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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Helping @AshleighRiley with her AV issue. It seems to have been her dress that was causing the problem. All fixed now. But if it comes back, it's time for a new dress.
  2. I could be wrong, but it looks like a skin issue to me. Do you have BOM on? Did you add the alpha from the Lelutka head, and remove any other alphas? I use the "BOM body and head, applier eyes". Unless you have BOM eyes. Is your skin an applier or BOM? You don't have it on your feet, though. Do you have any tattoos on that would tint your legs and belly? If your new, you may not realize that a tattoo isn't just for adding body art. IM me inworld. I'll help you sort it out.
  3. Clutter? What clutter? You should see my RL computer room LOL!!!
  4. That's happened to me before. The full landowner has to reset the region.
  5. Did you say raping and pillaging? I'M IN!!!
  6. I watched the series too, and loved it. I can't remember the quote though.
  7. I was simply comparing the cost of one home to another. Funny you say that though... I DO seem to recall one person who posted pics of herself waving money in the air...ringing any bells?
  8. It IS my prerogative to buy anything I like. Cat and I are very happy with the house we have. We wouldn't have been happy with anything else.That's what matters. Not what anyone else thinks.
  9. My female alt Swallow was with someone else's alt this morning, at a rather "Adult" venue. This isn't "me" LOL.
  10. And in all honesty, setting up a basic account with the proper adult body parts and a few outfits is $L20K by itself.
  11. I have lots of things that cost $L10 that are high quality. Our house just happened to cost more. But, we liked it more than the hundreds we looked at, and we could afford it.
  12. Anyone can spend a lot IF they can afford it. Cat and i wanted the best, so we paid the asking price.
  13. I DID actually ask the price for a laugh. I lost it for a minute laughing when you gave me the laugh emoji. What you set up looks great!!!
  14. Our house is the "Infiniti" by BBX. It was created in 3DSMAX, and VRAY (for rendering textures). Those are expensive programs, and they presently require a monthly subscription fee. Even if the creator were using older fully paid versions, the amount of time required to create our home would have been huge. Every detail in every room is impeccable.And this is no small house. Of course it's also MOD and COPY. There is more too. It came with 4 or 5 free houses, and 2 free yachts. All of which are original creations, and very high quality as well. These are on sale separately. I actually bought the house for Cat, but I received a free copy. Which is what's rezzed, since Cat doesn't know how to mod, and editing rights don't allow copy or take (so I could restore to original position if something screwed up with a mod). The support from Aymec Millet has been phenomenal too. He came out to help answer any questions we had, and gave me the unfurnished texture pack, so I could mod the rooms as we needed. His responses were basically immediate, and he kept his word with everything he said he would do to help us. Is it 24K Gold plated? Was it worth it? I will have to give a resounding "YES" to both. To us, Absolutely. Here is an inworld link to our home. Come and see it, and judge for yourself: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreamworld Ibis/194/78/23
  15. You're dead on!!! That's the one!!! It was $700, which we split. The price shocked me with how low it is. The house Cat and I have from BBX was almost $L20K!!! Oh, Leora, what could ever make you think that it's "A" instead of "PG"? The sucked on "pizza crusts"? Smiles. Actually, right now it's basically "nothing". Two pieces of "A" furniture is all it has so far. Lol, yes, it WILL be "A" rated, just like the land it's on.
  16. The House Lady Evergarden and my alt chose to live in!!! I liked another one a bit better for the finish, but she sold me on it when she explained why this one worked better. One was the view of the pasture. Also that we could have a "playroom" upstairs. That's up to me to decorate. The rest, she's better at, but we'll discuss things along the way.
  17. And some perspectives evolve into something different than what the original intention was. I certainly never thought I would be building a SIM, or married here. Neither did Cat.
  18. You brought up a very interesting point. I wonder if the people who are rude and obnoxious are simply passing through SL, with little focus, other than perhaps trolling. Maybe no one on their friends list, and they don't care if there is. Not caring if they get banned by the SIM owner or Officer. Just popping in to have a laugh. That doesn't go over well in an Adult oriented SIM. Cat and I certainly wouldn't tolerate it.
  19. I started SL as an Escort, and I really didn't find men mistreating me in a female AV. Caitlin is pissed that in forced sex sims, a lot of guys ask if it's OK to "play with her". She thinks they should be banned from the SIM. Lady Evergarden gets frustrated by the so called "Doms" who end up being "nice", and romance her. But perhaps it's different in a G or M rated environment, and that's where the "bastards" congregate.
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