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Everything posted by Zzevir

  1. [spoiler] Not working. Well this s not a spoiler just saying. [/spoiler]
  2. Don't be sorry. if you don't understand something you should ask. That's how humans learn. Children's and adult as well. And this is a public forum you are allowed to do as you like (or ask what you like) until you don't brae to forum rules. And it's better to have a topic for that than spilling all over the forum.
  3. What if she beats him to dead with out eye witness? That would count?
  4. I really want to say what I want to say. But I can't. As I would be banned so hard.
  5. https://www.buzzfeed.com/chelseamarshall/what-kind-of-cat-are-you
  6. Challenge exepted https://www.cookinglight.com/recipes/quinoa-bowls-avocado-egg
  7. Is it OK if I make my own skybox? I have a "great" idea.
  8. Summer no explanation needed.
  9. I'm ahead of you. I do pico lines.
  10. You are funny and young. Of course it was rubbish every event like this is boring. Me on the other hand was sleeping and had a great dream. Me being a rich man how had a hook for left hand and there was some girls in skimpy dresses with guns... I think I was a James Bond bad guy. Doing biceps curls with a hook more difficult than you would think. But a rubber band can help.
  11. Ohhh cheese 80 % of my online time is skill gaming. Not a good news. Thank you for your wise words Madame Rat Luv I will do as you advised me.
  12. Madame @Rat Luv When will my true SL love find me. And what can I do to avoid it?
  13. Well why not. Ezékiel 25:16- 17 " 16 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines, and I will cut off the Cherethims, and destroy the remnant of the sea coast. 17 And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them."
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