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Storm Clarence

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Everything posted by Storm Clarence

  1. I think, and my opinion comes mostly from reading others' opinions on abandoned land, landowners surrounding the abandoned parcels should be given first crack at purchasing, and at a reasonable price. Why can't one Linden spend an afternoon or three and visit all abandoned parcels and hit return objects to owners? Ugly sims are just ugly. Does this sound too naive?
  2. @Shockwave I am glad to see you bring LL into your opinion. I wanted to in the OP, but could not find the words to work it in properly. I never came to SL to put my trust in the company that runs SL - I don't know what I should trust them with? Perhaps security and privacy with regard to my personal information and financials - I do trust that they have done almost everything to protect my data. I didn't come to SL for friendships, either. However, I found a few. My friendships have become the best part of my SL experience. I trust them.
  3. Can you give some of us newer people a little history on who Magellan is/was?
  4. I ask about trust in the forum because it is the written word by an anonymous person. Today is the anniversary of one of the greatest inventions of all time: the lead pencil with an attached eraser - patented by H.L.Lipman of Philadelphia. Any man who gives the world a chance to 'erase' a mistake must be a public benefactor. I used a similar technology, many times, in composing my OP. Can trust be earned in the forum?
  5. @Valerie I was glad to see you use your 1000th post in my thread. Unfortunately, it does not register posts when posting in the off-topic sub-forum - but I registered it, anyway.
  6. I hear you Wilhiam. Do you apply this in-world, too? Or did you mean both in-world and the forum?
  7. Wildcat Furse wrote: it depends on everyone's individual expectations in SL, if u are here to find the love of your life 'Trust' will become an important driver in your future selection of friends and partners, if u are just here to create or to have fun I don't think that 'Trust' is applicable ....but rather 'Lust' comes into place :smileytongue: *meows* One is trust of others and one is trust in yourself. I would not have any friends if I did not trust in myself. I have a short friends list and, like I said above, I trust them. I trust the few that consider me a friend - we earn trust; do we not? In your opinion how does one earn your trust? ETA I wil ask about earning lust in a separate thread. :smileyindifferent:
  8. Yes, Keli I saw the reply feature. Did you see my post to 'My Favorite Linden' thread? Do you trust? Is trusting in-world different than trusting on the forum?
  9. I think you may be hitting some regions that are being restarted. It happens every once in a while to me. Does it happen every day to you or it just started?
  10. What is SL trust? Is there such a thing in a virtual, anonymous environment? What is your definition of the word 'trust' as you apply it to SL? I have two people on my friends list that I trust - implicitly! Trust is the belief in the truth, reliability, ability, or strength of someone. The acceptance of truth of a statement without evidence or investigation. Should I 'trust' the words (OP's and responses) I read in this forum? Should I trust the words I read by tweeters, e.g., I read it on twitter - it must be true? ETA Should this thread be moved to Make Friends?
  11. My favorite was Keli Iinden (that's with an 'I', of course)
  12. This is becoming my favorite thread. Keep the posts rolling in. I wish I had something to add.
  13. In SL I own a pair of boots and a pair of running shoes. Neither one is HUD enabled. As a matter of fact I am amazed that shoes come with a HUD - I don't understand. What is the need for a HUD in shoes?
  14. Revlyn Zackerly wrote: *frantically waves arms like a goose* Me toooo! ZOMG! lol. :robottongue: The longest break I've had from SL was almost 9 months (no, I'm not pregnant. :robotsurprised:). So, I've lost my friends and wander SL quite hopelessly. :robotsad: So, I'd be glad to chat with you. :robotvery-happy: That's the spirit Revlyn. I feed off your enthusiasm.
  15. I think what Jazzz was implying is that when all else fails - go shopping! Why not? Support 'our' SL creators!
  16. You should be able to control the media from your viewer window by toggling the media button in the bottom right. Press the arrow keys and press and/or depress the media controls.
  17. By checking the applicable box. If you 'pull up' your friends list inworld - it is located to the right of your friends name.
  18. Keli Kyrie did a post to the forum about getting started: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Fashion/How-do-I-get-started-in-Fashion/m-p/771975/message-uid/771975#U771975 It would not hurt to read some of the responses; especially Suella's - good luck to you.
  19. Remove everything you are wearing; when you pull up your inventory type in WORN to the text entry box - this will display your hair base. Remove the base and put on a new one as Peewee states below, or put on another hair piece from your inventory.
  20. I would try a new hair base. Or, I would adjust the ruthed hair in appearance mode - make it short to almost balding by using the sliders. Either way your problem should be solved.
  21. I assume the HUD is not transferable. I would IM the merchant and explain to them your issues. Maybe they will work out something with you - maybe not, but give it a try.
  22. You are trying to connect via...how? Did you download a viewer and enter your credentials? You can respond by using the comments function.
  23. Is there a website that has RL SLGifts, i.e., sweatshirts, coffee mugs (tea cups for our British and Indian friends,) etc., that I can purchase and sent as a gift?
  24. And is SLCC the correct acronym for the SL convention. I went to their website, but did not see any new information.
  25. I think if you write a note to the sim owner and ask in a kind and respectful manner you may get an answer. Although, no one is 'obligated' to give you an answer.
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