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Shae Shadow

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Everything posted by Shae Shadow

  1. @sceneris Would a race/party event like this be a fun thing for you to film and toss up on YouTube? I could imagine you being a “roving reporter” flying or teleporting around along with the race teams and grabbing footage during the race. ❤️ I could put embeds to your posted YT videos up on a “Belli 500” event page on my artist site, so that your footage from the last few races was always right there on the main info page.
  2. Does anyone have a favorite balloon model? That isn’t too huge? Something that seats 2-4 people and has sit anims where you’re leaned up against the basket railing looking down (or outward)? I’m thinking that would be a quiet, tranquil way to cruise over Belli at lower altitudes and sight-see without being annoying to anyone on the ground who might look up and notice?
  3. Thanks, ZZ! Ima have to get down there and check out the club HQ. Thank you two so much for being generous with the Belli community!
  4. I was tempted by that rail moped, but I wish it were at least a 2-person vehicle instead of just a solo. I find that Bibian Handcart to be fairly nice for sightseeing and chatting while enjoying the scenery flowing by, but it is kinda pricey at 680L. Haven’t tried any other models, but it’s fun to watch various engines and trolleys that come up the hill right by our camper in The Beaten Path. I need to take the freebie made by @foneco Zuzu and @Saphyre Cyberstar out for a spin sometime soon!
  5. Alyona, can the owner of a Manji car rez out a copy in a public rez zone and then give rights for anyone to drive that copy? I’ve never tried rezzing a vehicle rezzer in a public rez zone, but I guess that could work too? And then of course race participants could grab their copies from the rezzer? For the format I’ve outlined above, any fun and semi-challenging type of car could work fine. The main thing being everyone drives the same car type during the race event.
  6. Is there enough interest in the “casual, simple, social” format idea I’ve outlined above? If even a handful of people are interested in that format and think they could make a once-per-month weekend event like that (somewhere around the noon SLT time block), I can certainly get the ball rolling on the first few events and we can see if we gain traction to make it a regular thing. I can easily arrange for DJ friends/associates to throw the finish line party at the Campwich Lodge. If instead the prevailing wind here leans in favor of a more technical format with waypoint scripts and solo-oriented “ghost runs” against some week-long leaderboard site, that’s fine too, but I’d leave organizing such a thing to peeps who are more experienced in that sort of thing. Maybe there’s even room in Belli for TWO (or more) road race event formats? It’s a big continent and nothing wrong with choices. So.... I dunno. If at least 4 other people comment here that they’d be interested in a format like I described above, I’ll get the ball rolling. And if you want to help in any capacity, say so and we’ll put heads together and get something going in February. ❤️
  7. So..... There's a dirt road that leads to Campwich Lodge.... ....and the roads through the campground areas are among the most confusing and challenging because of so many intersections and branching paths.... ....And your main map and mini-map are pretty useless at letting you see the roadways from a map.... So imagine a monthly "Belli 500" event where we start at some random roadway rez point in Bellisseria that's moderately far away from Campwich Lodge. Everyone's driving the same car model (the TBF Caddy Golf Cart mentioned above (DON'T FREAK OUT on this point--keep reading!). Each cart hold a driver and up to 3 passengers (as a "team"). Everyone takes off at the same time and while they're driving they have to decide which route to take in the general direction of their red map pin showing the location of Campwich Lodge. Some teams stick with other teams and play follow the leader (or would it be the blind leading the blind?). Other teams try their luck striking out on their own. Teams in each cart are chatting with each other. Everyone in the race is chatting in the group channel too and wisecracking and talking about how they got lost or ran into a rock and it took forever to get going again, or how they're completely lost and seem to be moving in the wrong direction away from Campwich, etc. Then, as the first teams find their way to Campwich Lodge, there's one big party going one. With a live DJ. Everybody still cheering on the teams that are still trying to find their way to the Lodge. The point being, it's just a "fun race". Like a "fun run" or a typical "century" bicycle race. The point is to help EVERYONE finally get to the destination without mishap. It's not really about *being first over the finish line* so much as just *participating and having fun*. And you don't need to BUY the TBF Caddy Golf Cart to participate in the race as a driver! Any owner of the cart can rez out a copy, set its access to "Everybody can drive" (it's super easy!), and then anyone who wants to be a driver can hop in. Literally only ONE person who owns the cart needs to be there at the start of the race. For that matter, it doesn't have to be the TBF cart each month either! As long as someone owns a car/cart model that can be rezzed out many times by one owner and permissions granted for ANYONE to drive the rezzed copies, then we could certainly have any one month's race feature such car/cart models! Once a month, on a weekend sometime during the overlap between North America and Europe. Sound like fun? So yeah.... Who wants to help organize something like this? Let's get a group started?
  8. And it's strong enough to pull a camper-trailer!
  9. I am *not* an expert but a few weeks ago was in the place you are. So maybe this will kinda sorta point you in the right direction until someone more knowledgeable comes along. I *think* any train designed for the SLRR anywhere around SL will work fine? I'm guessing the different gauges are cosmetic for wheels to look like they line up with the track rails? I've used a "handcar' that is "SLRR Standard 1.96m guage" made by Bibian (Brit Balogh?) and it seemed to match the tracks in Belli just fine. I think I also saw a gift locomotive given out in one of the two Belli groups not that long ago? Made by ZZ Bottom (foneco.zuzu)? If you're a member of the groups maybe check the notices there? I've seen that engine on the tracks a few times going past my camper site near the train station in The Beaten Path, and it's a cute little engine. There are two places I know of to rez trains as of this datestamp: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pugwash/199/48/24 - This is a very long train route. Super fun. Will start you off in a northerly direction and take you on quite the tour through a variety of landscapes and neighborhoods. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Red Hook/94/138/32 - This is a shorter train route that starts out at the very bottom SE corner of southern Belli and takes you on a relatively short trip up through Victorian neighborhoods.
  10. I think it's only available at Cosmo right now. Later, I'm sure it will end up on the SL Marketplace in the The Black Forest shop. BTW if you can catch me in-world, I'd be happy to take you for a short spin in mine. There are quite a few access modes so you can even drive Yes! The golf cart is created by that person!
  11. This is all great discussion.... ...and I certainly don’t want to discourage any brainstorming..... But I think it’s helpful to remember the constraints and limitations of Bellisseria terrain. For example, how exactly would you get all those checkpoint devices set up where they’d need to be? You can’t exactly rez them out on public land in Belli. Also, most Belli events like I named above in the OP are “purely fun and social”. That’s why I suggested a “mad mad mad world” type of idea. And also specified “honor system” with at most some loose monitoring from the air. Seems much easier to have some really basic “honor rules” and enforce simple things like everyone using the same car with the same features and speed, etc., but otherwise just let the Belli community have fun and giggles with a a very simple race format/theme. There’s a reason I don’t sail competitively in Blake and have no desire to. But I LOVE sailing all around Belli and taking along random citizens. ^.^
  12. Thanks for the suggestions so far! Please keep them coming.
  13. Because I know that the avid Belli aviators are watching this thread, I’d love to ask the question: What is the best “noob friendly” cruising aircraft for touring the skies above Belli and sight-seeing, while still giving some of the “feel” of aviation? For example, I have my favorite sailboats for cruising and enjoying scenery (Loonetta and any BWind boat). I have my favorite motor boats for same (Cigar NP40 and that new one at Dutch Harbor). I even now have my favorite ground vehicle (that awesome new fancy golf cart by The Black Forest). But I’ve no idea where to start looking for nice aircraft for similar purpose. I’m not interested in “realistic” simulation so much as nice, smooth, controllable cruising at slow to medium speeds—but without breaking immersion too much. For example, some of the whimsical flying craft by Culprit or The Black Forest, etc. are a bit too unrealistic. I’d even take a small hot air balloon if it had good, smooth controls. Any advice?
  14. My tactic is to simply explore near my home parcels with the mini map open. (I’m not a fan of notecard-based lists because all the region names become a blur to me.) If you have the minimap setting on that shows “land borders” or something along those lines, you can see every public Rez zone as a white rectangle that is clearly placed in the middle of the road, or alongside (or near) a train station, or on the water, etc. Just walk/fly around and match what you see to your minimap and the Rez zones will be pretty obvious. For example, nearly every lighthouse has a boat Rez zone. Many streets have Rez zones. I’ve found two railway Rez zones (one is way down on the east coast of southern Belli, just below that sandy section, and the other is way over in the SE bottom part of the “boot” shape of southern Belli). There are some interesting hybrid Rez zones here and there too. A 20-second stroll down the beach from Kit’s camper in Yearning, there’s a Rez zone that straddles the water AND the beach, with a sandy beach road right there too. You can rez a boat as big as a Pacha in that water slot, or rez a golf cart or whatever on the beach and start toodling around the sand/dirt roads all through that camper region.
  15. Okay so we have regular bicycle rides, regular horse rides, regular (on foot) parades, regular sailing regattas.... .... Now imagine a regular "Belli 500" race, styled loosely after the general theme of "It's a Wild, Wild, Wild World" kinda sorta. The main idea behind any Formula 500 race is that everyone has to have essentially the same type of race car design, right? So imagine a "Belli 500" where everyone in the race must use one of these fantastic new TBF Caddie Golf Carts (see video below). Then imagine the format of the race is essentially to start at point A and race to point B using any STREET/ROAD route you want to take. The only rules being that you MUST stay on a street/road at all times (allowing for wide turns is okay), and that you must stay on the ground in the golf cart at all times. Yes, it would be somewhat based on an "honor system" as racers diverge and take different routes to the destination, but the race could also employ airborne flying AVs as "race monitors" to help ensure that nobody cheats and takes an off-road shortcut. I don't have the availability to organize such a thing, but I'd sure try to participate in as many as possible if someone else in Belli organized something like this! Deets about this cool golf cart. (It's new at Cosmo right now.) I don't have ANY connection with The Black Forest. I'm just very much a fan of this cart. I love sailing/boating and trains in Belli, and I've been searching for the perfect road car for use in Belli. I've tried SO many cars and 95% of them suck because it's way too easy to oversteer and therefore you can never center yourself on a typical Belli street. And forget about the dirt paths in the Camper areas of Belli. Also, most cars don't have a "cruise" mode and you have to constantly ride the throttle and brake to maintain an even speed. Sight-seeing is impossible in most SL cars. But this cute little thang? WOW. The size is right. The speeds are right. (From super slow to not-very-fast-and-just-right-for-Belli-street-trail-design.) The steering is RIGHT. And best of all, it simply "remembers" your speed you set with the up/down arrows and will cruise forever at that speed. All you have to do is tap A-D or the L-R arrows to occasionally steer. Here's a short 4-minute video showing how well it handles camper-area dirt/sand tracks and 90-degree turns. At the fastest speed you might go slightly wide on a really tight turn like these, but at medium and slow speeds you can stay perfectly in the track all the way through a 90-degree turn. The steering wheel tap "bump 90" turns are pretty useful too! Note that I start out at a really slow speed, and then eventually bump up to its fastest speed. And then after showing you how it can go slightly wide on these tight dirt roads at its fastest speed, I then slow it down a bump or two and show how it can take 90 degree turns perfectly even on these tight roads. It's just the best ground vehicle for Belli I've found yet!
  16. Okay so we have regular bicycle rides, regular horse rides, regular (on foot) parades, regular sailing regattas.... .... Now imagine a regular "Belli 500" race, styled loosely after the general theme of "It's a Wild, Wild, Wild World" kinda sorta. The main idea behind any Formula 500 race is that everyone has to have essentially the same type of race car design, right? So imagine a "Belli 500" where everyone in the race must use one of these fantastic TBF Caddie Golf Carts (talked about in the previous two posts). Then imagine the format of the race is essentially to start at point A and race to point B using any STREET/ROAD route you want to take. The only rules being that you MUST stay on a street/road at all times (allowing for wide turns is okay), and that you must stay on the ground in the golf cart at all times. Yes, it would be somewhat based on an "honor system" as racers diverge and take different routes to the destination, but the race could also employ airborne flying AVs as "race monitors" to help ensure that nobody cheats and takes an off-road shortcut. I don't have the availability to organize such a thing, but I'd sure try to participate in as many as possible if someone else in Belli organized something like this!
  17. Okay, I had to try it because I love sailing/boating and trains in Belli, and I've been searching for the perfect road car for use in Belli. I've tried SO many cars and 95% of them suck because it's way too easy to oversteer and therefore you can never center yourself on a typical Belli street. And forget about the dirt paths in the Camper areas of Belli. Also, most cars don't have a "cruise" mode and you have to constantly ride the throttle and brake to maintain an even speed. Sight-seeing is impossible in most SL cars. But this cute little thang? WOW. The size is right. The speeds are right. (From super slow to not-very-fast-and-just-right-for-Belli-street-trail-design.) The steering is RIGHT. And best of all, it simply "remembers" your speed you set with the up/down arrows and will cruise forever at that speed. All you have to do is tap A-D or the L-R arrows to occasionally steer. Here's a short 4-minute video showing how well it handles camper-area dirt/sand tracks and 90-degree turns. At the fastest speed you might go slightly wide on a really tight turn like these, but at medium and slow speeds you can stay perfectly in the track all the way through a 90-degree turn. The steering wheel tap "bump 90" turns are pretty useful too!
  18. I LOVE that the moles created essentially 3.5 entire regions just to make a public "hiking area" with beautiful lakes, hills/mountains/rocks/flowers/plants/trees, and stunning waterfalls. It's just gorgeous!
  19. That's a fantastic find! Thanks for sharing it with us!
  20. And this is Kit's pre-owned camper site on the dunes over above the boot heel on the west side. We're just chilling after a long cruise around Belli.
  21. The garden path is from Dysfunctionality. They have a lot of great stuff.
  22. Train station just over to the left out our driveway...
  23. Yet another pre-owned spot I stumbled upon playing Game of Homes! So pretty and it's right next to one of the train stations too! Can't wait for the trains to be operational! I honestly think the camper landscapes and roadways/rivers are my favorite now. That was a surprise!
  24. I agree it would be nice to see a rez zone near that station!
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