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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Meet me inworld sometime. It's so hard to get to know people here.
  2. It's fun when it happens though lol!!!
  3. I agree. I have nothing against the pic. I love it. Mine on Flickr aren't quite as moderate, but they stay there.
  4. Then why was mine removed when others can do it? I don't want the forums to be replete with nudity. Flickr is the right place.
  5. My pic didn't show my nipples. I made sure of that!!!
  6. You can find that On our Flickrs. It's not like we're trying to hide if we post them there!!
  7. I have no issues with it obviously. I think it's a great pic. I'm just upset that one of mine was removed when I took the effort to alter mine and make it safe!!
  8. As crazy as this may sound coming from me, I DON"T want the forums to be filled with pornographic imagery. We have Flickr to show those. That's the appropriate place.
  9. I had one of my pics removed not long ago with a warning. And mine was from the side where you couldn't even see one of my nipples!!! Is this pic allowable because it isn't full nudity? If this pic stays, I will have to make an appeal about mine. Which was nothing more than me standing with a man in a nonsexual way.
  10. I think your legs are too long. Constructive criticism.
  11. ROFL. My background is Hungarian. Good luck with me even trying to get there!!!
  12. I'll try windiff. i used that years ago, but I can't remember what it can do. sounds like a good option though. Thanks!!
  13. That's not possible for me. Well, not Impossible, but I would have to set up another PC on 24/7.
  14. Could you please explain that step by step? i understand the concept. but not how to do it.
  15. I accidentally ended up here lol!! No idea where i am!!!
  16. I go from PC to PC and Laptop and Chromebook. I want to combine my chats . Is there an easy way of doing this without having to go through each chat and copying and pasting? I have a lot of friends, so it would be extremely time consuming. I need to be able to reflect back on things that have been said. Does anyone know an easy way?
  17. I am so sorry about your losses. That's just simply terrible. The sadness you feel is reflected in your image. Powerful art is inspired by powerful emotions. In this case it's very unfortunate though. Keep making your art, and express your emotions through your creations. Catharsis.
  18. This looks amazing!!! It makes me feel like the woman in the image has endured the incredible loss of someone dear, and all the colour has gone out of her life. Minimalism also shows IMO how she feels that there is nothing in her life now. This person is in the deepest mourning. Very powerful!!!
  19. It was good, wasn't it... Only Tali gets my heart though.
  20. It was good wasn't it? I'll have sex with you anytime!!! I just won't get into an emotional relationship. That's for Tali only.
  21. Panteleeva, you know very well I have an open relationship...So there is nothing to stop us!!!
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