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Sindy Lovelace

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Everything posted by Sindy Lovelace

  1. No, that's perfectly clear to me. And welcome to SL and the first of many oddities and things you will have questions about. Now, this may be the wrong answer, but many of the clothes that fit on the base avatars I think come in various sizes and you might need to pick a different size that's larger than you might want to actually hide. I haven't used a basic avatar in a while, and forget how alphas work (or don't!). Someone I'm sure will be along soon to correct me. Welcome! Just stick with it, I promise it gets easier and usually less frustrating. Usually
  2. I'll second Affinity Photo on behalf of my non-SL-playing mom My mom is a long-time graphic designer who gave up on the Adobe suite of software due to the whole subscription model a few years ago. I asked her at lunch, and she now uses Affinity Designer as her replacement for Illustrator, and Affinity Photo to replace Photoshop (along with a Mac-only photo editor called Pixelmator Pro). She said there are Windows versions of the Affinity products.
  3. Something like these buns (high or low), if someone can point me? I checked my favorite (DOUX) and nothing there. Wisps as a styling feature a bonus, but not necessary. Thanks!
  4. Can I eat the cookies myself, pat your head, and just substitute a nice hug in lieu of cookies?
  5. So quick dumb question from a user who runs macOS at work and has access to a really decent gaming PC at home and know next to nothing about Linux (except maybe running Ubuntu a few years ago to experiment) ... Do the various Linux builds of some of the viewers (esp my viewer, Firestorm) run SL with any performance improvements over Windows 10 or 11?
  6. This appears rented now, correct? It has ban lines and is listed as Chaotic Farms.
  7. Also, some more details of each parcel would help. Rating at minimum. Type (flat, grassland, hilly, etc). Shape if unusual. You know, stuff that will help buyers choose to visit.
  8. Is the Marketplace serving up insecure SSL content? That often is the cause of the missing images for macOS users. Is it serving mixed content via both http: and https:? That would perhaps also cause the issue. I run an updated macOS install on a brand new mac Mini (previously a 27" iMac as well) and have everything appearing fine on all of my installed browsers. Not sure what to suggest.
  9. A place where there are not enough ladies in ratio to male visitors? That's a new one in my 10+ years as an escort/stripper/manager given the general decline in strip club traffic in the past 3-4 years. Congrats on your success!
  10. Three very distinct looks is what I meant. One is pretty close to the real me in terms of looks. And I use whatever one I feel like at the moment in terms of my mood, what I want to do while online etc. I have details in my picks in my profile and get a lot of compliments on the complexity of that. One is a 18+ Kawaii flighty babygirl type, one is a kind of attitude-fueled (romantic?) Goth, and the last one is a slender ex-ballerina type with a submissive streak. I use a titler to indicate which name to call me like "I am Giselle" and each one is explained in my picks. I guess its like having a furry and a human avatar on one account, but I have three human looks instead. I guess I just don't call them alts? Ive always considered alts to be different accounts. :) The ballerina is the closest to me me.
  11. OMG thank you everyone, these are all great suggestions!
  12. I'm not ashamed of anything I play with here in SL because I am a curious gal. It's why I run three avatars (not alts, just one account), so I can bring my current moods and wants into play. But I assure you that's not an attitude that many people elsewhere, outside SL, take when confronted with kinks far outside what is considered vanilla. For example, how would you feel after getting hauled into the HR at your company, and shown a picture of you ... hypothetically ... at a sim that might be a place where women hang out with let's call them four-legged furries and having "fun"? I'm okay with this in SL, sure! My actual co-workers? RL friends? Family? I always take your avatar as how you need to express and represent, as well. easiest way to navigate. It's you behavior and actions that I keep track of.
  13. Not. A. Chance. Too easy for someone to reverse search an image and stalk you into RL. Can you imagine what your RL friends/family/work would think of some of your wilder kinks? You have that happen once, you'll never post a RL picture again, trust me. And for the fragile snowflakes who need a RL pic to verify I'm a 34 year old female? Go away. Far, far away.
  14. Like this style (English or Scottish grey stone) but slightly smaller. Most manor/chateau style homes are too large for my needs. Thanks! Any suggestions/recommendations? Second Life Marketplace - Scarlet Creative Huntsman Manor - Luxury Houses
  15. Hey Kelsey, I'm not interested but have let a friend in world know. Hopefully they get back to you but haven't seen them on in a few days.
  16. Someone was mentioning the same thing on the Maitreya Petite Friends group as well. Am checking, thanks! Also checking out Emfer Sombre and demoing lots there, since I have several heads, and will also grab Lel Ceylon and Ryn demos.
  17. I think it's a Ceylon modified too at this point, and since I can't find the shape anywhere, probably edited individually to the max. I did try the demo mesh heads from one store (tsg) but can not achieve anything close to that shape. Too "chunky" looking and not refined enough. That second one from the bottom with the kitten ears is to die for cute!
  18. I have one message back from Karla in world (yay!!!) and am getting some details. Thank you everyone :)
  19. I've been to two amazing clothing stores now that feature avatars in their ads/posters that have a very distinctive looks, and wondering how they are achieving such great looks (beyond some retouching). Are they using a standard head like Lel Evo X or Genus Baby and then buying a custom shape, or modding it themselves? Is there a vendor that sells these looks for heads? If if the later, can anyone point me to tutorials that will help me achieve this look? If not that, who *are* these SLers and please get in touch if you are one of them!!! These pics are all from a store called pr!tty, btw ... easy to find on the MP. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated by this mid 30s gal seeking this look!!! I don't even know what to call this look except really cute!!!
  20. So, I wondered if there is a quick way to make a HUDs favorite like the way you can favorite and display Landmarks within your window interface. Reason I ask is that simply hiding the HUDs on screen (ALT-SHIFT-H in Firestorm) does nothing to lower the script count, but detaching them does; in my case, I lowered my scripts from 114 to under 40 simply by turning off the HUDs I tend to use a lot but not all the time. The problem is that I can't turn them all off ... unless I make custom AO set, since my AO need the HUD showing to work, as does my MOVE! dance HUD. If I had a set of HUD buttons then at least I could turn off what I am not actively using. without having to dig into my inventory folder to re-attach them. Thanks. I hope I explained that right
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