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Everything posted by Paulsian

  1. Wonders (shock) if LL would be able to think (zap) a few steps ahead of stalkers and griefers and develope something that could also provide additional security?
  2. Say I have enabled map privacy and my dot does not show up on the map, your dot will not show up on the map for me either. Sure I could already know where you live and take myself off the map and hide my body with a full body alpha and stand outside your virtual house but I think with you not knowing im there and eventually I would get bored and go away. And then we have the people who would rez things to freak people out which people already do from other regions. I have this happen to me before and reported it. Person was building on my stuff (harassing me) in a sandbox and his dot was not in the region. There are user created tools in world that keep you in one place and send the map dots to another region. This is already happening, an activity / fun past time for griefers. LL can clean it up.
  3. Okay.. Umm hmmm i'm thinking.. (woops that's a bad thing) Wonders (darn it shock me) if maybe this level of privacy would be best offered as a feature to premium users? Seems like there is a level of fear when it comes to this type of privacy. I wonder why, I have to think about it more.
  4. 1.21 gigawatts? ! What would he need that kind of power for!!
  5. I think this was one of the last things that bothered me about SL. It was a major one and apologize for my rudeness. I should be sliding soon, hopefully.
  6. Usually how appearing offline works is it would only make you appear offline to your friends list and groups lists. You would still be able to see if an avatar was standing over your virtual bed watching you pretend to sleep. Map privacy is just map privacy, avatars near by would still be able to be seen as usual. Lindens can actually vanish their avatar, i'm not talking about that much privacy good lord look at all the evil things that we would be able to do with such power. I'm talking about common industry standard privacy features. I understand we are all dependant on looking at our mini maps for personal space security. We give up privacy for personal security.
  7. Usually how appearing offline works is it would only make you appear offline to your friends list and groups lists. You would still be able to see if an avatar was standing over your virtual bed watching you pretend to sleep. Map privacy is just map privacy, avatars near by would still be able to be seen as usual.
  8. Just a hunch something like this feature to the masses will likely reduce trolling and griefing. Oh yah like I want to grief any of you really. I don't even want to see you in world. That is how much I would grief you. I would grief you by ignorning you forever.
  9. Only their workers so they are not bothered by their users....
  10. World of Warcraft sold for what 60 billion dollars. Do they have map privacy? Yes. Does every other game that has a map have appear offline and map privacy? yes? Will Meta? Yes. Does Second Life after 19 years?
  11. I'm not bothered by the current setup that much to the point of logging out. I see a big privacy is all. It's not about me either it's about this world and our privacy.
  12. Maybe to appear offline everyone else would have to appear offline as well? If my dot does not show up nobody's will. Can't grief something you can't see.
  13. It would if the neighbors from 3 miles knew and if they knew if I was in my bathroom or bedroom or if I had company just based on the mini map.
  14. I guess in a way I'd rather not bother anyone else while i'm in world by having my dot show up on the map. When I'm sitting in my peaceful places I don't want to think about privacy and wonder why others have more than I do.
  15. Privacy would be a strong asset to invest in and a good start. It's extremely awkward being anywhere near another neighboring linden home and knowing someone else is there, I should not care but it's strange. I feel like i've done this before. It seem silly but I think knowing there are users around are keeping users from enjoying their linden homes as much. Like awkward shyness, can't explain it. Instead of focusing on my home it's who's around me on the mini map. Ever notice that when neighbors show up someone leaves.
  16. Why should they have the option to be left alone and others are at the mercy of being bothered.
  17. I guess that would be a con - paranoia not knowing if someone is right next to you.
  18. I won't snitch on a linden but I do have video evidence of a linden using it and actually showing how to use it.
  19. I could see that as a con, the cool thing is the coding already exists and is being used.
  20. I've seen the linden elites using the map privacy feature to hide their dot from the world map and was wondering if this is a feature other users might like to have as well. I kind of feel strange when I travel around because I always feel like i'm on someone elses map like I have a tracking device on me. Wonders why we do not have that feature yet. Pros & Cons? I'll start with a Pro and a Con Pro - Privacy - Not knowing who is online and near by would be more organic, less claustrophobic experience. Con - May mess up avatar trackers others use, like for traffic.
  21. Maybe our desire to attract more attention to Bellisseria is our way of attempting to contribute to the health and the survival of our world by showing new users the progress SL has made and is making. The info hub idea is a good one, however, appears the name and primary purpose is slightly out of date and problematic. Although it seems to be good idea, imagine having your linden home on social island, the lag. Before I used up all my virtual socialization credits, I think it would be fun living next to an info hub. Having more people in an area is going to create friendships, educate, and inspire creativity. Strangers would start messing with the settlement until everything they have created is gone. Conflict always wins, always. We could all think of out of the box ways of making SL the best virtual space, setting the bar so high no man nor machine would come close, but when we try there's conflict always. We're conflicted. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say this is what a virtual space looks like with no objectives. I do like the way Bellisseria points of interest are featured in the destination guide (but the locations are empty.. I suggested some of those places have normal games anyone can understand to play like chess, or even one player games, but instead we get strange games that are difficult to understand). We have a way to deliver new users to Bellisseria, but when they arrive the points of interest are empty 99.9% of the time. New people will find Bellisseria using the destination guide. Virtual space is messy, can't blame anyone for trying to help others find stability.
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