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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. It's Veni, vidi vici. I came, I saw, I conquered. And who was it that upset you....
  2. You won't be able to get there. I'll drag you right back!!! Fight me biitch!!! That will keep you alive!!!
  3. Hungarian translations also show up as total nonsense. So I don't trust google translator very much. Both English and Hungarian were my first languages. i do understand your point though. There is always some sort of continuity.
  4. I knew they were real words, but I couldn't follow any sort of meaning in a sentence. And it makes me feel better knowing that there was no meaning in random words. I haven't forgotten as much as I thought!!!
  5. Scyll, you'll laugh at me, but I was actually trying to read the Latin. I took it in highschool for three years, but so much is gone, I can't make sense of it anymore!!! Or were these random words.? I couldn't pick up on an actual sentence..
  6. I couldn't agree with you more. I have had that as you know.
  7. Lol, I didn't know it could be spelled any other way. I'm Canadian you know.
  8. You'll get where you want to be!!! It does take time and effort, and our AV's evolve with time. SL does have a learning curve. Now go and learn more, and you'll be spectacular!!! Welcome back!!!
  9. This is the most wonderful thread of all. A step beyond "our AV"s Here we aren't just showing ourselves off ( which I'm all for), but we're showing off those who give our SL lives meaning. Without them, there would be no SL.
  10. They are foolish though, and wasting their time is all they want is sex. It's not hard to pick someone up in and adult club for free, or pay for someone. This sounds like a way of boosting their egos.
  11. Mine is buying an empty box on Marketplace!!! Can we report that sort of thing somehow?
  12. Don't always "listen" to the profiles. Just like you wrote, they aren't always real. I'm surprised you find people inworld unfriendly, because I've found the exact opposite. Maybe it's because I stay with the adult community, and we already have shared interests. Opening our sexual fantasies to each can create some very strong bonds.
  13. It's possible to find more. I have, so everyone can as well. And do mean very dear friends. We argue sometimes, just like RL lol!!!
  14. Ok, it's time for this thread to close. Too much negativity here. I won't be posting in this thread anymore.
  15. Tari, I just want this thread to end. There is nothing positive here anymore. It was not my intention to cause conflict. You don't have to like me, and neither does anyone else.That's just the way we are as human beings. Some people we like and respect, other's we don't. I didn't understand the difference between inworld and here, but I understand that now, at least I hope. I truly don't like conflict, whether it be here, inworld or RL. I didn't come to the forums for that. And I wont, and can't stop anyone from expressing anything, whether it be friend or foe. I have developed some deep and sincere relationships here on the forums, and have many friends inworld. I concentrate on those, and not the negative.
  16. I do get emotional, and get hurt. I'm not vindictive , but I have my ways....And they can be subtle on occasion....
  17. It's not a shadow self. It's me. I can be aggressive in situations which call for it. I haven't found the need here in the forums. Inworld I sometimes pierce an artery without them ever having noticed...if they have caused me pain for selfish reasons....
  18. I got fired from a club for giving a patron shiit about something I felt he did wrong. I turned a game of jealousy around in my former relationship. I chased child AV's out of a Satanic church, and ripped right into the devil!!! The list goes on. Sometimes my claws are subtle, and pierce an artery without them ever knowing. But only if I am attacked first.
  19. I won't go there. Inworld...I can have very sharp claws!!!
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