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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. This is a good point. Also, all of the standard website footer information (terms, privacy, about, help, copyright notice, etc.) really should be on the landing/login page.
  2. I guess, lol! I think she was mentioning it as a precaution as I didn't see anyone really complaining about that in particular, but I'm suuuuure lots of people had no clue about it. I can so see it! Oh that's a good point. Considering it's a body group, I bet they do use CalWL or Nam's or something quite often.
  3. I saw some complaints in the Maitreya Friends group in-world. Mostly brightness issues, some FPS issues, some computer age issues. Not a single peep about probes or anything like that. Just advice to fiddle with the exposure setting. The CSR is doing a great job adding notices about bodies/skins being too shiny due to the forced ALM, at least. As for me, I shall just not update until I havta. I'd really rather not deal with any of it.
  4. I know, but if the OP is looking for people who are black in RL (the way it's worded makes me think that and I've seen similar questions before), then the avatar makes zero difference anyway.
  5. Thank you! Good news, but it really should've launched with a way for users to protect themselves. Nobody asked my opinion on that, though, so I'll just go mind mah business. 😂
  6. Thank you! Also, I skimmed the TOS and Privacy Policy fairly quickly. This bit looks good, though (be sure to read it in full if you have concerns over what data they are and are not collecting):
  7. Thank you, guys! Another thing that comes to mind - could anyone who actually signs up please check their privacy features? Can you block/ignore? Does it prevent people from engaging with your posts, etc.? Reason I ask - it's very possible for someone to follow you over to, say, Flickr and spam your photos with comments. Since the accounts are all linked up, there absolutely needs to be a way to not only block someone, but make it so they can't trash your stuff. I think Flickr uses a "people you follow" somethin' somethin' setting for that.
  8. Yep, you just need the login code. Still don't wanna do it, though. It pulls the photo from your in-world profile (it can be changed, but still). Which means technicallyyyyyy it could mayyyyybe one day pull more. Yes, I know. I'm paranoid.
  9. I agree with you. The login page is stark BARE. If you hover over the Forgot Password text, you'll get a popup that explains the password can be changed in Settings, but it's not very clear at all.
  10. That gives me how long to ignore it before I'm forced onto the new version? 😂 Come to think of it, I don't even have the inventory photos yet. I'm reallllllly behind.
  11. Is that what it's asking for? I only skimmed Inara's blog post, but I saw this: I didn't get that far with the site itself. I didn't bother requesting an in-world code, so I can't confirm if you can make an entirely different password or not.
  12. I'll quote my posts with my own concerns here from the Peeve thread. Looking forward to hearing everyone else's experiences/concerns/ideas.
  13. Go make your thread and tag them in it to close if it's no bueno. I can't see why it wouldn't be okay, though. It's strictly SL, unlike other social media.
  14. I know that's a bit hypocritical of me to say considering I use my in-world name on my Flickr account, but that's a choice I made and I can change it (or make a new account entirely) if I ever needed to. Having it locked-in to our in-world identities could potentially be an issue.
  15. I would assume it would be fine to discuss in its own thread as it's directly related to Second Life, but I can understand waiting for the mods to weigh in first. As for peeves: I don't particularly like that it's integrated with things in-world (profile, login, payment). Just not a fan of that and wouldn't sign up for that reason on its own. I also prefer to be on social platforms with non-SL people in addition to SL people. If I really need a fully closed system for whatever reason (customer service, socializing, keeping up with sales, etc.), I'm already in some SL-only Discord servers. The free account also limits image resolution, so that's pointless for me to bother with anyway.
  16. You absolutely should. Games 1-3 and then you can jump to the final anime - Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School. You'll never look at pink the same way again. It's pretty metal. Now I use it all the time. If PBR is pinkifying things, sign me up (and throw in some teal - that's a nice combo). 😂
  17. There are addons available for it. Skins and ears. I assume paid and at the same event, but I haven't checked yet.
  18. It worked for Danganronpa. If PBR is making things look pink, I can deal with that as long as we also get teal.
  19. "Predominately black" was in the OP. There may be smaller black social spaces within certain interest groups, much like RL (black gamers, black furries, black nerds, etc.), but I personally haven't found any in SL myself. Though to be fair, I never looked. I see the value in finding black fantasy/sci-fi spaces, for example, but I tend to prefer larger, diverse communities, so the main groups are fine for me. I still nerd out over the whole "meet people from all over the world" thing that happens pretty frequently in SL.
  20. This is false. There's also a difference between black avatars and black people. Some who pilot black avatars are not actually black in RL. I'm assuming and won't know until they clarify, but my sense was Akira is looking for the latter. Many communities in SL are diverse with people from all over the planet, especially if you keep in mind that people can use ALL types of avatars. I'm almost never in human form and I'm in the fantasy community. Would you know I'm black if I showed up to Fantasy Faire like this? Honestly, this is why I tend to not give much weight to *places* where we supposedly hang out. At least for some of us, that's not a thing. We're all over the place. Gotta look beyond the avatar to find us. For the OP: Find your interests and socialize and you'll meet some eventually.
  21. Ingrid's reaction to this was perfect, lol. Nothing against you AT ALL Scylla, but where in the world would a regular a@# resident even learn such a thing? 😂 And don't say classes (they won't go), and don't say the Knowledge Base. I have done enough basic default to mesh makeovers to know nobody reads nuffin' round these here parts (including bottle-shaped vendors to find the demos) and if someone doesn't take them aside and teach them things, they'll never know it exists. That's not true for everyone, of course, but it's certainly true for some - usually the ones who just log in to hang out and chat. Hell, there are TONS of features and shortcuts I keep finding out about and I've been here forever both on the creator side and the "SL and chill" side. Imagine how my world changed when a friend told me about cam shopping and area search, LOL. I had somehow never discovered all that myself (omg).
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