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Rat Luv

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Everything posted by Rat Luv

  1. I drew: II of CUPS I know how you feel - I'm still a system AV! It's hard to rock the urban neko goth look with a supermodel head and pouty lips that 100 other people have. If this has put you off trying mesh, this card suggests things might change! It means reconciliation and a new friendship. Old enemies now share a drink and put aside their differences. And the only way you'd suddenly befriend mesh would be if someone produced a head that you liked, so it HAS to happen, I reckon? The only problem is it might get a bit weird if that head become popular and you see a load of people wearing it on the dance floor. Be prepared for a surprise! 😲
  2. I drew PAGE OF CUPS Good news Arduenn - YES!
  3. I drew: VII OF CUPS This is about being lured in by fantasies. The man in the card is chasing after cups full of riches, castles and Fred Perry shirts, but the truth is the top and bottom right cups - it's all an illusion, disguising snakes and baby dragons! So I'm not sure you're right - it might just be your overactive imagination. THOUGH....the card also means overindulgence. So maybe the card is saying humanity will chase after materialism and become so greedy that it wipes itself out? I'll go with 'no' for now but if a world leader arrives with the same face as the one top left, I would get very scared...
  4. I was shuffling and this card fell out: THREE OF CUPS It means friendship and community, and discovering a common bond. So maybe your geese are just taking a short break? But also consider - and don't take this the wrong way - maybe your geese ran away to be by themselves? Maybe it's THEIR community and they don't want humans involved? Birds can be picky like that (are geese birds? Don't yell at me if they're mammals). Anyway, some people think a card falling out of the deck isn't the spirits but just clumsiness so I drew again, same question and got: VI OF WANDS Which means triumphing over the odds and achieving success. This is a good card! Don't sue me if I'm wrong but I think you have reasons to be optimistic that your geese will come back. I'm sure the forum would love to know the back story to this
  5. I drew: STRENGTH The basic message of this is that you need to find the strength to accept that socks go missing. It happens to all of us! I also don't understand why my socks go missing. You have to bear with it until we find the culprits who have stolen all of our socks and stashed them somewhere. But will you ever find that one sock again? I drew again and got: QUEEN OF PENTACLES I won't lie to you Bigmoe, I'm a bit stumped. This card means being down to earth, trustworthy and in balance with nature. Which isn't helping you find your sock. I think maybe your sock is hiding from you? At least until you get in balance with it. You need to stop fantasising and get pragmatic to find the sock, is what this card's telling me.But like the Strength card said, maybe don't worry too much about it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  6. My own one: how will coronavirus play out? I drew: VII OF PENTACLES This means we're at a crossroads and still have lots of figuring out to do. Maybe getting a vaccine won't be straight forward. Maybe lockdown isn't working? Or maybe it is? We probably need some reliable stats. I live in the UK and they just ruined everything by giving the recording work to a team who had a broken Excel sheet. The man on the card is looking at the mess and saying "NO!!"
  7. I drew KING OF WANDS So this is like having an idea about what you want to do and going after it without fear. Kings are authority figures so if you're asking because you've got an idea for an event or venture in mind, you're probably very capable of doing it and people will know and respect that! You will probably get attention from others too. The other big meaning is enthusiasm, so this is all looking really good. Very likely that if you believe in your own superpowers and take action, your cup will be well running over!
  8. I've been studying tarot during lockdown and could do with some interactive practice after all this isolation. I thought I'd do it here because my RL friends don't care 😂 Ask me a question, any question, here and I will shuffle and draw one card (a RL card) for you and use it to answer. If your question is secret, just say "it's secret" and send me vibes through the screen and I'll draw you a card and tell you about it anyway. I don't want any tips, so this is totally FREE ☺️
  9. I went to a SL cinema once, there was a choice of three films but whatever you clicked it showed BORAT and kept buffering. The best bit was watching my AV eat popcorn?
  10. I personally agree. I would much rather get a 50L tip for a night where everyone is chatting and you have fun, or help a newbie, or make new friends, than 500L where people just IM each other all night and there's no connection. It gets awkward. The funnest SL job I had was hosting a vampire DJ called Trevor. The owner was never online during our set so we'd just play to a tiny crowd and do stupid stuff that the 'big name' DJs '/ hosts couldn't get away with, like redecorating the club, or letting off sheep particles or only talking through Japanese translators. Actually, no wonder we were unpopular 😂
  11. Agree with @Lewis Luminos - 50-100L seems the standard. .
  12. You should always tip hosts the most, they have to talk for two hours and set contest boards and send out half-time notices, the DJ can just sit back and relax 😂
  13. I used to host at Neko Club A but had a friend who hosted at Neko Club B and she came to my set and tipped me 100L. So I felt I had to go to Neko Club B to support her at her set, so I paid her the 100L back. It went on for months - passing each other the same 100L every week, until she had a fight with the owner and quit to become a wedding planner. So finally I could spend the 100L at Razorblade Jacket ☺️
  14. Be honest - If you had a much higher of chance of dying if you got it vs NO bad effects afterwards(when you're immune) ... Would you prefer that to getting it and then maybe having long term lung/health problems?
  15. SL has never been good with vehicles, that's true.
  16. A Frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. he can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I`d like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it`s okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she`ll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There`s a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral." She holds up the tiny pink elephant. "I mean, what in the world is this?" The bank manager looks back at her and says... "It`s a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man`s a Rolling Stone." 😂
  17. EDIT Youtube blocked me from posting the Cocteau Twins song I wanted to OK, so this is also my three-day rainstorm soundtrack
  18. Thank you! ☺️ And I will do the same for you Scylla!
  19. There were originally three, two were my sister's - Suzie Sue and Screwface - but they bullied Rodney so we kept them apart, and then she moved in with her boyfriend anyway (my sister, not the rat). The other thing keeping me off getting a cat is I'm lucky that I've kept my job so far and can work from home, but I'm saving money in case worst comes to worst with the coronavirus, and don't want to spend money on cat food and vet bills, or have to pass the cat on to someone if I suddenly have to move...
  20. I had a pet rat in RL! He was called 'Lord Rodney' ☺️ I picked up a 'shoulder rat' for 0L in the old SL neko shop 'Imagine'. But it wasn't very good. I live in a flat or I would get a cat...I think it would be unfair unless it can run around in a wide open space...I also live near a busy road 😐
  21. OK...? lol, I don't know how it works, was just asking... Everyone agrees I would be a terrible SL mother.
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