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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I wouldn't want have some ripped character's AV. I had to tweak my appearance over time to get the look I wanted!!!
  2. I'm found one I really like for my AV. Now I just have to add it all my outfits. I like to be consistent. I've been inspired by a number of people both in SL and RL. I do have a relatively small one in RL.
  3. I missed the 18 year old part. I know she's old enough legally, but doesn't have enough RL experience to know what she's getting into. So I can tell her about the work, as you can., but she needs a bit more RL experience before making that decision. And hopefully an 18 year doesn't have enough sexual experience to be a good sex worker, although I know that's not always the case. I promote sex work for those of us who want to experience it in SL as a kink, but not for anyone around 18.
  4. I don't care what anyone's AV looks like. It's the person behind it that matters. Av's do give us a glimpse of the other person's personality though. It's the mesh or non mesh which I find irrelevant.
  5. And this is thread is degenerating. Only the first few posts are actually relevant to the initial question. Instead of attacking each other, lets try and help the person who started the thread and asked an honest question!!! Skyhope1, If you are interested in being a sex worker, I can help you with that .The other suggestions are definitely wonderful. Look to yourself and see what your interests are. That way it's not "work".
  6. I don't care if an AV is human or not. Friendships are friendships!!!
  7. I'm not disagreeing. I'm simply talking about the sex industry. That's what I have experience with here. I can't comment on other things I don't know about,
  8. I work in SL for pleasure. The $L are just part of that. Any money I make here is nothing compared to RL
  9. It's not, and Ii don't want it to be. I'm adding my two cents worth because of experience.
  10. I've never worked in a club with no sexual activity And i wouldn't want to.
  11. Just because you're more beautiful than I am doesn't mean I'll let you get between us!!! And I just know that's what your planning...
  12. I'm going to have to do some serious cookie making and baking!!!
  13. So you don't. Fair. You say things as you find fit, and I do the same,
  14. Don't you dare try and steal my partner from me!!! Biitch!!
  15. .It's called a reaction out of anger. I'm quite sure you understand the concept.
  16. This is all very inappropriate in this thread. This is NOT about me!!!! Please everyone, focus on Ryan., and how wonderful it is that he found the forums after so many years!!!! Hi Ryan!!!! Welcome!!!!
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