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Silent Mistwalker

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Everything posted by Silent Mistwalker

  1. If everyone stuck to the rules, we wouldn't need mods or a reporting system.
  2. I swear I am going to start stamping it in huge letters on everyone's forehead, so they have to read it every morning when they look in the mirror to brush their teeth. When in doubt, LET THE LINDENS SORT IT OUT. It's only what they have been telling us for 19 years!
  3. I was about to tell you to back off that setting a bit. Now I don't have to. YAY! It's where I keep mine set even if my graphics card can handle full Ultra.
  4. If anyone has IMed me inworld to try to continue something from the forum, they never get through. My inbox is always full because I don't have it sent to email and I only log this account in to adjust poses so pretty rare these days. Oh well. Now, that's a deep subject.
  5. For me, the cesspool had gotten deep enough by 2006 that I stopped posting for 15 years. Give or take a year or two.
  6. For most people, a time out to cool down works quite well. For most people. Five to ten minutes on average. Some topics may require longer cool down periods. It does work.
  7. I do this as well. Some end up being more long term than others (on the forum) and a few are permanent. It's no big deal really since I know I can always peek. I mostly don't peek. It largely depends on the topic, what has been previously posted and yes, who is doing the posting, so it isn't based on just the individual I've walked away from.
  8. More or less. Probably more less than more.
  9. Ah ha! Ok then. That's gonna be a loooooong write up. But long story short... if you don't wanna be ARed, don't piss me off! 😁 You're just trying to get me to log in so I have to look at the list of "reportable offenses". 😋 On a more serious note, as a rule of thumb, I don't normally AR someone unless it's a fairly major infraction. The rest I just shine on and either block/ban or just go about my merry little way without another thought about that person. Mostly it's the idiots that IM me out of the blue expecting me to carry on some weird conversation with them and when I refuse, they get abusive. Tl:dr Doing the above will get you ARed every time. No ands, ifs or buts about it.
  10. This space reserved for future pontification. If I ever get a round tuit. Question: Should we include ARs of every kind or just the "personal" ones? By personal I mean things like targeted harassment (individual on individual), not things like RedZone level necessitating "AR parties" in order to bring it to LL's attention.
  11. In Love's defense, even I have to stop and think about some acronyms. Others I never can figure out what da. I usually won't bother to ask. It has no impact on my life. Google it and forget it. 🤭
  12. Yeah. I know the state is trying to make my blood pressure shoot through the roof so I'll die already. Story of my life.
  13. Yes that is the correct spelling but I don't do all that fancy schmancy character crap, so the t lets people know I don't mean one of these: Or one of these: Whatever you do, do NOT hang around in Avoyelles Parish.
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