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Leora Greenwood

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Everything posted by Leora Greenwood

  1. Whichever and as many as you like........... snoring allowed, welcomed, even!
  2. I finally got around to putting a cozy reading nook in the cave at my Blake Sea landing. Tiggie loves it but I had forgotten how BIG the space is; I really need another house here!
  3. Yep, well said! In SL now, I only go to blues clubs or other venues where I can dance on a dance line (DJs Yummy or Harmony at Fogbound) or in a club mover (Toby's or FAR Day events, always for both) while I chat and listen. It is very rare for any numb-nuts to bother me then.
  4. I love the look; is there a theme you are working with?
  5. Sounds like a three-course banquet to me! 🍵
  6. FAR Day Party at the Belli Hub, on the group hugger now.
  7. Looks like @Love Zhaoying was hungry..........
  8. I wish I could understand why the AI makes certain mistakes, most often on body details, it seems to me. It gives you crooked teeth in your smiles, adds an extra finger to your left hand in the next to last generated image (plus an odd lump on your right wrist) and then seems take the extra finger away in the last image, perhaps removing one more as well. How hard is it for software to understand "five fingers" and "five toes". Or is that too much math for it? 🤣
  9. I like your new face a lot and I find the little void/scar in the left eyebrow charming and realistic. That said, I can totally relate to not feeling like "you" in a new skin. I have been trying to upgrade to Evo X/BOM and have only gotten as far as an update of the truly ancient LeLutka Simone head which does not handle BOM. It all comes down to the eyebrows, I have realized, so I will continue the hunt....
  10. So interesting but it also looks quite painful; the AI seems to have fused your two hands into one in at least two of those images. 🙀
  11. So interesting! You are both lovely; what happens if opinions diverge and you end up looking like fraternal twins or even remote cousins??
  12. You sound as if you will be just fine. The best thing you can do to practice is just to be out there in every condition of road available and really thinking about what skills are needed in each condition. Good luck!
  13. So, what is that actually doing? On my kitchen laptop it looks as though it is extracting one still image every one to two seconds or so, is that right?
  14. The effect you got is lovely, reminds me of an illustration from an old book....
  15. I never thought my credit union would ever be a pet delight but you made me realize that today it was! My debit card got buggered a month ago so I have had the joy of integrating the new replacement card in soooooo many places. Last night I dashed out to an ATM for cash, only to find my new card declined!! I was fuming till I called the bank this morning. Turns out it was their attempt to keep me safe by flagging a large purchase at a local restaurant. Once I assured them it was a legit charge, they lifted the block on my card so now I don't have to go through the whole replacement process again. Yaaaaa!!
  16. This is brilliant for all the folks who want to build add-ons for the many Linden Home themes and models. Great thinking, Moles & Lindens!
  17. I have gotten mine from Galleria Homes, like these: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MESH-TURKEY-DINNER-FOR-2-4-6/4151014 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/DINNER-PARTY-TABLE-FOR-4-Chippendale-COPY/20310146
  18. I rent half a region in the Gulls Wing Estate, 22 regions of a sailing community, mostly changing with the seasons and home to two clubs, one my favorite blues club, Tobys. Everything is available from small boat slips, to parcels, skyhomes, houses and whole regions. Seasonal events too; there will soon be a holiday event happening. https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Gulls Wing/138/4/26
  19. I totally get it now! All those polydactyl secretaries can type twice as fast; AI is smart after all!!
  20. The original is so much more attractive! But what on earth are you putting into the prompts? "Typewriters all the way down"???
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