote: A good idea to keep the forums focussed, but currently there aren't enough of them. My suggestions for new forums: - Bugs/Problems - a place to discuss problems with connectivity and features before raising them as a JIRA. - Open Source - bring this one back - Beta Grid - a place to dicuss mesh or whatever else is being trialled there. - Adult - a clear need for an area to discuss aspects of stuff in the Adult parts of the grid. - Social - not the return of GD (there are better places for that outside this web-site) but a place for people to discuss social activities inside and outside SL Those are good suggestions, and I'd like to also see the old technical forum for "Mac Users" brought back.
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