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Everything posted by AzureWaves

  1. Can I still be a petite? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Yabusaka-Petite-3-Female-Mesh-Avatar/10797589
  2. https://ibsintelligence.com/ibsi-news/thunes-to-acquire-payments-platform-tilia-llc/
  3. Is your account access level at least Moderate? Bellisseria is Moderate.
  4. They have no more CSRs, only recently laid off employees. Those people are saying they do not know whether the store will stay or go, but they know that for now, no new releases. No support provided, buy at your own risk. Whatever was said 3 days ago is vague and it still remains a mystery on what is happening with this brand.
  5. She’s quoted. Did you read the article? Found in 2012 by…
  6. The departure might be related to Blueberry accepting $6 million in investors funding: https://venturebeat.com/games/house-of-blueberry-raises-6m-for-digital-fashion-in-the-metavese/ It's possible the investors decided to focus entirely on Roblox.
  7. The store isn't closing in SL. It was a vague announcement at best, I think we shouldn't read too much into it. They will still be on Roblox and other platforms.
  8. I'm positive the people with ocean views that just got wrecked disagrees
  9. Not sure why it isnt run by Lindens or Moles, Bellisseria is one of the biggest cash cows in Second Life.
  10. The real question is how does one get to be on the The Bellisseria 6th Anniversary Planning Committee for next year?
  11. The group could have decided to be inclusive, instead they chose secrecy. "Hi everyone, we are planning 5th anniversary event, if you would like to participate, please sign up for these limited spots." It's not that hard to be nice to your neighbors. I never chose these people to represent me on Belliseria?
  12. I'm sad Mini Mole didn't invite the rest of the residents to this 4 region party. Surely you knew about it, right Mini?
  13. Something as big as a Belliseria celebration would be posted on this forum, and have lots of interest and comments. I see ~crickets~.
  14. Which Belliseria groups was THIS sent out in? I am in a few and have not seen anything like this.
  15. This link? This is an invite to ask Patch questions and submit photos around Bellisseria. It is run by Mini Mole and nothing to do with the people who self appointed as the Bellisseria committee.
  16. THANK YOU. Could we have some transparency please? The theme for SL21B should be: TRANSPARENCY.
  17. Has Second Life announced any Bellisseria Anniversary plans? There's no official forum post and the anniversary is approaching. Not feeling very community oriented this year if they don't include ALL the residents in the celebrations.
  18. I’d like my downtown to be walkable from my home, part of my Main Street neighborhood town. The welcome hub is not it.
  19. I'm against these names. Can we have a community vote?
  20. Sounds like you get to name a house from a new theme
  21. Great idea, except the main account would not have the rest of the Premium benefits, such as more groups. That's why people want to switch.
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