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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. Seriously? you can't find a girl to dance with you? why do you need a consistent dance partner? What if she is not on when you are on? Maybe something comes up in RL and she isnt there. Why not just find a girl to dance with? Fill out your profile, put in there you love to dance. Talk to girls dancing alone at clubs and ask if they woulf like to dance with you, if they say no ask someone else. It is possible that doing that you will find the consistent partner you are looking for.
  2. Back in those same ol shorts and t shirt, at least I have new graphics.
  3. Another shot of the new Mother Road pool.
  4. In 2022, I need to explore more new places, starting off right at least.
  5. I had met her, then she just seemed to disappear, turns out she was in Dubai. Now she is back.
  6. large enough to change outfits and wear something appropriate to the situation and small enough to be easily manageable. With a virtually infinite number of T shirts. As for the day, besides the falling women, I met a very sweet woman, reconnected with another and traded music, and made a new painting.
  7. I told you what I thought, don't make me repeat it here.
  8. one of my more memorable days in SL. Then later I ended up in the snow.
  9. OK I am looking for a girl, but this isnt what i had in mind.
  10. Some people here think situation photos have no place in the forums,
  11. probably, bu tthe place was so laggy i just grabbed a picture and left, i will try again later. At the place i went i did see a nice looking young lady and tried to get her to talk, she didnt respond, then I noticed the line in her profile that said she only dates girls.
  12. Pretty sure there were limits in place when I started posting here (with this account).
  13. There are 4 items you have to have on at all times. Skin, shape. Eyes, and another I can't remember. If one is missing you will remain a cloud. Adding the missing item fixes it.
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