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Logan Elf

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Everything posted by Logan Elf

  1. I don't think they'll release this week - too much going on with uplift. Next week on Monday is possible, as support will be open until Wednesday - time to resolve any glitches.
  2. Personally, I think it would be bizarre to have the stilt regions in datacentre servers and not start in cloud servers. Today (Wednesday) LL are doing rolling restarts on Main Channel regions already in the cloud, so in that case seeing stilt regions restarting would be expected.
  3. There's currently 156 stilt regions visble, so roughly 3,500 homes
  4. Once uplift completed, they could complete the top of logland along with water regions (theres two below the upper stilts, so looks like plan) That would connect the stilt area to the squishy pickle. Maybe they'll put a Stilt Community area and an airstrip like Coral Waters in the gap between the upper and lower stilts
  5. Plus, isn't it US Thanksgiving next week? If so support will be closed on the Thursday - given there's usually some glitch on these big releases, the last thing needed is for support to not be available. That would definitely rule out Wednesday,, and maybe Tuesday.
  6. I counted 155 visible ones (so far) Edit: Zooming in on Agua Fresca shows it to be a stilt region there too, so that makes 156 (approx 3,500 homes)
  7. I've noticed group tag changing can take several seconds to occur sometimes.
  8. ^^This The log homes release lasted weeks - if you got a location you didn't like you could abandon and try again. With a restricted release you could abandon and end up homeless.
  9. Might be due to caching by my viewer - 6 of the 9 in the SW corner of the lower stilts are now showing red borders on my in-world map, whereas they weren't earlier. The one Frigga showed is still orange for me.
  10. In-world I'm not seeing any regions in red, but if I go to the maps.secondlife.com I see 14:
  11. My mainland parcel region has been uplifted for a couple of weeks now, and has had no problems, but it's lightly loaded, I know of a heavily (over-)loaded region and the performance improvement there once uplifted was noticeable
  12. Some require premium membership, but these sandboxes are all AWS regions: Sandbox Cordova Sandbox Goguen Sandbox Wanderton BlueSteel Sandbox A LeTigre Sandbox A
  13. I think those are semi-automated, so maybe they meant uplifted regions for Tuesday. Or perhaps planning more uplifts.
  14. A restart won't revert. Unless there's some really catastrophic failure, I very much doubt a mainland region will be migrated back. Private estates can ask to be temporarily migrated back , but will have to provide very good reasons to do so.
  15. As far as I can tell, they uplifted all of RC BlueSteel
  16. Oz said they'd noticed an increase in Teleport failures In this blog post My failure rate is certainly far higher than 2% (1 in 50) - mine's more like 5% (1 in 20), though fortunately not all result in a disconnect I'm also noticing occasions where the TP "completes" but the viewer still has the progress bar and you appear frozen until you click cancel. - everything seems OK afterwards.
  17. seems to be a number of restarts past few hours, don't know if related to earlier service issues (regions I've observed being restarted have only been up since Tuesday, so definitely not a 10-day thing)
  18. Submitted cases always take days & days. As a premium member always best to use the online chat when open (6am-2pm SLT every day unless notified otherwise on status page)
  19. When I first installed 6.3.9 it was very unstable - it would crash every few days for no apparent reason (previous version didn't crash for me at all). I don't know whether it's SL server fixes or Windows updates, but i haven't had a crash for a few weeks now (hope I'm not tempting fate!). Still get those annoying disconnects, but frequency of those is about the same as previous version.
  20. Could be FS version, as i'm using - guessing maybe the change in way SL server versions were named broke older versions like yours.
  21. you only see the build number, not the full name with all that date crud: Since the build number is unique, that's all you need to determine if main channel or RC So today's RC: https://prnt.sc/u6hvqx And main channel: https://prnt.sc/u6hv0w And in other news... I notice they've shuffled some regions around between Main & RC channels. As you can see Sandbox Wanderton is now on an RC, if you want to do RC testing ETA: Looks like Magnum didn't roll today and remained on 547110 and the premium channel named sandboxes are back on their respective channels
  22. Release notes for 547626 (at time of posting not there yet) Edit: @Mazidox Linden any update of when todays RC build release notes will be ready?
  23. Note you only get the simulator version there if you have both the "Show location in top menu" and "Show simulator version in top menu" options of the User Interface preferences checked (As location is in address bar I turned off the "Location" option - seemed pointless duplicating the address bar)
  24. My home parcel which I've had for over a year is on BlueSteel and I don't recall any rollbacks except the one earlier this year. In the case of the groups bug, that wasn't rolled back at all, and instead got rolled out to main channel for all to suffer. An example of knowing which channel regions are on being useful was when the forced landing point was broken - having determined Magnum version was unaffected I could just go through my list of BlueSteel region LMs and quickly find another that had a forced landing point and put them into my bug report
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