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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. A new "couch" in our bedroom. People can see it, but use is by Cat's approval only. Good luck with that.
  2. If you want something better, that's free, enter the Lucybody "draw". It's very close to Maitreya, and you'll end up with it after a day or two. If I remember right, it takes 300 "entrants", and then everybody gets one. But again, you'll spend time on something that isn't that important to you.
  3. Lol, I don't think you caused any problems. Not from my perspective anyways. And yes, it can take months to get get the exact look you want. But if exploring is your thing, there's no point spending a lot of time or money on your AV.
  4. I don't. I'm mostly just here (with a few exceptions). My interest is about what people are doing inworld. I wouldn't have the time to BE inworld if I were to follow the threads more extensively.
  5. If I called something off, it was for a good reason. And that would have to have been in one of my female AV's if you were willing to pay. Most likely Pearl. I would accept a hug from a female AV stranger Why not? It might go further. It would just be odd, that they weren't asking for more. Now though, after your comment, I would be suspicious. That female AV could be YOU.
  6. Ummm...I accept MUCH more than just friendly hugs...
  7. Why would anyone decline your hugs? I wouldn't. I'm sure my wife and my friends wouldn't either.
  8. Happy Birthday!!! Turning 30 is always difficult, but you'll get through it...
  9. Nothing. And I don't care if she IS a man. I have friends in female AV's who are men. I could have others who don't admit it. Or friends in male AV's who are women.
  10. Met a new friend today as Swallow. And YES, she DOES know I'm a man LOL!!!
  11. I won't even make a vague attempt at explaining this one...Trust me, it's weirder than you could imagine.
  12. Went to a Barbie party with @Cinnamon Mistwoodearlier today in my female alt. We got appropriately dressed together earlier. I'm the "old Barbie" with the cigarette LOL. Surprise, surprise.
  13. Happy Rez Day Scyll!!! May you have many more with lots of health, happiness and love in your life. It's a Hungarian Birthday blessing.
  14. I didn't!!! Do you really think I would miss an opportunity like that? Not quite so sure you would fit in with the ""Barbie" nice girl"" image though..."Biker Chick" Barbie???
  15. A nice warm morning chat with my wife. We just got up RL, and woke up slowly together, as we talked.
  16. Serves you right Cinny!!! You DO look great in that glass case!!! Not so crazy about seeing you in a sarcophagus though.
  17. I went with @Cinnamon Mistwoodto an art exhibit tonight where there are living statues. I got stuck in a pedestal that put these on me. Cinny couldn't stop laughing, especially when I couldn't speak properly in local!!! You can stop laughing now Cinny.......Cinny???
  18. She didn't need any help with her hairbase either...unfortunately...
  19. Well, Leora, since you wanted Tiggie in the shot...
  20. I fixed your aspect ratio issue, so people can see the pic you actually took!!!
  21. I had a chance to meet Leora Greenwood tonight at Toby's. Such a wonderful lady with a beautiful av. it's so much nicer to get to meet someone inworld. There really isn't a way to get to know a person here on the forums. Of course it was quite hard to resist not trying to pick her up. But I had self control. I was good.
  22. OMG Leora!!! Now you have me laughing too. Yes. The hair on her HEAD!!!
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