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Pony Waifu

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Everything posted by Pony Waifu

  1. People who are edgy and put something about "no drama" in their profile because they are always the ones who have LOADS of drama. Like at this point I'm convinced it's a kink , it's so bad. It's like they subconsciously love drama and having issues with people, all the time, and they either welcome it or fuel the fire. ... Like, I'm sorry this honestly peeves me more than it probably should. But seeing "no drama/anti drama" or anything else edgy that is insinuating that they are super no-conflict people is just a giant red flag to me now. I feel the people who have that, and are always ones starting the drama, lack the self awareness and don't realize that they are the problem. Learn how to use the *****ing ignore button.
  2. Ooh okay. I don't really know much about it so I appreciate your insight 🙂 I assumed it involved sex, my bad. Thank you!
  3. I loved that movie but tbh I don't think that was the point of it. More about the dangers of being a child actor/star, sacrificing your childhood for a career early it on and then kinda losing it when you get older when the attention stops flowing. Still amazing!!! One of my favourites.
  4. I also share this feel even tho I'm 24, I don't dress appropriately for my age . If it's self conscious you're feeling, video chat with other like minded individuals while you hang out and play dress-up together! Do it, don't have any regrets. We support you!!!
  5. Ah, so he can pretend to be a rich sugar daddy? Makes sense, when you put it like that...
  6. Hey there, just want some photoshoots with my friend! Price isn't an issue as it's a gift from me to her. You can either message me inworld or reply here with your gallery and what you charge and how you operate I guess. I've never done this before so curious~
  7. As someone who's never understood this kink... What do you get out of it, exactly? I feel bad asking anybody for anything or taking handouts. I always joke saying I'd love this but in reality I'd just feel too bad. I'm so curious, why on SL, why not IRL? And how does spending money on girls make you feel? Are you aiming for a relationship, or just meeting up with a lady once, blowing all your cash on her then never seeing her again?
  8. I think I'd get along with you IRL well based on this little bit of info :,) I do talk to my stuffed animals well, as well as most inanimate objects including apologizing when I drop or accidentally mistreat something.
  9. Not sure if this counts but I have various picture frames and I put my IRL pets in them. I have one music box who plays a song I'm, very emotional to and put a picture of my deceased cat in there, RIP Pearl.
  10. Sometimes I get shamed for being too childish or liking things not meant for my age bracket. I expressed this to a friend, and he said something, that really stuck with me; "I think it's more immature for people to be calling you immature just for liking stuffed animals" (or something along those lines) My room is decorated like a kid's, and it doesn't have to do with anything other than I just like the aesthetic? I like stuffed animals and I like dressing cute and I love cartoons. It's a shame some people are so miserable with themselves they have to hate on me for...just existing, I guess? So no. Physically maybe if your body can't keep up with you...but at my old job I had an 80 year old patient telling me about her skydiving trip so I guess as long as you're capable and wanna do the thing, do it. I don't think you're too old to enjoy things that genuinely bring you joy. Of course lines have to be drawn somewhere, like if you're 47 and really wanna get int hat McDonald's playpen you should probably not do that because you're gonna scare some kids and parents. But if you wanna get Happy Meal just for that cute toy, do it.
  11. I'm nice so long as you aren't a pervert or a creep. I like anime, my little pony, drawing, vidya games, cosplay and dressing up. I'm sort of weird and goofy but like to spend SL exploring, taking pictures and some roleplay. Feel free to IM me if you're bored, im trying to learn blender so I will send you a million donuts
  12. Mmhm, I don't visit the forums much so I didn't even know it did that ewe I actually wanted to create a series of videos on YouTube about SL, but I doubt it'd get much traction. The only YT videos I've found about SL that seem "successful" paint this platform in a negative light.
  13. Mmhm, timezones can be a ***** but they always work out ^^
  14. I have a couple stores inworld, but I don't know if I'm just bad or people on SL aren't really looking for artwork of their avatars... is there a specific place I should be advertising, or something I should be doing differently? I have no issues getting work IRL but I really was hoping I'd be able to get commissions from some people in SL since I like the creativity with avatars.
  15. Doesn't work for me 😞 Been a consistent issue since my return to SL.
  16. Hi there, this is a recent problem and I'm not sure why it's happening Using Firestorm Basically if I type something in my inventory (like, eyes) and click on the object I'm looking for, my inventory will scroll and show my entire inventory again. Which makes searching for and finding things almost impossible, because every time I find it, my inventory just decidews to scroll infinitely... is there a way to help with this?
  17. This is honestly the most wholesome thing I've ever read.
  18. I'm the type of person that's super shy and I don't like to bother/message people , just a complex I have but it's gotten better. I'm always polite and formal when I reach out to people but golly do I feel bad about it >.< Well, I messaged a creator earlier with a request and not only did they get back to me right away (I thought I'd get ignored) but not only did they go above & beyond for what I had asked for, they wanted to do it for free. Obviously I insisted on paying them and gave them a good amount of $L, but they were so nice and pleasant and it really warmed my heart 🙂 Now I feel less intimidated and anxious about messaging creators. It doesn't hurt to ask, worst case scenario they ignore you , right? Was wondering if anyone else wanted to share a nice story about an interaction they'd had in-world and spread some positivity :,)?
  19. I sent them a message but it looks like a bit of an older/outdated store so I'm not sure if they're going to reply. Hoping they do, but I like to try and fix things myself if I can so I don't have to bother people to begin with. I have two other of their AOs and it's having the same problem; just the AO off button does not work so I'm not sure what's going on. I tried what you said before about rezzing & editing, but still no modify unfortunately 😞 I'll just have to find another typing AO which is a shame because I really like this one, oof. The typing animation doesn't have a HUD, just an old fashioned menu. My actual overall AO has a HUD but it's alone in a corner
  20. Ahh, so the typer comes with an animation (which I don't want), sounds, and basically a magic effect. Overall it's very cute, I just don't understand why every other menu option works - like volume control and altering the graphics - but it won't let me turn the animation off. When the button's right there, it just won't work haha. And thank you, I'm going to try doing that now! ♥
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