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Sindy Lovelace

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Everything posted by Sindy Lovelace

  1. The website is (but really sluggish), I can't log in yet.
  2. Nice square sail-able 1024 parcel with the standard 351prims in Werewoof. Nice quiet spot on the water next to a gorgeous little lighthouse island. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Werewoof/73/79/5 3,000L. Thanks for looking.
  3. An extra note beyond what Sylvia (correctly) described: This type of search will most often show land for rent, not necessarily for sale. Make sure to check!
  4. I have a cute 1024 beachy island parcel on mainland with two small skyboxes above. Everything (snugly) fits into my 351 allowance. Going to buy a 2048 parcel (and sell the island) on a completely separate sim, and build a small public garden at ground level, but I have a question about "moving" the skyboxes. I want to move them intact from above old parcel to above new parcel, so that I don't have to spend hours redecorating either one; in other words, I'd rather not have to rezz the skyboxes on the new parcel, move them up 2,000m, and then spend hours putting all the furniture back into each one. Is there an easy way to move entire furnished skyboxes from one sim to another? Thank you!
  5. After a bit of searching I found the lovely Likz store ... gorgeous six strap vintage garters with seamed stockings. I have two questions ... Are there an other stores like that? And who do you recommend I find dresses/shoes of high quality (think COCO, Blueberry, Ricielli, Seniha etc) that have a lovely vintage look to wear over these lovlies? Thanks!
  6. Nice spot in Werewoof for sale. Sailing and boating access. 2048 with standard 703 prims. Take a look at 4,000L. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Werewoof/18/182/21
  7. The burden of evidence to falsify what we observe (that is, we are not in a simulation) is on the one suggesting a different reality. I don't need to provide evidence, for example, to assume some form of deity doesn't exist, a religious person needs to provide evidence to falsify what we observe (no deities). My main criticism though is this ... It strikes me that this idea that we are in a simulation is not very much different than a deep human need to believe in gods or an afterlife ... a comforting thought to those who can not accept that we, as living creatures, are simply blessed with the knowledge that at one point we will cease to exist and return, as Nabikov noted so eloquently, to the blackness at the end of our brief flash of life. That is to say, as individuals, we did not exist for billions of years without the universe caring, and we will return to that state again (of course, you don't know you don't exist, so don't be alarmed about being in that state). The fact that "you" were born at all is pure chance. ("You" being defined as the largely blank shell that becomes more formed as a collective sum of your experiences, memories, knowledge etc ... a simple product of the brain in your body [crappily designed organ, btw] firing off chemical reactions along pathways.) That knowledge, of course, is a gift because it means we can then put our efforts into giving life a meaning, and making this place just a bit better for the generations that will come after us. If we are in some sort of simulation, I want a refund, btw.
  8. Grabbed it, thanks! but could you come back and delete that darn boat? I keep returning it and it keeps reappearing! Also, can you make the palms so i can move them around?
  9. Okay, that makes sense. It's not overwhelming and I did discover how to hide (and move) the HUDS anyway so all good. Thank you.
  10. Is there no one who makes a AO HUD that's empty, that you could simply drag all of your animations into, rather than having separate HUDs for a dance AO, normal AO (walking), sports (like my skating AO), etc? And if so is there a limit to the number of animations it could hold? Thoughts? A newb just not understanding?
  11. Discovered the amazing JOMO today and am enamored with their female lion avatar (though i prefer the cheetah shape better, the lion B fur texture colors just *rock*). I also have a TWI lion so am good for both animal and human animal shapes at this point (and a furry that will be superseded by JOMO). Getting back to JOMO ... My question is does anyone have (or can recommend) a female hair style that they think absolutely looks amazing on that lion? Thoughts? Thanks and purrs!
  12. Out on the back patio at sunset, overlooking Blake Sea from my townhouse marina home.
  13. This is me currently in human form. I have a furry avatar look as well, along with my true self ... a cheetah-skinned lion avatar from the amazing TWI folks. I am Bastet's daughter, after all!
  14. Cool. Good pricing btw. Trying to find room to create a woodland sanctuary. Nice coastline, northwest themed woods and meadows. Some river/waterfall and a few little cabins. Mostly for animal avatars and romantics to just wander in. Think Puddlechurch or Tacoma, but more trees.
  15. I still see the rental sign on the 1/2 sim, and nothing yet on the 1/4 sim. These are not available?
  16. Found a great 8192 parcel .. expensive, but the basic look is stunning and lots of LI allowed.
  17. Have found sort of what I'm looking for but all booked. Teagan Parnas has lovely parcels but nothing available (even though some parcels are weeks overdue), and Second Norway while expensive offers nice spots I think I could build a little forest on (and sail as well!) TY everyone.
  18. I apologize for causing issues with the right forum. I'll get this posting thing down at one point.
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