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Missy Starchild

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Everything posted by Missy Starchild

  1. Someone needs to make that a shirt you can wear in-world.
  2. Random IMs like the following I got: "Hello Miss, allow me, an obedient *****, to kiss your magnificent leg?" Who are they? They aren't even in the same server as me, so how in the world did they find me? And did they really think that was gonna work? Like naw bro, take yourself on somewhere else.
  3. My inventory is certainly cursed. It's full of things like old TMP clothes I have no use for, long forgotten demos, remnants of my older way worse avatars from say 2015 or 2016, screenshots from a decade ago, etc. But I'm a virtual hoarder so I can't bear to part with a lot of it. 😞
  4. Play a character or be yourself? Stream music or no music stream? Low complexity limit or high?
  5. When you find cool clothes for a potential new fit and everything looks good to go, only to find it clips somewhere where alpha layers can't fix it. I tried some shorts featuring a garter belt and it looked so good, but said garter belt would clip into my thigh every so often... sigh. 😔
  6. 1. Log in world. I needs my 3D environment. 2. Let it pass because I can just scroll and be done with it. 3. Close thread to immediately de-escalate. 4. 3 warnings. 3 strikes and you're out, you know? 5. Suspend so the lesson is learned. Banning is too harsh unless someone is begging for it.
  7. Granted, but now people fire actual missiles in the air causing massive casualties every year from debris. I wish I could try an actual Krabby Patty.
  8. All SL humans and creatures are natural shapeshifters able to temporarily take another form as they desire. A lot of servers are different planets and teleporting is like some really advanced sci-fi tech.
  9. Granted, but now burps are twice as powerful and smell twice as bad. I wish everything in wrestling was real.
  10. Granted, but you draw the energy from the nearest lighbulb and it doesn't last very long leaving the room half cleaned. I wish I was a talented musician.
  11. If this is bothering you that bad it might be a good idea to just step away for a little while and come back later. Not saying you have to, but I've been in a position where I was on a forum taking offense to absolutely everything and it was making me upset. For the sake of your own mental health, maybe.
  12. When your posts get removed but others with the same content are allowed to remain up with no clarification as to why there's double standards...
  13. Granted, but you are actually at a concert featuring a real deaf leopard. I wish I could go back to my childhood.
  14. Granted, but now you have a stalker following you who takes pictures of you from the bushes. I wish food never expired.
  15. Granted, but it's carnivorous and only eats human meat. I wish I could live in a castle with my husband Shrek.
  16. Never seen particle footsteps before. Demon wings always look way cooler. And I always like playing the bad girl in games so... 😈
  17. Lengthy detailed RP, or quick and to the point? Normal or silly avatars? Follower attachments or no? Beaches or urban locations? Tattoos or no tattoos? Realistic or idealized avatar?
  18. Granted, now you're thinking of every wish possible all at once and it drives you to madness. I wish I had the ability to shapeshift in real life.
  19. Granted, now you have no colour whatsoever. All textures are in black and white. I wish more people engaged in open conversation.
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