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Sindy Lovelace

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Everything posted by Sindy Lovelace

  1. I am considering selling my parcel in Olentyne. Stats as in title, paid L9,200. Nice flat platform with decent view. Willing to let it go for 7,500L. Come visit and let me know via IM/notecard if interested. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Olentyne/253/122/90
  2. What area/regions feature forest/woodland type theming? Seeking that sort of vibe for a parcel. Sorry for the newbie question
  3. Hi all. Seeking a place to rent that has an established wilderness feel. Just trying to create a little forest escape for myself, in a place that has that feel already. Homestead rent or mainland, all good. Might be willing to go up to 4096. Any ideas of places like this?
  4. Hi everyone .. can anyone here tell me where this avatar comes from? The owner was AFK I think, and never replied to my ask ... thank you!
  5. Bauhaus ... not really but has a nice urban Japanese feel. Mostly women's stuff. A&Y. SOLE. There's another that sells really great looking stuff, something like NeoIndustries but can not remember the name.
  6. Visited. I like the place! I will be there from time to time dancing and escorting if the feeling is right. And I am rule follower, so no worries about any of the rules, Aowhyn. When are busy times btw? I have yet to see anyone on my (four, admittedly 15 min) visits.
  7. I started fairly modest, but have since been shopping and updating my look. I don't usually do the kitten ear thing, but these headphones were too cute to not buy! So this is before (Belleza Isis), and after (a slim Maitreya Lara). " "
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