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Everything posted by Bagnu

  1. OMG, I can't find my post. But I totally agree!!! I want to look good for myself too!!!
  2. I looked, and it is impressive. Even if the clients don't care, we want to look good for ourselves too!!! Like RL!!! Already added the demo!!!
  3. The only way anyone could ever lose by being my friend is by admitting it!!!
  4. Thank you so much!!! I have to take a look. I have VAW now. So far, I've found that clients don't look closely after they hire me. I have to ask some of my gf's about this though!!!
  5. I'm protagonist ENFJ-A lol!!! Shouldn't surprise anyone who knows me in SL or RL!!!
  6. Yes, I can buy a body applier inworld at the store. I will do that if I don;t find anything else I like. I hate inworld shopping though.
  7. I like the roughness that Genna gives. I want texture in my look. I will have to try the others you suggested though, So confusing!!!
  8. I have to check and see if it's only because I have the demo. I shop Mp mostly.
  9. I honestly don't know. I spent about 4 hours today searching for something I liked. And no I haven't checked about glam affair. If you know of a similar skin, please let me know!!!
  10. I'm honestly lost on this. I make friends almost every day I'm inworld. I can't work on an outfit without getting an IM (and I would rather have it that way). I would be more than happy have more friends, and introduce you to my friends!!! It could only work if you want to be a part of the Adult community though.
  11. Here's an early experiment.I have the Gemma demo skin from Session, and a LeLutka skin for my Maitreya body that came with my Erin head. I prefer the Allessandra Realskin for my body though, and I will try the demo again. I have to match the tone of my head to my body obviously though. What does everyone think so far??? And do you feel it's still "me"??? I know I look a little shocked in this pic, but I thought it was fun lol!!!
  12. I still have to continue setting up my Wardrobe!!!
  13. I'm going to try a LeLutka head. I want blemished skin, and I've been searching. Now I have to sort through my favorites, and pick. I need to look glamorous, with a hint of being "experienced". But of course I have to experiment and see what works!!!
  14. I have to fix that!!! Some have found me though, and it was truly nice to meet them!!! With my friends, we talk about why we are in SL. Our AV's and clothes. Shopping. Places to rent. Furniture. How nice or not nice a particular Sim is. How we are feeling in RL (without giving too much RL info). Our experiences in SL. Just about any RL tor SL topic you could imagine. The list is endless!!! It does get kinky of course. It depends on what sims someone goes to, and the people they meet. Most people are nice, but not everyone is. I have had to pull my claws out a few times!!!
  15. I am trying to find LeLutka heads on marketplace, and I'm finding everything but the actual Heads!!! Could someone help????
  16. Allesandra real skin is quite nice, but It wouldn't cover my head. Am I doing something wrong, or is it just purely meant for my body???
  17. Great look!!! I should look into that!!!
  18. Bagnu

    Genus Heads.

    I'm kind of feeling this way, unless a demo can prove to me that it's better than what I have.
  19. I have 193 friends so far. If you are into the Adult community I would be happy to introduce you to some!!! IM me when your inworld!!! And we DO sit around and chat about things other than sex!!!
  20. I got the demo. I'm curious!!!
  21. Would it work for laq do you think???
  22. I like the second better. I love the definition!!!
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