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Charles Blackwood

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Everything posted by Charles Blackwood

  1. This photo tells a beautiful story. It's like you're awaiting a kiss.
  2. I have been tempted to say hello to my neighbours. When I owned a Linden house before I didn't feel the need because there was just too many homes and I felt like a hamster in a cage. I have to be honest that swapping out the house for a houseboat has been really wonderful for me. I am on an island. I am on the water and there seems to be people around. After reading the wonderful responses on this thread I think I am going to venture out and try to get to know the people around me, but I need to finish all the interior and exterior decorating. It would be nice to invite someone over but not if its empty.
  3. I guess there are no takers on the sequel to PONG. I wish my SL ***** would have a mind of its own, like the real life one does sometimes
  4. Death evokes a trembling hands. SEIZE (...the day... for those Mr. Keating fans out there)
  5. It has been know to turn back time, start wars and there are rumours, unsubstantiated mind you, that it can see into the future. And don’t quote me cause I’ll be a dead man, (whisper), it’s the only thing Chuck Norris is afraid of.
  6. Please leave underwear curiously kinked, CUTIE
  7. Sam’s tingling oral relaxation yielded MOANS
  8. I really enjoy reading and playing with words. In real life I am not flirtatious AT ALL unless of course I'm in my super close circle of friends, then I try to take over. I don't flirt or make sexual innuendoes outside of this group because that is how I was raised. I was raised to respect people's private space but also because a joke is not funny unless you are certain people share your silly sense of humour. I majored in literature for this very reason. I couldn't speak a word of English when we immigrated and I went a little overboard trying to catch up. But I am myself in SL. I go to dirty places and clean places. I am open and talk to everybody about anything. But like real life, I often just keep to myself.
  9. Those are very interesting questions and I don't really have an answer except that all of us here at the forum are writers so in that sense we are biased and favour writing, but I don't really think of it as a bias, because in a recording studio we'd be focused on sound. Every single thing we do here is text based and SL itself lends itself beautifully to text based conversations. I use my phone for all kinds of things and I send emails and texts. In world I do all kinds of things and I send texts. I will say that some people love the human voice a lot more than others. I'm very particular myself. If I don't like the sound of a persons voice, the fantasy is destroyed for me. I will use Charlie Chaplin as an example. One of my favourite people in the world. He resisted moving from silent films to talkies because everyone had a different idea of what the Tramp sounded like. He did everything he could to keep that fantasy going, until he directed the Dictator. He thought that standing up to Adolf Hitler was a worthy cause where fantasy could be sacrificed. I really enjoyed this question and this thread in particular. I will go quiet now and listen...
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