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Ayla Firehart

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  1. Hey all Are there any active book clubs on the grid or any book obsessed friendos wanna help me start one?
  2. You are quite talented, have you considered commissions? I just got myself a camper and have been looking for ideas
  3. My wish list would be: Multiple partner boxes More picks in profiles Discounts on upload fees More group slots A social media contacts tab in profile
  4. Generally speaking I think it depends more on the who, than the what. If someone I just met is sending me tp's or friend requests I'll likely decline. If someone I just met is pouncing on me moments after logging in, that's red flag to me. If, on the other hand, these are my good friends just excited to see me, that feels good and I welcome that. That's not to say you can't have boundaries and to request people respect those regardless of the nature of your relationships with them.
  5. She did the same thing to me, when I couldn't make time to talk to her in the first 4 days since she messaged me. She sent me a very bizarre rant then removed me.
  6. Thanks for the reply! I'll message in world
  7. Well at least it was fun to see the old pictures, sl hasn't looked like that in such a long time.
  8. Hi all, I'm looking to make more friends, more meaningful connections. I'm looking for my tribe, my people, my family. I've been in sl a long long time, as an introvert I've been good with a small group of people. But as we all know people fade in and out of our lives and sl as rl becomes more and more demanding. So I've been finding I have a lot of free time and not many people to fill it with. A little about me: I'm in my early 40's, and I work full time. I'm poly, sapio, a geek. I love taking pictures in sl and expressing myself through that medium. This means I shop a lot too...maybe that's just my excuse? Something cute to wear for a picture. Either way I do a lot of both I suppose, shopping and pictures. I love learning new things, and a bit of a science nerd. Not that I think I'm all that smart, I just think there are a lot of cool things to learn about. I lean left of center politically but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the differences in how others think. I'm an infp if that means anything to people, I know it's not exactly scientific but it's interesting how well that fits who I feel like I am. I'm quiet by nature but that doesn't mean I won't talk your ear off once I get more comfortable with you. I'm not sure what else to say about myself. I guess I just wanted to put a bit more than "hi looking for friends" kinda post, cause those mostly feel like... "please entertain me" I do have stuff to offer. I'm a good listener, I love deeply and am open to a fault. I'm hoping to find communities, friends, maybe a family type thing, people who are authentic and value the bravery of being vulnerable with people even in a virtual space. I voice as much as I text. You can message me in world, my ims don't get capped. I also use discord. I hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  9. The problem isn't merely "wealthy man spends money, grab your pitch forks everyone!" that's over simplifying it. I don't care that he spent his own money doing something lots would consider frivolous. It's a once in a life time experience, he could afford it, he did it, good for him. I will even give him a little credit for pushing the tech out some and making the private industry space race more competitive, that's healthy. The problem is, that man is the wealthiest person the world has ever known. He is not just a billionaire, but a hundred - billionaire. And it's not just that he has a MASSIVE amount of money, but that he is able to take advantage of corporate tax laws that let people like him just make massive money passively, without paying the same share of taxes the working classes does. He is extremely privileged, arguably the most privileged person to have ever lived. He will not live long enough to spend all his wealth, his family will not live long enough to spend it. And he didn't get that money merely from working hard and having a good idea or work ethic. He got it by exploiting his work force who have to pee in water bottles in the warehouses, who faint from heat stroke. He got it by taking advantage of tax laws that only serve to make men like him more wealthy. The worst part of all is he does this while we are at a point in the pandemic where 500k Americans are facing foreclosure or eviction and would be homeless if it weren't for the moratorium on evictions right now. We're in a housing crisis where a working class person, working full time at minimum wage can't afford a 2 bedroom apartment anywhere in the US. This was poor timing at best, morally reprehensible at worst. There are plenty of people who are wealthy but also recognize the responsibility to mankind that wealth gives them. Bill gates and his foundation, and his work on the vaccine, eradicating malaria in 3rd world countries. Warren buffet too. They give, where they find they can contribute and benefit mankind the most, and they are still wealthy. They will never not be wealthy due to their humanitarian work. Mr Bezos could have gone to space a thousand times and done a massive amount of charitable work and still be insanely wealthy. Instead.... he chose to do something fun for himself. Ps please forgive spelling errors, I'm also working trying to do two things at once. lol
  10. It's such a hard thing to learn, but so so important. Not everyone is meant for you, and not everyone is meant to be your forever.
  11. I'm always happy to make new friends and meaningful connections. But there are red flags I look out for. When you have to broadcast that you're not into drama. Stable people don't need to do this. Yeah everyone can have moments of turmoil in your life from time to time but if it's so consistent that you feel the need to proactively wear a batsignal that this is a no drama allowed zone, then maybe.... the problem is you? Plus there's also the fact that this usually just means 'conflict' and if you're that afraid of conflict and can't manage disagreements between friends, this speaks a lot to your insecurities and being immature.
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