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Everything posted by PermaRuthed

  1. Your expensive mesh means nothing when you're a jelly doll.
  2. Thanks. Joy seems to be increasingly rare to find in this cold world but when you do see it, it's indeed nice.
  3. L.O.L. Just realized my mistake. I meant to post in this thread: Oh well. 🤪
  4. One time I heard of SL outside of SL was on a local news radio anouncing some guy named Bone Mosten as the winner of the hottest male avatar of 2008 contest. Are they still doing that Hottest Male Avatar contest?
  5. It's more than just looking down on femininity. Society outright hates females and we're already past the point where we got women and girls internalizing misogyny within themselves and spreading it further outwards. There is just no winning with this world where simply existing as a female is a catch-22 with no sweet spot for approval of our existence.
  6. For Americans, healthcare is considered a luxury only the rich can afford to pay out of pocket. Some Americans who aren't Jeff Bezos rich could get some health insurance through their jobs as a employment perk. The quality varies with different insurance companies. The rest of us who don't qualify for Medicare or Medicaid, the only government sponsored healthcare which is only reserved for the elderly and desperately poor, would have to do without and hope for the best. So if someone needs medical care and they have no means to pay for it, they either die or go into financial ruin, be in debt forever, and resort to begging on gofundme hoping for some kind stranger to toss them a bone. College education in America isn't cheap. The most brilliant students could win scholarships to cover their tuition. Others who aren't smart enough for scholarships and not fortunate enough to have Bill Gates as their father would have to take out loans to cover the costs. Finding out that students in Germany, Norway and Finland have free college is still quite a culture shock to me.
  7. No lies detected. I remember reading a newspaper advice column (Ann Landers or Dear Abby?) many many years ago where she talked about America being the best bestest country in the world with our freedom of speech and social safety nets for those who fell on hard times and other countries don't have that. America is the best country to live in indeed because other countries don't have freedom and social security and food stamps. The freedom of speech still holds true today, but the safety net part is complete horsesheet when you find out that Europeans don't have to send themselves to the poorhouse when they get sick or had the gall to go to college. Propaganda be wildin'.
  8. No one had ever said anything to me about my looks. With so many people choosing to derender other avatars in Firestorm, they don't see me anyway. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. In 2011 someone on the internet said "10 years ago we had Steve Jobs, Bob Hope, and Johnny Cash. NOW WE HAVE NO JOBS, NO HOPE, AND NO CASH." Today we're in 2021 and it's crazy how nothing much has changed.
  10. Halloween dress up time. I need a party to crash.
  11. And then they claim they're "just being honest". "You're developing a beer gut. Hey, I'm just being honest!" "Your new dye job looks stupid. Hey, I'm just being honest!" "Your dress and socks don't match. Hey, I'm just being honest!"
  12. Yeah, you don't wanna fall in without a change of dry clothes nearby.
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