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Everything posted by CaithLynnSayes

  1. Ha... my post got silently deleted. Nice... I'm on a watch list, aren't I?
  2. Even then, it's a closed-minded way of looking at people. I've never met anyone of you here on the forums or inworld and I dare say I have closer friends here then I have RL. I just wanted to point out the hilarious irony of OP's friend (and screenshot it and post it on r/facepalm, lol).
  3. If you do read it fully, any other books you'll read after that are just remixes.
  4. Rare instance of a group's participants list actually fully populating as it was meant to be: My reaction:
  5. Oh absolutely not. I can take a hit and i wasn't trying to upset you or anything. Just making an observation on the way you decided to change the font in your posts.
  6. I'll be turning 10 in February, I'll let you know if they stop talking. Also, side note. Why do you make your text smaller? Not as cool as you would think
  7. Just a warning if you're buying a watch on Amazon. I learned the hard way that if it says you can swim with it, this only applies if you can already swim without it.
  8. We just waited an hour to see our pediatrician. As soon as he walked in my toddler took his hand and pointed to his watch and said "This is a clock." Which was the most passive aggressive thing I have ever witnessed.
  9. I've come to the age that if i stand up too quickly, my body does this:
  10. I can see your point but i don't fully agree. I still (maybe naively) believe in open discourse where you raise a point and let anyone take part in it. If i for example make an outrageous claim of someone or something that clearly isn't true, i would get a lot of backlash and people would be able to disprove the claims I've made. Seems obvious one would think. No?
  11. I know of countless examples as well, but as @Coffee Pancake said in the opening posts, we can't name and shame, so... yeah...
  12. I script for a handful of creators (it's how i make a living in SL) and i remember a pretty scummy story. One of the creators i work for has obtained the rights for real life images of "something" (i won't be specific for obvious reasons, i hope) and it turns out another bigger, more established creator is using the same materials and also has obtained rights to use these but they DMCA'ed the creator i work for. They did not want to open a lawsuit because they wanted to protect their RL identity but contacted both SL and the bigger creator showing both of them they have the rights to those materials. LL obviously went to the "resident to resident" excuse and did not want to be involved. The bigger creator did not want to acknowledge this proof of those rights and gave some more threats. We've informed LL on this but nothing came from that as well. In the end we had to go with different materials and we still occasionally get review bombed or attacks in all sorts of manners. The point i'm making is that creators in the same field (in this case, the pixel boom-boom industry) are very competitieve and won't shy away of trying to disable competition in a really scummy way. Sadly LL seems to favor the bigger creator that makes them more money.
  13. Me: tries to walk quiet through the house at 4am. My ankles:
  14. I'll PM you when another juicy one comes up
  15. Maybe i'm an escape from Sentinelese Island. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  16. If you name it, it exists. The fact that you have to ask this at all is pretty sad really and proves my previously made point. Please be aware i'm not here to insult you, but i really need to tell you you need to stop looking for racism. In your original post you described the picture and you said that your immediate reaction was that you "saw yellow face". I don't know if you're ready to see this or not but this is problematic. It shows your mindset, it shows you consciously or unconsciously look for racism. Try and not do this please. It's not healthy. The vast majority of people are not racist. The media wants you to think they are, but try and have a thought of your own for once. Try and see actual people. You'll be surprised. People in SL don't know my race, I will never tell anyone, because it's not important.
  17. I'm sorry but if it does then that person needs to rethink life priorities. Clearly this creator of this picture is not intending "yellow face" and those that do see this or get offended by it, well they want to be offended. Change my mind.
  18. No it isn't. As i said in my previous post. Other cultures appreciate this. It's only Americans that seem to have a problem with it. I am from a different culture and i am flatterend when someone tries to mimic it. Why would i be offended? That's silly.
  19. BOSS: Why aren't you working? Me: I didn't see you coming.
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