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Everything posted by PermaRuthed

  1. What else would a person do on a Saturday night besides clubbing?
  2. Them's good eats. 👍 Here's another British delicacy, laverbread:
  3. "When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time." - Maya Angelou
  4. Beauty school dropout, No graduation day for you. Beauty school dropout, Missed your mid-terms and flunked shampoo. Well at least you could have taken time, To wash and clean your clothes up. After spending all that dough, To have the doctor fix your nose up. https://youtu.be/FrqioiAcyiY
  5. If you want to create an illusion of your club being popular put in a voodoo sploder. It'll get you visitors for sure but they'll be plunder bots looking for booty payout.
  6. Not anymore than Albert is a woman. https://youtu.be/Db5ukd6020Y "Everybody, take it easy"
  7. Beauty school dropout, No graduation day for you. Beauty school dropout, Missed your mid-terms and flunked shampoo. Well at least you could have taken time, To wash and clean your clothes up. After spending all that dough, To have the doctor fix your nose up. https://youtu.be/FrqioiAcyiY
  8. Answer to the OP question, it's a no. Something about a saying that goes "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink".
  9. Perhaps there might be a cash prize for the top winner of the longest list. 🏆
  10. That would make for a fun picture thread! With a gazillion picture threads running around, what's one more? 🤪
  11. They're taxi-like vehicles where you hop on and it takes you on guided tours in a sim.
  12. I wouldn't recommend leaving a similar message on an ex's voicemail either. Drunk or sober.
  13. I am the greatest shoe model on the grid.
  14. Yep, I have bento fingers. I am totally meshed up.
  15. Anti-vaxxers and infowars as your sources? HAHAHAHAHAHA *takes a breather* AHAHAHAHAHAHA NO.
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