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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. It's possible there may have been a very tiny contact issue with the seating of the video card, and by hooking up something else you jarred it back. Or possibly an "edid" change reset something. I've run into things like you have. I've been building my own towers since about 1987. I've run into all kinds of weirdness. I've fixed many issues by doing something as minor as you have, and still don't know why it worked. The big trick for me, is to try everything, even if it doesn't make sense. The important thing is, yours is working now. If it happens again, then remember what you did this time. If it isn't a hardware failure issue, it will likely work again.
  2. It might default to that with the videocard removed, or you may have to clear the cmos, which resets everything to default. It could be a button, an internal jumper, or you may have to remove the round lithium battery to do it. That may or not be immediate. I've had to leave my battery out overnight on a few occasions.
  3. Most likely, you won't be able to boot without a video card, unless you have integrated graphics as well, Most boards (not all) will hang once no gpu is detected.
  4. It's very easy to disconnect the drive intenaly. There is a sata cable plugged in, and a power cable . The PC usually beeps on errors. If it's possible to get into the uefi or bios, and reset to failsafe defaults that's something to try. As well as clearing the cmos. Also, there may be an internal display on the motherboard showing error codes. I've run onto a similar issue, where the Video card was at fault, when the fans spun, and tossing in a spare one let my machine boot. Reseating the RAM modules is another thing to consider. And of course, the power supply may be faulty.
  5. Lol, I just took a double take!!! What on earth did you buy? Leora...I'm so proud...err, I mean...ashamed of you!!!
  6. LOL, what? Your clothes back on? You went shopping without them?
  7. I've seen you wear the same outfit a few times, but I liked it. Changing isn't always better.
  8. LOL, but I bet there wouldn't be any loin cloths!!!
  9. In a sense though, we DO dress for other people. I wouldn't show up at a formal event RL or SL dressed in jeans, or in a 17th century outfit. Other people don't either. Yes, we choose what we like, but it's all within the confines of what's acceptable in society at the time, and the occasion.
  10. That's their thing, and it's your thing to respond. There really isn't a "should" or "shouldn't". I don't like a person's profile, I don't IM them. But your SL is different than mine, and that's fair. I'm not a prankster.
  11. Yes, they will draw attention like that. But why bother sending them an IM? Do you really WANT to chat with someone who has an angry rant in their profile? I certainly don't.
  12. I DO get that some people enjoy "violating" someone. It's just not my thing. And I'm totally against it. Full nudity really isn't titillating. It's what we DON'T see, and WANT to see that's exciting. There really isn't anything sexual about a naked body, unless it happens to be a sexual situation. People in cultures where everyone is mostly naked, don't walk around sexually aroused all day because of that. It's just normal.
  13. I've heard that some people derender clothes. The "why" totally loses me. There's no shortage of people who will WILLINGLY undress in SL. But that's just me. As to the profile thing, don't we WANT people to read our profiles? But this really DID make me laugh!!!
  14. Doing that drains the capacitors, which is good. Sometimes though, I've had to leave the power disconnected on a Tower overnight before the issue resolves, even after having cleared the CMOS, and holding the power button down for up to one minute..
  15. Looks a lot like a freshwater smallmouth bass to me!!! Nice fish!!!
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