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Everything posted by Ayeleeon

  1. I cam people a lot, and I have done so a long time. I do not recall anyone ever calling me out for it. I don't think most people pay much attention to it.
  2. Still hanging out in a suit at the same sim as yesterday.
  3. Hey Hi I live in the South as well, (Florida) but didnt grow up here so I dont talk like a southerner. Look me up sometime.
  4. No, not completely different, still absolutely amazing.
  5. You have more patience than me I read 5 or 6. Not just age but time online. Either she was to young, into something I am not, or came online when I was asleep or at work. At least when you meet someone in world, you know they get online when you do.
  6. IM me sometime, especially if you like art, I can show you some art places.
  7. I would need a cup of coffee or two before I could do all that.
  8. So it can rain babies. Meanwhile I came here to post this.
  9. That is an interesting place, in that it exists in SL, It is driven by the fact that lots of people use it. There are sections for men seeking women, men seeking men, and women seeking women as well. It seems a bit cumbersome to me though, why sort through hundreds of notecards when you can just go out and talk to people. But I guess everyone is different.
  10. We had a cat once who woul dreach under the roll to pull on the toilet paper even when it was hung so the paper rolls off against the wall, Even if you made sure the paper didnt hang down, she could spin it and get enough hanging down to unroll it
  11. Of course there are girls out there financing thier wardrobes in ways that guys just can't do.
  12. What do you mean, I am not in this shot, just 5 flamingos here.
  13. She looks like a creature who would lure sailors into the water and eat them.
  14. Lion King is the movie I have seen more times than any other, No other movie even comes close. When my oldest son was very little, I worked nights and watched him during the day when my wife was at work. It was his favorite movie, so we watched it over and over and over.
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