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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. OMG!!! Thank you!!! My recent shots have been adjusted in post, obviously, but they aren't posed.
  2. A quick pic of my friend Caitlin, who I've been spending a lot of time with.
  3. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  4. Spending a bit of time chatting with my old friend Athena in the Tower. Who I've known since my Pearl days.
  5. And I found out how a banned person could come into my Sim. From the person who owns the land where I have my Island estate. There ARE exploits that at person can utilize. It's not an easy thing do though, because certain criteria have to be met.
  6. This pic is raw, unless a person considers the built in spotlight filter processing. It's not posed either.
  7. Thanks!!! That's my point though. Who would think of this? it should be mentioned in the install instructions. My camera restraints were off, because I take a lot of pics. But I had no idea what the select limit was for!!!
  8. In order to remove it, I had to unlimit selection distance in the advanced menu, Then I could select the surround, and delete. I had no luck finding the invisible box. I got the idea to try it when I was looking on MP for a surround this morning. It said to unlimit selection distance and camera constraints should be off. I wonder if anyone else ever got stumped by this.
  9. Thanks!!! I wasn't sure what I was looking for, and an area search turned up nothing. I'll check when I can get back inworld.
  10. My Sim surround was removed by someone. I tried a demo, and I don't know how to remove it. Could someone help?
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