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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Most men don't read profiles. I have a full female setup in my account, and I've been propositioned many times with my male profile pic showing.
  2. I hope you used some protection...they can be messy if used "correctly"...
  3. /me smiles. "I told you (so) that you wouldn't be able to hold off much longer....but you continued to try... meaninglessly...You ARE under my control..."
  4. Ooos, sorry. It was almost 3 AM when I wrote that...
  5. LOL, we can debate or agree tomorrow, Sleep time for me.
  6. Thanks. Really.... I put it in our "playroom" because it's the only room and place on our island where it would fit right and match the decor. It's really not where we usually "play". Caitlin wanted that particular room to be our playroom, so the name stuck.
  7. I'm quite sure scylla, you've heard the expression "De gustibus, non est disputandum".
  8. I find chopping up human bodies uncomfortable too, and. That was my point. Especially when it is about someone I care about. I demo'd a few things like that with Caitlin, and literally almost vomited RL. No thanks to that stuff. Sometimes to get the things we want in furniture, we have to accept things that are included that we don't want to use.
  9. Can you have them make me one? Caitlin and I can share...
  10. Peeve: people who try to censor by pointing out what a piece of furniture is capable of in a pic, and insist it is inappropriate when the author has made no statement about any functionality, and there is nothing inappropriate within the image itself. More peeve: Some insist the author of the pic has made a statement of something offensive simply by having said furniture in an image. Especially when such furniture is not recognizable to the general population. Ultra Major peeve: The assumption others make that the owner of a piece of furniture finds EVERY function of it palatable and desirable.
  11. This device, we have to hide in the deepest recesses of our dungeon. It is so horrifying, it is not even suitable for our playroom. The ultimate torture device. Capable of inducing endless hours of mind numbing agony...The video tutorials on how to create sculpted prims with the Primstar plugin for Blender. Agonizing. But sometimes necessary due to LI. Even Caitlin won't come near this...
  12. Thanks!!! I used NIK abstract effects pro, and faded it.
  13. @Zalificent Corvinus pointed out what it does. I did not. I pointed out that that particular function used on Caitlin would make me ill. You @Scylla Rhiadra, pointed to further details of what it is capable of from the MP listing. Only people familiar with the device would know anything. As I said, to anyone unfamiliar, it could just as easily been a healing device, which it IS capable of. As @Cinnamon Mistwoodpointed out, to her it looked like a sleeping pod. I guess it's oversharing that I point out I would feel physically ill by seeing my wife's limb's amputated, even if it's just in SL form. Which WAS my point.
  14. But in this case all I said was I DON'T want to see that function of it, because it would make me sick to my stomach. and it would for real!!! I don't want to see that with this machine, or any other device anywhere do that to Caitlin. In this case though, I feel it was Scylla who was oversharing by pointing out the details of the MP listing.
  15. Then what is the need to tell anyone? NOW who is oversharing?
  16. Such devices have been seen on prime time television in "G"rated hours.
  17. Because YOU quoted MP. How did you actually find that? I can't find something from a pic on MP.
  18. Had no one said anything, I wouldn't have said anything. Simply from my pics it could have seen purely as a sci-fi healing device. I get called out, I answer honestly. And yes, it CAN be used for healing. That IS a part of it's function.
  19. No, neither is a rack, or the altar we have in our dungeon. I heard no complaints about those. Mind control devices, I have seen in saturday morning cartoons,and even Gilligan's Island. There is nothing intrinsically to indicate what this device is capable of in my pics, and I was not the one to bring attention to them.
  20. It does a lot of other things besides that, where there is no torture involved. We didn''t get it for it's torture capabilities.
  21. We won't be using the limb-removal lasers btw. I really don't feel like throwing up seeing that happen to Caitlin. The equipment is capable of other things as well.
  22. /me smiles. Cat and I like to live dangerously.
  23. Cat and I inspecting a new piece of machinery I bought yesterday for our playroom. This one will take some time to set up properly.
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