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Sindy Lovelace

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Everything posted by Sindy Lovelace

  1. I always make sure to check that music and sounds are set to my parcel only. Not everyone loves jazz 24/7. Easiest way is to visit adjacent properties and check the About Land info, where the music stream will be listed. Note them and test each one on your parcel (or a browser) to find out which stream it is. Then IM that parcel owner, as politely as possible. Or at the very least you could Blacklist that stream at that point so you can't hear it, though others visiting will still hear that stream.
  2. I am afraid to even ask how much. I visited. For those interested it is absolutely stunning, the pictures barely do it justice. Huge prim count, but way over my budget, especially when converting back to real US$. Wish I had that amount of RL money to spend on land. (Note, the price is very fair but anything over US$75 RL cash [20k Linden range] is nothing I could ever justify in a game. When I see six and seven figures I can only shake my head. I know others can afford this though.) Someone is going to love this gem.
  3. Converted my beachfront home into an open-for-all casual 24/7 jazz club and dance patio. Little details are all over the place (thanks Apple Fall, Fancy Decor, Fourth Wall, hive, GCD for the sound equipment, and others!!). Set up a little cottage beside it for living. Here it is just before the club owner added the dance ball on the patio ...
  4. I went with Maitreya (despite the shoulders looking a bit better on the Legacy) because I can walk into 99% of the good clothing places and know I will find the styles I want. I am also slender IRL and so is my avatar here (for those who need details, a small B cup), my only concession to SL's runaway "gigantism" issue is I made my avatar 5'9" tall (164cm) which is several inches taller than I am in RL. The recent posting about bodies showed Maitreya had a 40% market share with no one else even close. There are several other good ones, but none that I like each for their own specific reason ... Kupra wayyyy to curvy, Kahlene slim I can not get the hips slender enough to match the real me, Legacy HUD proprietary and stupidly expensive, others not enough clothing support at my fave shops, etc.
  5. Not to rain on your parade but if you're looking for something, like this, good luck. I have wanted something exactly like this with a narrow pony tail straight down my back for a few years, and can't find anything to match this look. The loose hair in the pony tail is either braided or too poofy or too wide, or it has bangs etc. My own hair falls in a pony tail about 3" wide, but it's very straight. This pic shows the hair on her shoulder even wider than it normally is. I tried looking at Nonnative (thanks Rowan!!) but I only found hair bases, not the pony tails themselves. PS. Apologies for who the pic is of, but she's clothed at least If you don't know, don't image search her
  6. Probably not since I think a homestead with 5000 prims ... 1/4 of a standard full sim's 20K ... should also only be 1/4 of the full sim price of $229, so around $57.25. I'd happily pay $99 but not $149, unless the prim count on a homestead goes to 10K or more. So, to your question: $199 set up ($50 increase) sure, $99 for 5K prims, $149 for 10K. Maybe. Basically, the price ratio of land space to prims is weird to me. What's the server cost based on, size or prims allowed? Either way, the math is odd. An example? I'm getting 1406 prims on my current rented parcel for the Linden equivalent of $4/week aka $17.33/month. By that math, 5K prims should cost me $61.63 per month, even under what I'd pay at $99. PS. I think my best solution is to find a full sim partner and split/pay $115 for 1/2 a 20K sim every month. PPS. And the land barons can go rot. They are part of the problem.
  7. $112 is very reasonable, that's something manageable. I'd also prefer paying US$ not Lindens, to make it a constant amount.
  8. My $0.02 but the only real change I'd like to see is homesteads for anyone who wants to buy one. I'd happily buy a 5K homestead region and pay the $109 per month (from Linden, not paying extra $ to a middle-man) but with the requirement to own a full sim first, this is never gonna happen. And no one, I have found, is happy to rent you a homestead AT COST. I understand capitalism and the need to make a few bucks, but when I do the Linden rental price conversion on any rentable homesteads I see, it's not $109 you're paying. Surely there are some altruistic homestead owners out there?
  9. That's me Kat's talking about! I eventually rented, even with my premium account from an amazingly helpful guy. I did bounce from one place to another then back to my first spot. Found a great adult 2048 parcel on the water to rent with extra prims so both my home and club (skybox) can fit into it. I found lots of 2048 when looking with some wild pricing to be sure. Just use the map and move it around Zindra there are lots of places of that size and click on the red price tag to see info without having to TP to each one. Also I found a lot of side by side 1024s you could combine into a single 2048 prices around 6-7k each. Chat to me in world if you want and I can share some of the unused bookmarks I passed on. LATER > I was just peeking and there are several still in the 12-14K range in that size. I also see you have 15 years in SL so you should be fine
  10. Aww, thank you so much! You're one of my favorites here and that means alot.
  11. Okay, besides blatantly advertising in your OP could you not have just searched for and applied to the myriad of posted strip/escort work in the forum? Besides my own club, I see the following places or people are hiring: Taliro's escort place, Sweet Cheeks, Syndicate, Monarchy, Rouge, Kitty Katz, Bare Assets, and many many more. Plus there are dozens of big freelance spots like Tramps, Lolitas, and Escort Oasis. Higher end? Richer clients? Good luck with an attitude like yours, hun. 11 years doing this, and I only ever see drama from girls like you. (And I have caused enough drama of my own to know.)
  12. Had some great chats so far, and still looking to line up more girls wanting a great space to freelance dance and escort from that isn't a massive meat market of 30 girls to 1 guy, but instead a smaller, intimate space. I've got a decent EDM stream going and will be in world most evenings (Eastern SLT+3) to chat if you like
  13. Hi there Andrea! Happy to chat in-world, but as a new SLer, you will need to invest quite a decent amount of Linden to get a new avatar up to the standards I am seeking in Blue Sin. It's the whole chicken-egg conundrum in this line of work in that you have to spend money to make money ... or as the band Metric notes in their song Handshake, "Buy a car to drive to work / Drive to work to pay for this car". You'd need to own and wear one of the major brand mesh bodies (Maitreya, Legacy, Slink, Belleza), a good head from someone like Catwa or lelutka etc, BOM skin from any of the great skin places (too many to list), hair (so many great places for hair styles, but find ones that include a wide range of colors, not just one family of shades), and then a few outfits as well. The outfits will be the cheapest thing on this list, depending on where you buy, the head probably the most expensive. But this list is 8,000-10,000L at a low point, and you could spend as much as 12,000-15,000L setting up a stunning avatar. Absolutely feel free to say hi in-world and let's chat, sure! Always happy to help.
  14. And of course now my search-fu works .. found this ... More than one stream... - Land - Second Life Community Answer seems to be no.
  15. I've not seen this, but wondering if you can have one stream listed on your (ground) parcel in the usual settings, and a second stream that only covers a spherical radius around a skybox a few thousand metres above the ground? I know I can buy a modifiable cube-shaped security zone box for a skybox that overrides other settings within the area it covers, but wondered if the same principle applied to music streams? Has anyone seen this, or is it even possible?
  16. Amazing shot by a new photographer I've found ... he'll be doing a few more photos for me soon
  17. Some of these homes are so unique and beautiful. I'll put mine out there ...This my new Trompe Loeil home, and attached beautiful Zen garden by Evergreen Valley, on two side-by-side waterfront lots on Horizons I am renting.
  18. A unique, breathtaking group of women to freelance as Blue Sin Beauties in this new, intimate, club space. A number of things set Blue Sin apart from the other clubs I've worked in and managed over my various years in Second Life. Blue Sin is a small, intimate, modern, uncluttered space that features only four performers at a time. It has a semi-private lounge for private lap dances, showers, or massages, and a sexier private back room for patrons who desire a more intimate experience and who tip well enough for that level of intense pleasure (both of which are locked atm to Blue Sin group members). Blue Sin will maintain a happy, friendly family of only 12 exquisite girls on its "staff" at any one time. Blue Sin girls are free to come dance and escort whenever they are available (aka freelance). You don't work for Blue Sin, you simply have the rights to use the space to dance, entertain, and escort. There are no minimum hours required, all that I ask is that you promote Blue Sin in your profile, and show up with some regularity. Nice, huh? Finally, to dance and escort at Blue Sin, females are required to have avatars that are realistically-shaped and proportioned. That means height under 6'0" tall, a well-proportioned body, beautiful skin, and realistic A to D-cup breasts. This is one example of what I mean by proportioned female figures: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/IdealProportions-Female/21720007 I am seeking angels who are breathtaking in every way, who exude appearances from cute and sassy, to mature, delicious and sexy. Blue Sin girls are friendly, flirty, sexy, teasing, alluring, mysterious, sensual, and engaged. I welcome a diverse range of ethnicity and looks at Blue Sin. Text, voice, and cam are all welcome. Blue Sin Beauties keep 95% of the tips. I will also be changing the lap dance chairs to Lovense enabled versions of the same chair before opening. Experience? Bring it if you have it, but a flirty enthusiasm goes a long way to having fun in this line of work, and I can help guide you. Music via 24/7 music streams and guest DJs. LGTBQ+ friendly owner. Stop by Blue Sin and check the space out (the main entry door is temporarily unlocked, so behave), and then simply reach out and say hi to me in-world (or via note card with pic of your avatar) if the opportunity sounds good. I'm around most evenings, SLT+3. Sapphire Dakota, Founder http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Horizons Ophelia/25/87/3001 PS. I have had a few messages suggesting I am body-shaming "curvier" girls. I am not, in any way doing that, and after many years here in SL support whatever you choose to make your avatar look like, from kids to furries, every gender and shape imaginable, and every thing in between. This club, however, is my dream and an attempt to provide a place for clients who want more realistic-looking avatars to enjoy themselves. I have been told hundreds of times that my specific look is appreciated, and so I'm making a space for that to happen. Simple as that. Be sexy, and have fun, everyone.
  19. I have just noticed that when I create a group, you can not set it to an Adult rating, despite the instructions on knowledge base page (Creating a Group > Process > Step 8). In addition, I checked some of the really, umm, sexually edgy groups I am in that certainly deserve Adult ratings, and noticed they are all set to Moderate as well. Is setting a group to Adult not possible? Thanks
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