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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Really, I think only someone who has experience with INM would see it. Otherwise, they would have no clue, and their eye wouldn't be drawn to it. Her tattoo has been there for well over a year, and it's on %100 of her outfits, and in her .core folder as well. Irony: she's the one who wears the pants in the family lol !!!
  2. And as Scylla mentioned somewhere, the MOD's aren't consistent.. I saw one pic that showed a naked woman from behind in a sexual situation that was never removed. I had one removed once where I couldn't figure out why. I even showed it to some of my forum friends inworld. They didn't get it either.I think it was @Jordan Whitt who finally solved it. Apparently I had a tiny fraction of an aerula showing through a top. I posted it in 2 threads. It was removed in one, but not the other. Different MODs I guess.
  3. I do!!! OMG, you made me laugh, I think a person has more of a chance of being struck by lighting AND winning billions in the lottery AT THE SAME TIME than of making Cat blush!!!
  4. LOL, I was talking about ME when I visited them inworld. Not my pic of my wife that I posted here. In all honesty, I didn't notice, because INM is a regular part of our everyday SL lives. We don't rush into the shower each time. I just took a pic of Cat when we were discussing our new TP panel, and posted it.
  5. Dissapointments are a part of life. Rip the sign off, get back on your horse and keep riding!!! There IS no other way.
  6. Oops..sorry...I forgot to shower before taking pics with @Leora Greenwoodand @Lunaea Lovelytoo. They didn't notice. Or if they did, they were too polite to say anything.
  7. Sorry, my error, I thought it had been raised to 18. In Canada, the legal age of consent is 16. But it's murky. A 12 year old can legally consent to sex with someone within 12 to 14. Also, we can have sex at that age, but not look at it. In Hungary, which is my background by heritage, the legal age of consent is 14. I agree with you, I wouldn't want sex with any teen. I'll take my ladies 30 and older, thank you very much !!!
  8. I see your point. Having a browser is similar. We can access all kinds of porn on our phones from Chrome or Safari. Sl isn't a porn site, but rather a type of "experience browser". People choose what they want to do. The question is, will Apple and Google see it this way?
  9. I don't want to interact with any minors at all either, period. All we can do is assume that people are over 18, since SL requires that for signup. It's policy. I don't see why the signup would be any different on mobile than on a PC.
  10. The only way to really prevent minors from accessing SL, is to require a valid credit card. The issue with that, is many people are afraid of doing that due to privacy reasons. Especially if they want to take part in adult activities. There many be no charge to join in such case, but it would still be a deterrent to many, IMHO. Even then, what's to stop someone under 18 from using their parent's credit card in secret?
  11. If adult content is restricted, I wouldn't even be able to go home if I used it.
  12. My hope is that it will run RLVa My fear is that it won't. Without that, I can't interact properly with the people closest to me, and a text viewer does just as well. All that said, I would only use it when I can't use my PC and login with Firestorm
  13. I could be wrong on this, but since local mesh takes up only 1 prim, it seems like it's an internal conversion to a sculpted prim. Which could explain why some objects won't work.
  14. Dancing with @Leora Greenwood at the Firestorm birthday party earlier today. She's so much fun to talk to!!!. And yes Leora, I fixed your exposed "part" so no one could see...Well, maybe only Tiggie... Who I didn't see!!!
  15. Cat at our new TP panel. She didn't want me to add more, since she feels people will explore by themselves from those basic locations. And they start at the house to begin with.
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