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Everything posted by SandorWren

  1. I have spent some time chatting with Brianna inworld. She is a very lovely person, and absolutely positive. She was the one who helped me with a linux issue, when the Firestorm support group couldn't!!! Brianna knows her stuff!!!
  2. Thanks!!! FS froze for me even when i didn't use "save as". I will check it again though. it might change since I have a location set.now.
  3. I didn't say it would be LL. But eventually some company will achieve this.
  4. Hopefully you don't mean Brianna has been negative. She's been fully positive!!!
  5. That is exactly what I'm trying to do, as you already know. SL would be totally meaningless to me without the people I'm close to. They aren't replaceable. And you are big help in me trying to accomplish that!!! Thank you!!
  6. The slowdown you're experiencing is why I'm experimentenig with Linux. I don't see things look ugly on my side. I don't see much difference at all (in most places). But that could just be my new PC, and the way it renders. And you CAN run the pre-PBR verion of FS. Honestly though, I couldn't care less whether it was implemented or not. It's not enough of a change to mean anything. Other than to annoy people. BUT...SL cannot stagnate, or we won't have an SL.
  7. in all honesty though, The PBR change hasn't affected my SL in any way other than a nicer look. I have the choice of using the non-PBR FS. I prefer PBR. Caitlin has had to use the pre-PBR on her Mac. And eventually there WILL be a fully photorealistic virtual world. SL is like Windows 8 right now for some people. It isn't for me. But we WILL die out. LL needs new people in order to sustain SL.
  8. I know so little about Linux, I wouldn't even know to look. Either way, FS is unusable for impromptu pics if I have to choose a folder each time. I need it to save when I press save. And that's even too slow.
  9. It doesn't change my mind on the fact that eventually there WILL be a fully photorealistic virtual world.
  10. We can't argue over what appeals to us. It's a personal thing. i persanally have both with PBR. But I know that not everyone does.
  11. We watch photorealistic movies. We see the hulk and and the X-men. None of us can do the things they can in RL. That's what attracts us to watch. The concept that it APPEARS real. Not everyone likes cartoons (I do though)
  12. This also happens with Windows, mac OS, and Linux. Eventually, older computers die, and we ARE forced to replace them. Eventually WE die, and LL is forced to replace US. LL has no choice but to try and implement change. I firmly believe that one day there will be a fully realistic version of SL. As if we were living in a RL movie. If LL doesn't move forward, LL WILL die and need replacing.
  13. I really DO understand that Linux is niche. My issue is about the support group. it's meant to support Windows, Mac, AND Linux. I don't expect everyone running the group to know about every issue. BUT...I DO expect help. If the "Mods" online don't know the answer, they should be honest and say they don't know, because they don't have experience with Linux, and tell me to file a bug report, or refer me to someone who DOES know. Personally, I am not a Linux fan. It DOES double my framerate with FS though, as @BriannaLoveysaid it would. I can "skimp" by with an average of 40 FPS with everything maxed out in Windows (except in one rare case), but my friends don't have the hardware I do. If I can set up a bootable Linux drive image with FS for them to use, I certainly will. It's unfortunate that Caitlin is on a Mac, as apparently, even booting Linux from an external drive can cause issues with the Mac OS. It affects Windows as well, as I have discovered with my clock.
  14. REALY SERIOUS PEEVE: Support groups, where even the head honchos have no concept of the issues, or how to fix them!!! I was testing Linux with Firestorm. Fine. It all worked. UNTIL I tried to save a pic to disk. Then I just froze. The support group either ignored my chat, or suggested I reset all my settings, and suggested trying another viwer to see if it was FS or not.. I noticed @BriannaLoveywas online. I know she knows Linux. She suggested I use alt tab. That let mne pick my file loaction, and I COULD save a pic to wher I wanted. I still DO have to file a bug report, but without Brianna's help, I woud still be wandering around "Official Support!!! Thanks Bri!!!
  15. Try logging out after you've made changes, and then relogging to make changes stick. I know that's a necessity in some cases.
  16. Peeve: Why don't I get any notification of posts from people I follow? I AM worried about @Cinnamon Mistwood, but I wanted to protect her privacy by not mentioning that she was in the vicinity of a wildfire, and I didn't see that she had posted earlier that she was. I seem to remember getting notifications of posts from people I follow in the past. Did that change, or am I simply remembering wrong? Or is one of my settings wrong?
  17. Peeve: not getting I wouldn't believe it was you for one second LOL!!! You just made me laugh!!! i suspect it was someone Celia had "relations" with in her Penthouse, in an alt, since he was on the island I have as Sandor earlier that day. Celia HAD shown him an OC vendor in the island Gallery, and he was in the same location earlier. A little too coincidental.
  18. With my Celia account, I had a guy show up in my penthouse and just stand there. For a fair long while, without saying anything. It was creepy. Then I simply ejected and banned him. I asked him after the ejection what he was doing in my private space without invitation. He said: "greeting you". It did NOT go well. Celia is NOT nice!!! Active security now!!!
  19. No. But i will be testing Alchemy, so if I do, I will let you know.
  20. Those are definitely extensive and difficult projects. I can see your projects being very valuable to SL. Way out of my league!!! The most I've ever done with coding is to slightly modify some LSL TV scripts. I have been able to combine some Arduino sketches to control a stepper motor and camera, for a film to video transfer machine I built,. but I wouldn't be able to code from scratch.
  21. You also forgot to mention that it is ultimately up to the Mods to decide what is or isn't appropriate. Not you, me, or anyone else.
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