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Fanta UwU

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Everything posted by Fanta UwU

  1. Hi! Welcome to the Commission Post of Moon.Order The purpose of the commission sheet is for commissioning a exclusive to you, unique item! And it gives me an excuse to make things for others because I really love doing it.. x3 Please note; there is a fee depending on things to cover the costs of uploading. Aka, it depends on colors (how many you want and if you want specular added), and complexity of the item (uploading costs flucuate). Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️ ~~~ Programs Blender 2.79 and 2.8 Avastar GIMP MD (Marvelous Designer 9) ~~~ Accepting Commissions On... Weaponry (unscripted and potentially scripted with poses [maybe a sheath and draw script]) Clothing (Slink Male/Female, Belleza Female/Male, Maitreya, Tonic, Ebody, BBL, Sig Gianni, Sig Alice) Cosmetics (OMEGA and BOM) Will NOT Accept ~ NSFW Things of any nature Prices ~ Clothing/Accessories/Unscripted Weaponry/General Mesh - 50L/hr Cosmetics - 15L/hr Accessory/Weaponry with Pose/Animation - 60L/hr Special Requests such as buildings and fully scripted items can be done, just for a higher $L/hr. ~~~ Queue ~ N/A ~~~ Flickr and Gyazos of Work/Portfolio https://www.flickr.com/photos/162145325@N08/ https://gyazo.com/2f00afb2465fa63ae03bc918196ec708 https://gyazo.com/562ad2734afe51f5bee73be778357cbf The Skirt - https://gyazo.com/ceab9a2a789165dac74068b5ce0c4fc9 ~~~ ~~~ CONTACT Inworld Display and Resident Name - Fantasia (Muiregwen Resident)
  2. I don't know how it'd be less universal as they had said, considering all bodies have the same exact skeleton. The only difference is scale/sliders and WHERE it is rigged. Development Kit/Workbench skeletons in Blender/Maya are different, yes, depending if its a fitmesh skeleton, bento skeleton, etc, etc... It just needs the basic/mandatory bones for it to ACTUALLY be weighted and rigged. For static/unrigged, it doesn't matter whatsoever, you just have to use the attachment point and move it around in edit mode. For your animation problem, I think you, or whoever, that rigged and animated it.. is using the first tailbone. The one closest to the butt/pelvic bones. If you leave that bone alone and animate the rest of that tailbone, you should have no issue with the animation and that sort of movement happening right there. You could try to continue the stubby mesh, but it would have to be a bit longer to be weighted to the second closest to the body tail bone so there would be some movement.
  3. You usually apply for one at the inworld store, which leads you to their website (or you have to search up the website). Except Tonic and eBody where you buy them and you get all of it. eBody being a linden in their inworld location and Tonic is 100L. Alice is apply on Signature's site but they are pretty willing to hand out to new and old designers as I got Alice within fifteen minutes before, same with Gianni and Geralt. Maitreya and Slink and Belleza are harder to apply for, so is Legacy (TMP/The Shops Legacy). I don't have Legacy as I haven't gotten an answer for when I applied in Oct/Nov. There are some other bodies like Eve and Adam (bought? Applied?), Ocacin (which can be bought off MP for 5000L... no thx), and maybe some others, but I haven't met anyone that were into them. Tonic (I actually rp with some folks that love Tonic) and eBody I've seen and heard people were into them, and Alice being one too. As for how the process goes in designing... You open the dae file in blender and export it as an FBX and import into MD and after designing, export it back into an FBX file (and saved with MD's format too as a backup) and import into Blender for rigging.
  4. Thank you all for giving me a more well-rounded view on mesh bodies and what people use! I have a release coming out on March 1st at 3PM SLT at the Infinity Event. It is a skirt for the following bodies. - Maitreya - Tonic - eBody Classic and Curvy - Slink Physique and Hourglass - Belleza Freya, Isis, and Venus - Signature Alice I have yet to create something for the males, but stay tuned for it. Am always willing to grab more dev kits for other mesh bodies. Below is the skirt, worn on Slink HG. It is the black version of the skirt and it has materials enabled aka a specular mapping has been added for additional effects.
  5. Here are two I made and have uploaded! The orb is the very first mesh I made, just something simple. And then this skirt is my first clothing piece I have planned for distribution after many times. The skirt is from Marvelous Designer 9 and rigged in Blender 2.79 for Slink HG and Physique, Tonic, eBody Classic and Curvy, Maitreya, and all three Belleza body (aka freya, venus, and isis) And the orb is solely in Blender 2.79.
  6. I think I get what they mean. A mesh base that is ossibly animated using the bento tail bones as the attachment point or perhaps as above, the pelvis, with flexi fluff down the rest from that mesh attachment, correct? That specifically hasn't been done, just either straight bento, animesh, or flexi tails. You CAN make a mixture of the two, such as mesh hair with flexi prims attached for 'movement' has been done. So it is doable. EDIT: Ooooh, nvm what I said previously. Yeah, flexi tail, as stated, was prebento, so it isn't meant to be attached to the bento tail bone and animated like bento. So I don't think its going to work that well, unfortunately... I mean... Can always try a THIN (Very thin) mesh animated and attached to the tail bone and the thin mesh being covered by flexi prims.
  7. There ARE flexi tails, seen them on some furries or demon avis. My partner has a huge chinese dragon where the tail moves like a flexi. You just have to really look hard for it on MP maybe, since most use bento animated bones for tails so it hides the flexi tails (or I would assume so).
  8. OKAY! FIXED IT! Found the problem! I had APPEND the belleza kit into one file (that being the Slink Kit) and well... for some reason it messed up the belleza rig when I did. (It didn't do it to other appended in files, which is quite odd) So I went into the original file and it worked just fine. So note to self: appending or linking the belleza file into another screws up the rigging and weights.
  9. I have until the 31st to set up the booth in a shopping event, to which setting up starts tomorrow... But including belleza freya, venus, and isis in with ebody, tonic, slink, and alice mesh bodies have proven to be a bit challenging! Yes, theres no Maitreya, my focus is on the less supported bodies... Though Belleza and Slink are included because those are the bodies I wear, and personally, I feel proud of my creations enough so to wear them myself. Belleza Set-Up - https://gyazo.com/fc375f1c1ec47db2fba315f645689f24 How its SUPPOSED to look Inworld (Slink Hourglass, AO mapping colored black [there is multiple colors] with a purple material) - https://gyazo.com/4db09fc57f89acedec7481eb51c219eb The deformity - https://gyazo.com/6276e2018d6bdb71cc13f17a3ae954e7 I have tried rotating to the proper rotation, setting that as the rest pose, NOT having scale and rotation on in Avastar export... I even went through the default Collada exporter but that always deforms my rigged clothing, so of course, using the avastar exporter always... I'm not sure what else to do because the skirt APPEARS fine both in upload viewer and blender... but is deformed when wearing! I thought it was the rotation that was off, as of all the dev kits, its rotated that specific way and not like other dev kits I have. Its also the only one that has an A-Pose! I haven't had this issue in the past, so why is this skirt being so difficult? The other bodies, I've had no deformities with, just with the Belleza. I'm using Avastar 2.0 and Blender 2.79 and the skirt is uploaded from Marvelous Designer 9.
  10. If there are three separate pieces that are not 'joined' into one mesh, it will be 35L for the 'instances'. Meaning any other meshes in one upload which costs 10L each. It looks like three separate meshes, which equals to the 30 or so linden.
  11. From my understanding when I usually get this error is USUALLY a high tris count. In the regular collada export it gets the parsing error, HOWEVER the avastar version of the collada export, I do not get this error. I do get a warning that a high tris count will MAYBE cause problems if its quite high up there in detailed objects. (Like Marvelous Designer clothing... They get quite a high count of tris and vectors) So my understanding is that the triangle, somehow, has a high count of tris and vectors, causing the dae parsing error with the regular collada file. No matter the export settings (aka the defaults, like there is a rigged and unrigged default specifically made for SecondLife.) Do you mind showing us what it looks like in edit mode? If you have the avastar collada exporter, give that a try. It always (in my experience) writes the dae. file in an uploadable way to SL and haven't had an issue with it so far. But thats more of a 'bandaid' and not a 'fix'. Another thing you can try is scaling it down in blender. From the perspective of it, it looks quite massive in relative to the lines Blender has. Bigger than the body dev kits I got, maybe? It might upload quite big when rezzed or worn when it does upload into SL. So that could be another reason, being the triangle is the biggest part of all the objects. How you can do this is pressing A (this selects all of your visible objects) then S (scaling) and you can scale it as small or as big as you want. Worth a shot in trying that?
  12. Jewelry and Accessories are good to bring in and make to start out if you have no dev kits. And to make things easier on you, there is a thing called Avastar to help making clothes for dev kits and all. To which Avastar has the fitmesh model uploaded for everyone to use. (as well as the bento armature). Its not needed but it certainly helps. As for getting Maitreya and Legacy, despite having some cosmetics and accessories up, I haven't heard back from them since like... November when I applied. But for dev kits for clothing... Signature (Alice, Gianni, Geralt) and eBody are handed out freely if applied on their website and you usually get them in at least 15 mins (first time I applied I got it in 15 mins!). eBody you can go to their inworld store, buy the creator kit for 1L and bam, you have it all in a google docs (logos, blender kit, UV mapping, etc, etc). No need for an application! So you can start with ebody and will probably successful due to the lack of support if you use the right tags in MP for it to be easily searchable. Checked Tonic just now, and its not an application but you do buy it in their inworld store for 100L. Which isn't too bad, imo, still no application needed it seems. Not sure on Adam and Eve bodies, have not looked into them much. That's also my 'niche' or 'gimmick' to my store, lmao. Doing the more unsupported bodies such as the ones I listed for you. Not Maitreya or Legacy since they seem to get plenty of support. Am willing to add any other body (such as Eve and Adam perhaps? however). So if you do go that same route of starting off with those bodies that don't have a whole lot of support, there will definitely be people looking into your store and a good market for such.
  13. I do commissions as a SL creative content whatever person, not a 'mesher'.. since I do other than mesh (IE. Cosmetics). Mesher sounds kind of an amateur term anyways, lol. So I wouldn't use that term. Though I also don't have RL college nor job experience of 'meshing'. I am self taught but I do go around asking tips and tricks and etc to improve. I used to do 2D art but lost that passion during college and was lost for a while till I started playing around with blender with creation for people in mind. Which... is the reason why I do commissions because I do enjoy it actually, gives me practice, and if given a challenge, I will work as best to my ability to get it up to reasonable expectations. I gotten quite passionate enough that I'd be willing to return to school to get proper knowledge that don't involve SL! But on my commissions ad, I include my flickr with my vendor ads (which look a little crappy because I don't exactly have photoshop [quite expensive]) and gyazos of my work that I haven't been able to upload due to costs. Because if I don't, like you said, I'm going to look like I'm a scammer! For the 'upfront payment', I kinda do that with a upfront 'fee' because uploading can be kind of expensive depending what they want. They can pay the rest later once I've actually given them the custom work. From what I know, even artist commissions of art websites that do that, will ask for a upfront fee or 'downpayment' (like a percentage of total given beforehand). So its a practice it seems even amongst 2D artists. I probs should work out my pricing a bit due to it being quite low, as with my time being used. But I do it because I enjoy it mostly and not so much for the linden (even though linden is nice xD). That and I'm a semi-beginner, so charging higher up like it being a real job, such as involving my paypal into it, is somewhat unreasonable until I get better at it as I'm learning everyday how to mesh for SL. Like I just figured out how to properly bake an AO map the other day! Lol! Tbh it's just textures and clean UV mapping on mesh I really need to work on. 'Meshing', rigging, and face cosmetics stuff is not really as big of a deal for me since I've been more successful at it than those darn textures (except AO mapping; those are perfectly fine).
  14. Forgot to add but I'm Fantasia (Muiregwen Resident)! For inworld contact.
  15. Hi! I am looking for a patron to donate part of their land (free of charge that is) to open my business inworld and help setup. (I have a skybox from an event that I think would be kinda cool for the store!) I was suggested to look into having a patron to help out with land actually and I thought to ask. My business focuses on the modern and fantasy of high and low levels in clothing, accessories, weaponry, cosmetics, and perhaps more. I also focus on bodies that needs more support. Particularly Slink, Belleza, Signature, Ebody and Tonic. Maitreya is not included, I think they have enough clothing lmao. I prefer the patron who is willing to help be a store owner as well. Is PREFERABLE, but not necessary. If you are a fellow store owner, we can grow together and help improve each other. Though it may be one-sided if you are a successful business with high traffic... Think you're doing something right to not need much feedback from me . Am willing for improvement and help however. ❤️ Thank you and have a nice day. ❤️
  16. Sorry! >.< I did offer that eventually I will help out (or just cover it fully). I am on a path to get a job as barista (or anything that works out really) within the year (I will admit I am in vocational rehabilitation where they help you find a job and coach you through it). But perhaps I will have to wait till I am able to anyways? I don’t have any demos either due to the fact that I can only afford uploading the full. Which most likely lessens sales (I already had a feeling of discouragement about it and had the thought of waiting a few months for said job.). How I get spare money is by doing small tasks (surveys, tasks on phone apps, etc). But it isn’t a stable thing. I’ll look into patrons however, thank you!. That will probably help me more than asking all this (which I hesitated on in thw first place but figured it was worth a shot... As you always see on tattoos; no regerts! Hah!). Had no idea that was an actual thing with it being SL and I assumed renting was everything (I have never seen a space for free unless you count free homes for newbies in one of the helping centers as one). I just figured I needed an inworld store thats searchable to get my stuff out there. Next sale... MAKE DEMOS! Lol, I need to make them anyways. And upload another size of those boots! I claim I support other bodies but its a maitreya boots *rolls eyes* Ah, well. I did make them before fully settling on focusing on other bodies. (That and I made them as a beginning thing >.> I just figured out how to make shoes, thanks to tutorials back then.) My other clothing I made was using hourglass (should really use physique instead as a starting base for resizing!) and gianni. Anyways! Learned a lesson on this lol. But yes, I’ll look into patrons as well and see if anybody is willing to help! ^^ Thank you for that info! Though maybe a PR is still needed to save me from stumbles and awkwardness about my store! Lmao!
  17. Try Aii's Seraph/Angel wings; they come in Small to XL sizes with customization. But it also depends on what you mean by 'small'. Either way, worth a shot. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Mai Tai/128/126/2067
  18. I'm probably going to be seen as a scammer and all by asking this, but... worth a shot? ANYWAYS ~~~ I am seeking out ONE (1) Public Relations Manager that is willing to invest into my business as well. With at least a little experience, please. My business is named Moon.Order and features a wide range of roleplay (RP), high-low fantasy, even delving into modern, clothing, cosmetics, and weaponry and accessories; clothing will be for bodies that have low support. Which... is anything other than Maitreya it seems. So Belleza (potentially all three female and Jake male), Slink (Physique, Hourglass, Male), Signature (Alice, Gianni, and perhaps Geralt). Perhaps Tonic and Ebody included. I also do commissions with reasonable pricing. This is troublesome to have my items include all these bodies, but I am willing to work a bit harder for it and learn. I do this because this is a passion of mine, after discovering traditional art and graphic designing was not for me. I have tried that path and after seeing it was not for me, I got... a little lost. However, with SL in my life and being involved for the past (currently) year ad seven months; meshing has been something I haven't given up on and am willing to continue. I only have an MP store at the moment (I will link below), but I am looking to open an inworld store with somebody to help me out with marketing and exposure to boost sales. I also am seeking out an investor to help me with this inworld store. This is due to not having a RL job quite yet (I am however working on that) so I have a lack of funding. Both for inworld location and uploading new things. Yes, this will be a paid job, for anything that sells, there is a 40% (fluctuating however, depending if there are more investors but I will try to keep a minimum of 10%) royalty for the PR/ Investor I choose to hire. Not only that, but you will access to what I make for free (these will NOT be transferrable however [If demos are given; those will be transferrable]). These could also be 'blogging' 'photo' material to expose my products. The profit sharing will be done by the Caspervend system. (I checked to see if they had profit sharing). The only thing I ask is upkeep of the inworld store (to which I will eventually help pay for; it doesn't have to be an entire sim, can just be 1/4 or a homestead [preferably skybox] of commercial use), opening of a group (which is a 100L fee), and help with uploading costs. Investors that are not involved as PR can pay whatever they wish; no minimum, no maximum amount. Anything above $L5000 will get a cut of the profits however. HOWEVER; I'm limiting investors that are not PR's to ONE (1) or TWO (2) if that amount is donated. This is to make sure the cut of profits in not too high up there. I prefer to keep a 60/40 percentage. or even 60/15 if shared by two (PR and Investor) or 60/10 (Two investor; One PR). ALSO; you, the PR/Investor have the freedom to help me improve by giving me feedback and ideas, both PR and Investors. Textures, clothing ideas, etc, etc. I'm pretty open-minded to what people want and suggest, within reason (I don't do NSFW things however. Like furniture of those kinds and 'strip' clothing or clothing that deliberately shows genitalia.) ~~~ CONTACT ME AT... (IF You are ACTUALLY serious about this, please!) Inworld - Fantasia (Muiregwen Resident) or Contact me through personal messages in the forums. ~~~ Flickr and Gyazos of my Work (so you don't think its a scam... Pardon my atrocious advertisements. If you are seeking to help at all, feel free to give tips and tricks and other things to help me improve!) https://www.flickr.com/photos/162145325@N08/https://gyazo.com/2f00afb2465fa63ae03bc918196ec708https://gyazo.com/562ad2734afe51f5bee73be778357cbf https://gyazo.com/3600fbed966d3090c513d57a06fbefdb https://gyazo.com/78e8c60557b302b19455f82d4194acea ~~~ Marketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/210247 EDIT: More Gyazos of work (albeit unpublished work)
  19. So I made a belt attached (linked to) something. Made a texture and everything. One problem however.. For some reason the linked belt is off from the texture in Blender. ~ Blender - https://gyazo.com/35a021877cf1729f4ebc5adc3b8575c3 SL Beta Grid Upload - https://gyazo.com/54908b73915bac9bac357c9d75206519 ~ I went into edit linked mode like I should, had only one material in blender, unwrapped the UV with seams (albeit I am learning how to CLEANLY texturize and unwrapping UVs), and everything I can think of. I even played with the placement of the texture in SL beta grid. Is this just a fluke of SL, particularly the beta grid, or is there anything I'm missing?
  20. Okay, fixed! Is more readable now ^^
  21. Hi! Welcome to the Commission Post of Moon.Order The purpose of the commission sheet is for commissioning a exclusive to you, unique item! And it gives me an excuse to make things for others because I really love doing it.. x3 Please note; there is a fee depending on things to cover the costs of uploading. Aka, it depends on colors (how many you want and if you want specular added), and complexity of the item (uploading costs flucuate). NOTE: Fee is included in final cost, meaning if you have a fee of 100L and total is 500, the final cost after fees is 400L. (Hopefully that makes sense) Thank you and have a nice day! ❤️ ~~~ Programs Blender 2.79 and 2.8 Avastar GIMP MD (Marvelous Designer 9) ~~~ Accepting Commissions On... Weaponry (unscripted and potentially scripted with poses [maybe a sheath and draw script]) Clothing (Slink Male/Female, Belleza Female/Male, Maitreya, Tonic, Ebody, BBL, Sig Gianni, Sig Alice) Cosmetics (OMEGA and BOM) Will NOT Accept ~ NSFW Things of any nature Prices ~ Clothing (100L to 250) Cosmetics (50L to 100L) Unscripted Modifiable Weaponry (or can be scripted) (depends on how detailed, scripted or not, and how modifiable it is; can be 100L to 500L) ~~~ Queue ~ N/A ~~~ Flickr and Gyazos of Work/Portfoliohttps://www.flickr.com/photos/162145325@N08/https://gyazo.com/2f00afb2465fa63ae03bc918196ec708https://gyazo.com/562ad2734afe51f5bee73be778357cbf ~~~ ~~~ CONTACT Inworld Display and Resident Name - Fantasia (Muiregwen Resident) ~~~ Link to Commission Form on MP https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/MoonOrder-Commissions-Form/18970051
  22. Then what do people mean by 'bento' in companion pets then... if they are not frame animation... I always hear and see it as 'bento companion'. And I figured that would be better in terms of making one instead of animesh due to the limits of animesh being you can only wear one (or two if premium).
  23. How does one go about making a bento animated pet? Do I make mesh the skeleton as usual, deform it, lock joints, and animate it? But then how to a rig it smaller than the SL bento skeleton and be beside the bento skeleton as an attachment or holdable? I haven't found much details on this, hence why I ask! I intend on making a small pet bunny with a sparkly specular map and MAYBE particles as it is a sparkling bunny that emits 'glitter'. Which I'm not quite sure how to go about particles either. Specular mapping, there is a specific texture name and template in Blender 2.79 for this. I have Blender 2.79 and Avastar.
  24. I did include Geralt and Altamura in my count of five, but I forgot about Ex machina David (they just came out with a new head and body combo after all! Saw it on Flickr). Niramyth, I forgot about too... Adam, yes, there is also the Eve body they made too. TMP Legacy, true, both female and male... So that'd make it about 10 which is fairly equal then... Gosh, there is more out there! I'm probably going to include Niramyth as well. And Geralt. But there is still the lack of male clothing out there for the guys! I'll probably do the main bodies as there is a lack of clothing all around in general but include the others as well... Female List of 'Niche' - Hourglass, Physique, Belleza (All Three?), Sig Alice Unfortunately no Legacy as of yet till they email me back. They lack some clothing but its picking up it seems. I might do Tonic too as I heard several people in a Discord like Tonic. Male List of Niche - Jake, Gianni, Slink, Niramyth (need to search them up), and Geralt. Perhaps the David body too? Some research still needed to get those male dev kits!
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