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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. LISP does not seem to have any featured sales this weekend but bargains abound, like these Victorian streetlights for $L40: and this sweet texture change tree bench for $L50:
  2. I am always totally out of date but had to share a screenshot of this sim just south of SSPLOH: These are SOOOO tantalizing!!
  3. Thanks, Nalates and Marianne! I did finally figure out what skin I had on before my LOGO adventure (turns out it was the Belleza Thomas) and, with more flopping around than I am willing to admit, I am getting some small feeling for BOM. You guys are the BEST!!!
  4. Oh, thanks, I think some light is beginning to get to my brain. I have been hopelessly confused by BOM so only barely understand it but, yes, I think I can figure out what skin I had on before I started my LOGO adventure. My approach to new ideas is to just bash away at them until something begins to make sense so it looks like BOM is next for me. Thank you for explaining that, LOL!
  5. Thanks, Emma, I did try doing that with no result. We are getting to the limits of my expertise, LOL.
  6. I did pick up the LOGO skins that were on sale with the free head and, while I like them, I actually preferred the original skin that came with the free head. Unfortunately, once I wore the purchased skins, I found no way to go back to the original and the LOGO group had no solutions to offer when I asked. So strange....... It is making me less than happy with the head even though it was a freebie; just the difficulty of dealing with its HUD has used up a lot of time.
  7. Thank you; I did that and picked up the free Legacy body too but I am finding both clunky/cranky to deal with. So far, trying to get male clothes to fit is proving way challenging. My females use Maitreya/Catwa/Lelutka and I am spoiled.
  8. Good points, thank you, and good questions, I think the Signature heads/bodies were $4000 each so I plan to check out LeLutka. Yeah, not sure how much I want to invest in him. Really just playing on a rainy afternoon, LOL.
  9. I have been thinking about going mesh with my male alt. Trying on head and body demos this week. I like the fact that with Gianni and Geralt you can get the head and body from the same designer so (I think) that should make a lot of things easier. What head(s) do you guys like with the Jake body? Thanks for your help!
  10. I visited, thank you very much for the invitation. Interesting houseboats neighbors you have:
  11. Yes, I have used and loved that one for ages. Something like 10 LI if I remember correctly.
  12. Oooooooooo, if only this was a day or two ago................ the next owner will be ecstatic!
  13. WOW, that is totally stunning! I have a Winchester add-on that I am quite fond of but it is a shame you don't sell your creations. Is it possible to lurk nearby to get a more detailed view?
  14. I don't really do Halloween on my houseboat but this couple just begged to come waltzing at sunset.
  15. Look at this corner set, currently at the Cosmopolitan event until the end of October. I think it would be perfect for those property corners at most Linden Home lots and plan to pick it up later in the day!
  16. Nope, that is from Chez Moi, very small footprint and only 15 LI including the padded bench at the back. I also picked up another Chez Moi tree house for the opposite corner, this one is only 4 LI total!
  17. I thought I was done with the Trads but I guess the Trads weren't done with me! The universe spoke and this lovely spot on Lockspur landed in my lap this morning. THANK you to whoever let this go! It is right above the Bellisseria RR tracks and, though not quite on the water, there is nobody between me and the water so it is an easy stroll. Very happy here!
  18. I just got and then abandoned a Log Home at Bellweather 83/154/58 that appears to have two homes rezzed simultaneously. I submitted a support ticket on the problem.
  19. Treehouse?? Oooooo, did I miss photos? I love treehouses! I would love to see treehouses as a new Linden Homes theme at some point. 😀
  20. Gorgeous chairs and so perfect for a rustic look!
  21. SO. MUCH. PINK.... so adorable, thank you for sharing!
  22. Okay, thanks for that! I was about to head to bed but now I need to stay up long enough to calm down!!
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