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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Sorry, but I have to say this. You're here in the forums BECAUSE you have an inworld account. This is a public forum. There is no way you can have the level of interaction here that you can have inworld. Being in the forums is NOT true interaction. Sometimes fate can rob people of things in RL, but SL gives the opportunity to have control over those fates. To do what we want. To experience what we need. There is no need for you to be alone if this thread or the forums get closed. All you have to do is open your viewer and login. It's only a waste if you ALLOW it to be.
  2. This is exactly why so many SL relationships die so quickly. The emotional "high" can only last for a limited time, so people look for another one.
  3. Technological advances actually force us to become MORE reliant on each other. Microprocessors can't be "fixed" if they burn out. They can only be replaced. One single person can't design, program and fabricate one. We now rely on these microprocessors that are created by teams of people for our daily survival.
  4. I'm in Canada. My first doctor and dentist were female. I still tend to think of a doctor as a woman. My parents both worked, so they had to share household chores. They had a very equal relationship. I'm sure there were things I didn't notice, and they didn't. I didn't notice anything different at university either. The only thing different was clothing in all cases.
  5. LOL, I always seem to, but time to get back on topic. You know I started as a female AV, and an escort. It was a chance to explore my sexuality, as you know. i still do that occasionally. But mostly because it's required in certain situations with Caitlin. If it wasn't, it would simply be to look at an attractive female AV, and see her in sexual activity. I personally feel neither masculine or feminine. I am simply "me".
  6. I DO get what you're saying. I simply went to an extreme extrapolation of what I felt is a possibility. I DO think though, that there will always BE a new cultural norm, that constantly changes. One that bullies and imposes. If it's not about gender, it will be about something else.
  7. I'm not arguing your point as it stands at this moment in time. But I took a moment to extrapolate the thought of this to an extreme. Wouldn't this all ultimately result in total homogeneity? Where simply is NO gender identity? And a total lack of diversity?
  8. Major Peeve: You having to do what you're doing Bonus Peeve, as if I'm not already peeved enough: You not having the time to login because you have to do things that peeve you. Care for a Keurig?
  9. I personally don't believe in the religious or spiritual concepts of good and evil. But I agree with you in that destruction is what could be considered "evil". Anything that is a threat to our existence is what is evil from our perspective. But that may very well be considered a "good" from the opposite side. I am philosophical, but not spiritual.
  10. I just loved Anna's Many Murders. She finds beauty in melancholy. I read that in her Lobbycam video.
  11. Robaxacet works wonders too, but it isn't available in the US without a prescription, apparently. Here in Canada it's over the counter.
  12. Yes, but in some cases the point isn't "beauty, harmony and peace". It's the exact opposite, such as was the case with the SIM I was at with @Cinnamon Mistwoodand Caitlin. The entire SIM was a piece of 3D melancholy art.
  13. I agree with you. I'm really just adding that sometimes the artist just wants to make a pic that has visual appeal, or on the opposite end, shock value. Nothing else intended.
  14. I must add this, since i was discussing that SIM. Art isn't always about the messages within the image itself. Sometimes it is simply about creating a "feeling" for the viewer. There is no point trying to decipher all pieces of art, because there isn't always a message or a meaning hidden within.
  15. It WAS a rather interesting experience. A dark SIM with a message. Which was difficult to understand. Murder and insanity were the basis. As we went further, we saw the standard things we see in our lives, such as shopping carts and cellphones. Seemed like a statement against the standard things in society. Cinny and I discussed that. There were youtube and twitter (now X) links at the beginning and at the end. I took a few minutes to glance to glance through one video made by the builder of the SIM. One sentence caught my eye: "I am again noticing the small things in life and I have come to realize that there is a deep beauty in melancholy". Yeah, the melancholy of our reality. It WAS kind of hard to feel that though, since I was with both Cat and Cinny, especially when Cat hung me by my ankles suddenly, and they both had a laugh out of it. Bi*tches!!! But I think the whole point of the SIM was to make a beautiful melancholic experience.
  16. What? and you didn't get them to invite me for a nice afternoon of raping and pillaging?
  17. I have a trick for this, when making them sunny side up. I crack the eggs into the oil when it's room temp, or just barely warm. The eggs are cooked before the oil can get too hot, and the eggs don't burn on the bottom.
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