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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Reminds me of the anti-violence movement of the late 60's and a part of the 70's in the entertainment industry. There was actually an episode of "Batman, Brave and the Bold". An intelligent animated series, which showed the frustration many of us felt for that. The writers had "Shaggy and Scooby" punching out the Joker and the penguin, and directly referenced why.
  2. That's actually what I meant. AI doesn't have enough information from enough sources at this point to judge correctly. Even if it did, What appeals to one person won't necessarily appeal to another though, so AI can only come up with averages, really.
  3. That's interesting. Maybe that AI program doesn't have enough information at this point to properly make decisions?
  4. A few pics from our open house. Since it wasn't timed, most people dropped in individually.
  5. I DID say SHOULD not have. I've heard that biases have been programmed in, in some cases, unfortunately. It would be ideal for research AI to be neutral.
  6. I glanced through the article. Researcher bias is an issue in cases like that, due to preconceived notions. Maybe this is where AI could be helpful in interpreting findings, since it should not have any biases.
  7. It never really ends!!! Just hop over anytime, or I and/or Cat can give you a tour almost any day!!!
  8. Cat and I are having an open house for our Island tomorrow and Monday. It's not really an event. It's not timed. It's just so people can see what She and I have worked so hard on over the last 5 months.. No XXXX signs or ads. It's our home. It IS adult though, but unless a person noses around deeply, there isn't anything to see that some wouldn't want to see. Cat and I are on and off there for the next two days, and we'll happily give anyone interested a tour. No one under 18, or child AV's, obviously. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Dreamworld Ibis/187/141/23
  9. And here is the Tattoo Leora inspired me to create. Ride or Die. I might change the look of it over time. But the words are permanent.
  10. I came by too, to show Leora a tattoo I created, that she inspired from a conversation we had. I was happy to see Luna. I like to support things my friends are doing.
  11. Cat wasn't even there.... Oh... you mean A cat lol!!!
  12. And I looked him up just now. There's nothing on his profile except a profile pic, and a group., and 7 years old. He's most likely a disposable alt. Pet peeve: Cowards who hide their main behind an alt when asking contentious questions, or making contentious posts.
  13. Luna, there is no reason to remember something unpleasant. It was a short lived thread that really did nothing but cause aggression and arguments. I tend to think the OP did that deliberately.
  14. A pet peeve. No... A very BIG peeve: no focus control slider on the camera control. In a candid situation, we have to focus in on a part of the subject, which centers it. Having to use "focus follows pointer", and "ctrl+shift+s" is impossible with candid shots, where positions can change in seconds.
  15. LOL, what? Are you trying to tell us something?
  16. I spent a bit of time with Leora today, while she was trying on outfits.
  17. Effect I added later. I used the "luce" photoshop filter by Amico Perry for the effect. It's a 32 bit filter, and I don't know if it's available anymore. or has a 64 bit version.
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