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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. Oh, and let me not forget Caroline, who took the time out of her busy schedule to sit and listen and talk to me when I was hurting from a broken relationship!!!!
  2. I don't advertise for friendships. I have no need to.
  3. Excuse me?. Lets talk about Tali, Scyll, and Maddy who I see and chat with inworld. And others who I only chat with inside the forums such as Luna, Admingirl, Permaruthed....Etc....I love them to bits!!! Even Jordan!!! I have made an SL Sister and Mother from from these forums, so those are the kinds relationships I was referring to. Advertising? Yes, I'm advertising what wonderful people they are!!!
  4. The forums are very different from inworld though, but you can make some very close friendships here.
  5. I was looking for something in the developer menu, and I must have clicked it too what it does. Because the numbers are so small, I must not have noticed. I had my settings backed up, but I forgot where I put them. Time to save again when I go inworld later today.
  6. I won'r be able to check until Thursday evening
  7. I really care about taking nice pics, and It would be a shame if I had to start with the "clone stamp", when I haven't post processed anything yet!!! Thank you!!!
  8. I accidentally turned on memory display on the upper and lower right side in my pics. Does anyone know how to turn it off? I'm using firestorm and can't find my backup.
  9. Sorry, I saw some adult content in the background, so I removed the pic
  10. Don't worry!!! people will reply if you IM them!!! Not everyone of course, but It does work!!!
  11. This is an inappropriate thread to air grievances.of any type.
  12. Let's just take this inworld or on PM's. This is a wonderful thread, and I don't want to see it removed.
  13. This is not the correct thread to express anger in.
  14. I don't know the situation, but please don't be angry. There is simply too much to be positive about in SL!!!
  15. I just love your outfit Where did you get it?
  16. Getting to know a friend really is a combination of various platforms. It's about opening ourselves to each other even further. KK, now let's go and take pics with the people we care about!!!
  17. Fair!!! I didn't know you were friends with Scyll. Feeling sexy though does depend on how we think others will perceive us as well. There would be no point otherwise. Being in the forums has severe limitations, because we can't know peoples relationships with others. And it takes so much longer to get to know a person. Really, I always try to meet my friends from here inworld. And on Flickr. It makes the bonds so much stronger!!!
  18. I'm sure you couldn't possibly be referring to me lol!!! How could I be a bad influence on anyone...(as I giggle in RL) Actually, being naked is not sexy. It's all about creating the desire for others to want to see us naked!!! It becomes very sexy though once the desire is there!!! And somehow I don't think Scyll is particularly easy to influence!!! Just a hunch.
  19. You mean you and your RL friends don't normally dress like this? I must admit lol that my friends and I wore some pretty outrageous things when we went to the clubs in RL!!! Oddly enough never when I played drums on stage in RL. This pic isn't posed. This is totally raw "as it happened" Every pic I've uploaded so far has been. The one exception is me posing for SLA . The photog posed me. I did take that pic though.
  20. An after event chat...I'm not in the pic, but they deserve to be,,,
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