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Ayashe Ninetails

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Everything posted by Ayashe Ninetails

  1. I'm hoping we'll start seeing some creator thoughts on this soon. Perhaps hearing one or two skin/body makers say they'll come up with a solution - even something temporary but within the rules - might help some people feel less stressed out. I get it - I have at least 30 very different looks/avatars I put together over the years (none subject to these new rules, thankfully) and I'd hate to lose content for any of them for any reason.
  2. Not according to the TOS. It needs to be baked into the skin or body itself. How they'll police that is a whole other question, but: "Child avatar content creators are required to add a modesty layer which is baked into child avatar skins or bodies, is not transparent, does not match the skin tone, and may not be removed."
  3. All skins they're wearing right now will need to be trashed.
  4. I was wondering this myself. There are pros and cons to adult skin makers getting involved here (mostly to do with time - how many bodies and types can they feasibly support, really???), but if they don't, what would teen avatars have to do to comply with the new rules? This is, of course, assuming they too need modesty layers.
  5. My guess is the main concern is not what happens in text IMs but the visual depictions of such things. Many games prevent avatars and characters from fully undressing, but we all know what happens on that mailbox in front of the Goldshire Inn, even though we won't see much more than a pile of elves sitting/standing on it. 😆
  6. That's what it looks like to me, unfortunately. I do think, if your body can support third-party skins, the skin itself could satisfy the requirement, but this all relies on creators changing up their store offerings to comply with the rules either way. New skins and bodies may get made, but it's a waiting game. One thing you could do in the meantime is reach out to creators you've bought from in the past to make sure they know about the changes ASAP. It'll take time for new content to start rolling out and the faster they hear of this, the better. I'm sorry you'll be losing so much content. That really is unfortunate. ❤️
  7. As far as modesty layers go, I imagine it'd need full coverage. So, 2-piece swimwear, 1-piece swimsuit/bodysuit, bra/undies, tank top/shorts, boxers, bandeaus, camis, tube tops - any of that would likely be alright. Finding good solutions that fit under third-party swimwear might be a bit of a challenge.
  8. Given how many people use Maitreya for teen avies, I'd actually like to see that clarified and added to the FAQ. Can adult bodies be made compliant in some way for teen avatars, are teen avatars at risk if wearing them and flat addons, etc.
  9. I'm giving creators the benefit of the doubt here. 😆 Some will likely want to get their stores compliant as quickly as possible seeing as their existing skin lines will be entirely useless in two months.
  10. From my understanding of it, it looks as if they don't want child avatar users to be in charge of whether or not their body is sufficiently modest. By saying the skin or body itself needs a baked-on, unremovable outfit of some sort, I don't think they'd accept someone running around with a normal skin + a BOM swimsuit under their clothes. That's a shame if whole avatars will be lost to this as a result if they aren't able to be made compliant.
  11. Very welcome! And yeah sales do happen at Lel, but I've never actually paid much attention to when. Black Friday is the only one I remember. 😆 Also keep an eye on Akeruka. They have 50% off sales on EvoX heads here and there.
  12. It sort of does if you take the previous sentence with it: "Residents presenting as Child Avatars shall be prohibited from the following: Being fully nude. Child avatar content creators are required to add a modesty layer which is baked into child avatar skins or bodies, is not transparent, does not match the skin tone, and may not be removed." Also from the FAQ: Q: I already have a child avatar that does not have a built in modesty layer. Can I still use that since I purchased it already? A: No. Going forward, child avatars will be prohibited from being fully nude. Edit: Oops! I see you caught that already. I'm slow, sorry!
  13. I agree with the person who said these new rules need to be posted pretty much everywhere. Not just a general "agree to the new TOS" popup on login and more places than just the blog. Content creators for these avies really need to know ASAP that they have a limited amount of time to add new products to their lineup and change up their stores.
  14. You have until June 30th to obtain a skin or body (?) with a built-in modesty layer, according to the FAQ. Depending on the body you use, I imagine that content will get made fairly quickly (we can hope?).
  15. Exactly. I'll also add that some do use adult bodies + flat addons very intentionally, as there really isn't a whole lot of content specifically for teens to use otherwise. And to clarify, I'm only talking about the roleplayers who are honest and up front about their in-character age (whatever it may be) for G-rated roleplaying purposes (family, school RP, teen drama plotlines, Shakespeare plays, etc.). I'm not talking about the ones who purposefully skirt the rules with the "but I'm really 18, teeheee" profile shenanigans. If this results in more content for avatars that are too mature to be called "child avatars" and too teen to be fully adult and allows them to adequately follow the new rules without worry come June, that could be a good thing.
  16. That's true, though I'd say presenting as 13, 14, and 15 would be a real challenge after this goes into effect if there's no dedicated teen content available (is there? My youngest avatars are like 30 so I have no idea, LOL) and they've been relying on regular adult skins/bodies all this time. This is, of course, assuming the rules apply to that same age group, which I imagine they should. This all makes me very glad I'm not a land owner with a public business. Good luck to them!
  17. I'm very confused as to how this is going to work. I assume it would be done at the skin level? That works fine if someone's using an actual child avatar body, but if they're in a regular adult body, with a regular adult skin, but they're aged down to a teen (for school roleplay or whateva), then how does that work exactly? According to the rules, it has to be baked-in to the skin or body - not simple BOM. So now at least some adult skin makers will need to make a line with those included, orrrrr....?
  18. No, just Jamie and...what's his face? Bob? Max? *peeks* Oh, Blake.
  19. Jamming out to Alex doing his remix thang. I neeeeeed him to make a complete game OST immediately.
  20. VS shut down in early March. Site's still up, but no new posts. I don't know who "they" is referring to specifically, but the subreddit has... *peeks* ...almost 19,000 members.
  21. SL Reddit is actually really nice from what I've seen. It's very moderated, though, so it's rare to see much shenanigans. VS is gone. You forgot VVO, which is also pretty chill. Individual Discords are also nice, though there is the occasional yikes from time to time.
  22. I'm just here to point out the obvious, Gopi. I'm not trying to mess with this topic at alllllllllll, so I'll be quick. 😂 You really don't need to read or respond to anything you don't want to. Use the block feature, or just scroll past posts you don't want to engage with. That goes for every forum/social media platform. Kind of an essential skill these days across the entire Internet.
  23. Yeah, it's very rare! There is a trend lately, though, to make backdrops verrrrrrrrrry high Li, so I absolutely need that to be mod so I can tone that ish down in a sandbox and deconstruct it a bit before I try to drop 350 prims on my plot. 😂 Yep same! I'll even go as far as saying I don't need jewelry to be mod, either. I like the rigged stuff. Unrigged necklaces drive me nuts. Fortunately, mod is very common in most of those other areas, so I haven't really seen too much of an issue personally. Awww sorry Scylla, I didn't mean to imply you were mad. That's just one of my expressions (well, technically "I ain't mad" is). Though I do know some do get pretty mad about it all. Doubt that really helps much.
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